"It's Hailan Captain!"

Lieutenant Buggy's nose and tears. I don't know if it is because of excitement or fear. It is estimated that he will be sick in this life. It may not be changed.

"Lieutenant Buggy, you lead the Battleship to chase down another Pirate Ship; Major Wagner, the fallen Pirate is left for you and your people!"


Hearing Hailan's order, the Marines on the Battleship quickly became busy in an orderly manner.

Whether it is Hailan or Kizaru, although they are both Devil Fruit Ability Users of the "light system", they are far from reaching the real speed of light because their bodies cannot bear it.

Just like Luffy's Gomu-Gomu No Mi, Luffy himself is still relatively weak, and the "second block" that improves his strength in all aspects is a skill that hurts the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred.

So according to his Devil Fruit characteristics, Hailan optimized his abilities.

When he uses "Aurora Sword", whenever Aurora Sword flies in one direction, it will leave a short streamer path. If he moves along this path, Hailan will greatly improve his movement The speed is almost the same as flashing.

And this is why there will be an Aurora Sword in front of the Battleship first, and then the silhouette of Hailan will appear.

With six Aurora Swords, within a certain range, Hailan can instantly change its position in six different directions.

This is just the initial development stage of Aurora Fruit, just as his electric field perception range can continue to be developed and expanded, when Hailan’s control ability allows him to divide the color of the spectrum in more detail. , Twelve, twenty-four... all this is not just a dream.

"Devil Fruit Ability User?"

As soon as Hailan appeared at the end of the streamer, Moria had already determined that the opponent was a Devil Fruit Ability User.

"The Devil Fruit of the light system? It's ridiculous, I want to see light and shadow, who is the Sovereign of this World!"

"Shadow Master!"

Following Moria's order, black's spear of shadows instantly condensed into a black shadow exactly like Moria.

The dark shadows come alive, just like Moria’s Avatar, even more powerful than Moria himself, because he can transform into a flying bat at any time, just like the elemental transformation of Logia Ability User.

But before Moria had time to make a move, his expression was frozen on his face.

Under the black night, a dazzling sword light rose to the sky, slashing towards the large Pirate Ship led by Moria.

This sword seems to penetrate the world, not only splitting the thick fog blocking Hailan, but also cutting out a white waterline in the sea below!

Who said that only Jianhao can release sword aura?

The vacuum chopping released by "Rankyaku" in Marine Rokushiki, the formidable power is not weaker than the sword aura of any swordsman, and it will only appear slightly in front of those who are respected by the world. A touch of bleakness.

Since even the feet can tear the air and kick out the vacuum chopped waves out of thin air, let alone the "Aurora Sword" in Hailan's hands?

In fact, in this World, similar styles have a unified name, and they are called "flying slash".

Sword aura and vacuum chopping are just two different ways of expression.

The sword light is like snow and cold as frost, as if it can cut off everything blocking in front of it.


The unpredictable Moonlight Pirates has no way to stop Hailan’s overbearing sword light. With only a harsh tearing sound, Moria’s Pirate Ship was completely cut in half from beginning to end!

This time, even the need for repairs is completely eliminated.


The large Pirate Ship divided into two began to sink to the bottom of the sea, and even within the scope of the shipwreck, a vortex with a naked eye recognizable has been formed.

Countless Pirates cried and struggled in the vortex, and the Fishman troops led by Wagner were monitoring the periphery,

never missed any Pirate that might have survived.

"Hateful Marine..."

As a "shadow fruit" Ability User, Moria can switch positions with his shadow at any time, and his shape moves with his heart, silently.

But all this is within the monitoring range of the Kenbunshoku electric field in Hailan.

The five Aurora Swords of different colors instantly caught up with Moria and surrounded him like five bright meteors.

Yangred's Aurora Sword sword hilt suddenly appeared a big hand, and the bright aurora condensed the figure of Hailan behind Moria.

"I promised the dead soldiers...those who killed them, none of them can be missing!"

"When are you...?"



A beam of red rays of light flashed across Moria's body, and Moria's clothes and flesh were instantly torn open a horrible to see wound.

Red! purple! yellow! green! blue!

The six colors represent the different sword light of Six Paths!

The high-energy charged ion currents bound by the magnetic field have strong cutting ability. Even more how to hold them is Hailan who is proficient in Rokushiki.

Moria didn't even have time to make any resistance. He had already left the wound of Six Paths horrible to see on his body and completely lost the ability to move.

His strongest style-gather all the shadows in his body to strengthen himself, even before he can use it.

In Hailan's view, any one-on-one battle with unequal strength, UU reading www.uukanshu.com only takes more than ten minutes, and there is definitely one party releasing the water.

"Blood debt...Blood payment!"

The six-handled Aurora Sword combined into a white long sword, like a snowy sword light flashed, Moria's long neck divided into two, his chubby body without its head fell like a heavy weight to the sea below, leaving only a high wave.

Hailan's right hand loosened, and the white Aurora Sword once again turned into a six-handed Flying Sword and flew to the sea below.

Hailan was floating in the air, and the Marine Justice Coat was hunted and hunted by the overcast wind of the Devil’s Triangle Sea Territory.

The six-handed Aurora Sword ruthlessly strangled Pirate who fell into the water under the lock of the Kenbunshoku electric field of Hailan. The Fishman soldier who was originally left here at this brief moment became a spectator.

"Being next to Sir like this, I feel that our actions will be much easier in the future..."

Fishman soldiers standing on a few boards on the sea Hailan is looking enviously in the sky.

Wagner, who said nothing, became more determined in his heart: "As long as he is strong enough, then his soldiers don't need to make unnecessary sacrifices!"

In the distance, Hachi and Brook had gradually approached the place where they were fighting because they were attracted by the skyrocketing fire when the Buggy bomb exploded.

"Who is that man..."

Brook gradually calmed down and stopped making a fuss about nothing and shouting "God", presumably that man should Like myself, I am also a Devil Fruit Ability User.

Because Hailan has actively exposed his abilities, Hachi certainly doesn't have to pretend to be dumb.

"That person... is our Hailan Sir!"




Third Volume: My Sir, over.

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