"Holy Land Mariejois! Invaded by a criminal... The intruder is Fishman Pirate, Fisher Tiger!"

Admiral Sengoku standing at the conference table At the forefront, a bounty order was posted on the wall.

On the bounty order, a Red Fishman is wearing a light green sailor hat on top of his head, with thick black hair and beard.

Fisher Tiger, bounty gold 230 million Beli, life or death!

Tiger’s bounty order was directly issued by the World Government to Marine Headquarters, and the marine party’s opinion was not consulted for the formulation of the bounty gold.

Because this time, the World Government is really angry.

Sengoku stood at the front of the conference table and said, "It is said that this Pirate climbed to the top of the Red Line continent with bare hands and infiltrated the Holy Land Mariejois where Celestial Dragon lived alone. He not only set fire everywhere, but even Thousands of Mariejois slaves were also let go. Regardless of the law and of natural morality, the crime is extremely heinous!"

Since most recently, many major events have been hosted by Admiral Sengoku, Fleet Admiral Kong only at critical moments Make some decisive comments.

Obviously, Fleet Admiral Kong has deliberately increased Admiral Sengoku's prestige and cultivated his command ability in Marine.

"Mariejois’ peace represents the majesty of the World Government. As Marine, we must not only maintain the majesty of the World Government, but also crack down on all illegal and criminal activities. Pirate Fisher Tiger, regardless of life or death, must be caught Arrested!"

Although it is a military meeting, it is different from the past. The meeting at this time is more like Admiral Sengoku's own speech.

Because there is nothing to discuss about Pirate, who dares to provoke the World Government openly. The World Government has only one goal: kill!

Even if it is captured alive, it is only for public execution after being captured.

"Borsalino, you go and lead people to investigate the whereabouts of this Fisher Tiger..."

"Sakazuki, you go to the New World G1 branch first, don’t let the Pirates of New World Let’s make trouble in the first half..."

"Kuzan, the law and order in the first half is up to you..."

"Momonga, take someone to catch those who escaped."



Sengoku sent down combat instructions one by one.

This time, even Marine Headquarters has no way to ignore Celestial Dragon's orders.

Thousands of slaves are too many, even if they turn a blind eye, they have to catch thousands back.

However, the generals in the headquarters naturally have their own solutions, such as grabbing some Pirate top packages...

The meeting gathers quickly and ends quickly.

Back to her army, Hailan was seeing Fishman soldiers being isolated.

And Wagner is reprimanding the soldiers who run on Fishman.

"You did a good job."

Hailan was nodded to Wagner.

The laws of the World Government are actually quite human in some respects.

Except for people like Gol D. Roger who attempted to subvert the World Government and was convicted of the "heinous criminals" by the World Government, others who have committed crimes will not be jointly and severally liable under normal circumstances.

Otherwise, relying on the power gap between the World Government and Fishman Island, this kind of thing happened, and the World Government would have killed the Fishman long ago.

"After the trouble of Fisher Tiger, this sea will become more chaotic again, but this is also an opportunity for you. Go to the sea and use actual combat to exercise yourself."


Hailan patted Wagner's shoulder: "Do what you can."

Wagner nodded, Buggy hurriedly asked: "Sir, where are you going? Are you not with us?"


"I have a lot of other things to do, so don't ask more."

After explaining some trivial matters, Hailan flew back to the residential area behind the headquarters.

Hailan changed into plain clothes,

talked to Zephyr Koala separately, and then turned into a stream of light and flew to the distant sea.


North Blue, Donquixote Family.

After seeing the news that Mariejois was set on fire by a Fishman and successfully released thousands of slaves, Doflamingo laughed happily.

He was not happy because the slaves were liberated, but because Celestial Dragon was sapped by Fishman.

As a member of the Donquixote Family in Celestial Dragon, when Doflamingo killed his father and tried to return to Mariejois but was refused, he hated the so-called "Celestial Dragon."

The current Doflamingo really wants to pull the group of Celestial Dragons who claim to be "descendants of the gods" from the altar, let himself sit on the only throne, and then step on the others fiercely under their feet.

The pain of Celestial Dragon is the happiness of Doflamingo.

"This is an opportunity. The slaves of those idiots have been let go. They will definitely acquire a large number of slaves. The'cheat' Smith of Chambord will also further expand the purchase of slaves, and we , You can find a chance to get rid of him.

Saini Oro, what do you think of that black cat?"

"Is a man who is quite a man."

"I'm not asking you about this..."

"He is a ruthless man, he is decisive, courageous and conspiring, but his strength is of course worse than that of Young Master. Far, um... worse than cheat."

"That's good, UU reading www.uukanshu.com only powerhouse is qualified to control the game, and the weak can only be obediently and honestly. A pawn."

The pawn in Doflamingo's hand fell and easily defeated Trebol, who was opposite him.

Looking at the layouts on the international chessboard, Luo not far away felt very confused: Is it Trebol making Doflamingo? Or is Trebol just so stupid?


Grand Line.

"Look at what I found? A handsome and innocent guy. If this is sold to those officials and wives, it can be sold for a lot of money."

After the nasty conversation, Hai Lan was tied to a slave ship.

Don’t think that in Sabaody Archipelago, only aristocratic masters will buy maid slaves. Strong or handsome men also have a lot of rich wives to buy them. Some more unrestrained wives will even scream when they see beautiful boys. Sound, and the maid and the beautiful boy are basically the same.

Hailan can't get along with Mei Nan. He is not the chief governor of Zhou Yu, but he is also quite good.

When the Pirates took Hailan to the lower cabin and were about to stuff it into the partition, Hailan broke free of the rope suddenly, grabbed a sailor's knife, and went with the Pirates on the slave ship. Fight together.

The action is very big, even the slaves in the cabin can hear the sound of fighting outside. The desperate slave immediately stared wide-eyed, hoping that who can come to rescue them.

To do good deeds without leaving a name is **, to do good deeds with a name is Hailan.

Yes, Hailan acted alone this time. In addition to being inconvenient to do with a large force, another purpose is to collect the "identity value" of the civilians.


The third correction code, but it may be after 0 o’clock...

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