"Elder sister, now I finally know why people with white hair don’t like to grow a beard."


"Because of the white beard You look old!"

Hancock's younger sister gave Rayleigh a fiercely look when she said this, unspoken implication, you Old Guy is very old, so don't beat my elder sister. Got an idea.

Rayleigh simply didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

With the concentration of his powerhouse at this level, the charm of Mero Mero no Mi on Hancock really won't affect him.

A big man likes to see beautiful girls, is this wrong? Just take a look, there will be no problems.

Besides, if Shakky is watching him here, he doesn't dare.

After all, Rayleigh is also a person who has experienced winds and waves. In this case, he does not explain a word, because he is very clear, the more he explains, the more chaotic he becomes.

So Rayleigh directly changed the subject and said, "Brother, since you are a warmhearted person, why don't you help me escort these children home, and I will pay you."


From Rayleigh's point of view, since Hailan is a hero who "is brave to do good without leaving a name" as people say, naturally he will not refuse his request.

Shakky also joined the ranks of persuading Hailan.

After all, she and Rayleigh have gone through too many things. She still knows Rayleigh very well, so she won't let it go because of this.

"Don't go!"

Hailan resolutely and decisively rejected Rayleigh and Shakky's request.

He saved people first because of Marine's duty of justice, and secondly, to accumulate identification value.

Even if the Boa three sisters are sent back to their hometown, counting the presence of Elder Nyon Ossa, Rayleigh and Shakky, it is only 6 points of recognition.

Although mosquito legs are also meat, if the time spent catching mosquitoes is spent on catching rabbits, rabbits will eat more meat.

(Even Hancock is such a beautiful girl, don’t you want to protect her?)

Shakky originally wanted to say that.

But considering that Hancock is the successor of the next emperor of Amazon Lily,

some jokes can’t be made too much, so when I came to my lips, I changed it to "These three girls are People from Amazon Lily’s daughter country, but all the people who live there are women, don’t you want to visit, brother?"


Isn’t it a woman? Find someone Seaside tourist resorts, you can feast your eyes on wherever you go.

Dressrosa is not bad, and there are even some enthusiastic little elder sisters.

Shakky squinted his eyes. "The woman who lives in Amazon Lily ・Daughter Country has never beaten a man. I’ve dealt with each other, brother, you are so handsome, you will definitely be welcomed there."

"Don’t wait"

Did she say welcome?

Isn’t popularity the recognition value?

"Oh, since you are so pleading, when will I be obliged to leave?"

The three sisters Boa looked towards Hailan with a weird look, how did this person repeat Impermanent?

Rayleigh and Shakky looked at each other, is it possible that this brat is actually a womanizer?

But it's not right. Shouldn't the erotics hear that Amazon Lily is all women?

even more how, is there any woman who can bear the charm of Hancock?

It is really unpredictable

"When shall we leave?"

Hailan asked actively.

One is to send the Boa three sisters back to Amazon Lily as soon as possible to collect a wave of recognition.

Secondly, as a Marine, Hailan doesn't want to get too involved with "Dark King" Rayleigh. It is better to report this matter to Admiral Sengoku.

"Then now, I will take you to the port!"

Rayleigh got up from his seat and walked out of the bar first.

Of course, Shakky continues to stay in her "ripping bar", because with Rayleigh's escort, Elder Nyon Ossa has no psychological pressure.

"That who"

"Sanda Sonia, you are so rude, how can you call someone the other person? You should call someone else"

On the way, Hancock's second sister Boa Sandasonia suddenly called Hailan.

For these three sisters, Hailan is also puzzled.

Is this really a sister?

The eldest sister is a beauty, and the second sister seems to be a boa constrictor. The Third Sister is alive and well. It’s a meat mountain.

Although it is a bit impolite to think about others this way, it’s really spicy. Eyes!

"What's your name?"

Sundarthonia blinked playfully, staring at Granny New next to her.


Elder Nyon Ossa was also stunned.

Yes, this "iron-legged float on the water" seems to have not said his name yet.

"My friend, what is your name"


"Marine? Where is it?"

Elder Nyon The three sisters Osa and Boa panicked.

Although they didn't do anything bad, the three sisters Boa are Celestial Dragon's slaves and Celestial Dragon's private property!

When they were discovered by Marine, they must be arrested and returned!

Everyone followed the prestige, only to see a rustically dressed man wearing a Gold Chain gold ring was yelling at Hai Lan.

It is the Auction House Boss under "cheat" Smith, Smith Parker!

"Are you Marine?"

Rayleigh looked towards Hai Lan's gaze also became vigilant.

Is the current Marine already terrifying so? In order to capture the slave, have you started to use undercover tactics?

"Hehe, I said that that person is framing me, Senior, do you believe it?"

"Who is idle on hehe street and framing you?"

Hailan and Rayleigh looked at each other and smiled awkwardly at each other.

Rayleigh swept Hailan's abdomen with a whip.

Although the crew of Roger Pirates will not kill people under the overwhelming majority situation, they are still very ruthless.

At least, let the other party lose the combat capability, right?

Aurora limit dodge!

At the moment when Rayleigh's eyes became slightly sharp, Hailan had already used Seimei Kikan's skills to maximize his abilities, instantly becoming particles.

Rayleigh kicked Busoshoku Haki's kick against the particleized Hailan, just like kicking a cloud of water mist, except for kicking the colorful particles around and floating around, it didn't hit the sea at all. Lan caused substantial damage.

The scattered aurora particles gathered together to form Hailan's figure, Hailan immediately distanced himself from Rayleigh.

"Logia Devil Fruit Ability User is really tricky"

Rayleigh couldn't help but admire Hailan. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Although he didn't use his full strength just now, he can avoid the Rayleigh attack in a flash elemental transformation in advance. It is definitely not simple.


The six-handled Aurora Sword instantly appeared beside Hailan, and began to slowly rotate around Hailan like an energy shield.

Hailan grabbed one of them, thoughts move, and Aurora Sword turned into a big axe, and Hailan swiped it towards Rayleigh's forehead.

"Hurry up and go back to the bar"

Elder Nyon Ossa is like an old hen protecting a chick, and hurriedly greeted the three sisters Boa to run back.

The three Boa sisters are already scared, they don't want to be captured by Marine back to Mariejois!


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