" Dongdong dong!"

"Plaintiff Hailan, this is the court, please pay attention to your words."

I feel it Hai Lan's tone was a bit fierce, and Kong Ming knocked the hammer at the right time.

"Sorry Sir, I am excited."

Hailan took a deep breath, and his tone returned to calm.

"Onigumo, do you think you are the same type of person as Sakazuki Vice Admiral?"

Onigumo looked straight ahead, with pride written on his face: "Yes!"

Hailan walked out of the plaintiff's seat and walked to Onigumo's side: "But I think you are completely different from Sakazuki Vice Admiral."

Onigumo retorted: "Why are we different?"

This is also a question that the precognition on the jury is curious about. In his opinion, Onigumo and Akainu belong to the radical Marine.

If it is simply divided, Marine can be divided into three sects.

The radicals represented by Akainu, the moderates represented by precognition, and the middle set up Sect represented by Kizaru.

But in fact, this is just the character division of Marine generals. They did not form a group into three factions-because there is only one headquarters Admiral, Sengoku of "Buddha".

The next Marine Fleet Admiral must be Sengoku, so it doesn't make any sense to stand in groups or not.

Regarding Onigumo's rebuttal, Hailan first replied: "Sakazuki Vice Admiral executed deserters, and you died in your hands. As far as I know, there seem to be few deserters?"


"Disturb the morale of the military, the following crimes, the crime is the same as a deserter!"

"Okay, then let's see how the soldier who was killed by you disturbed the military's morale, and pass on witness No. 2... "

"Long... Sirs... hello... I am one of Onigumo Rear Admiral..."

The soldier in Marine uniform shivered Hey, he has never faced so many great characters at the same time.

Fleet Admiral Kong on the presiding bench encouraged him: "Don't worry, just say it boldly. As long as you are telling the truth, no one can make any threats to you."

"On that day, Onigumo Rear Admiral received a signal from the G9 branch..."

The soldier trembled and narrated his experience at that time. In the end, he was thrown into it. The situation when Onigumo shot the corporal chief was almost perfectly restored, and finally broke into tears: "Fleet Admiral Kong, Admiral Sengoku, please must call the shots for my brother, he is really not a deserter..."


"Pass on Witness No. 3..."


Sengoku looked towards Hai Lan: "This strange Isn’t your soldier Buggy on your boat? It’s by this name?"

"It's him."

Hailan then explained: "Because of some special reasons , The person concerned can’t show up. I’ve already applied to staff Kong Ming for this, and Buggy will replace the witness.”

The three people in the presiding bench had a brief conversation, and Sengoku announced: "Let's go on."

Buggy calmed down for a while, and then said: "Statement, what I said are the original words of Sergeant Kate, and do not represent my opinion. First of all, you know why I am Do you want to participate in Marine?"

The court was quiet for a while, I don’t know what the hell is happening with this red nose.

It was Garp who suddenly laughed: "hahaha, why?"

"Before joining Marine, I was just a fisherman, my parents were alive, and my life was ordinary. Suddenly one day, A group of Pirates came up to the town.

Originally, after everyone handed in their family property, the Pirates promised to let us go. But the accident happened at this time. Just before Pirate left, they suddenly I shot and killed my father.

My father did nothing, he just walked out of his house as usual.

I asked Pirate, why?

Unexpectedly, those Pirates laughed and said: We just want to practice marksmanship.

Because of this, I joined Marine and vowed to destroy Pirate."

When the people in the court didn’t know what Buggy wanted to say when he told this story on Kate’s behalf, Buggy changed the conversation: "But the most unexpected thing happened. The same thing happened to Onigumo Rear. Admiral’s Battleship.

Without warning, Onigumo Rear Admiral killed the captain. What is the difference between his behavior and Pirate?"

"What did you say? !"

Onigumo was furious, and Buggy hurriedly fled the courtroom.

The scene was quickly brought under control.

Onigumo said angrily: "They are all slander!"

Hailan got up: "For someone like you who Great Pirate doesn't dare to catch, and Pirate doesn't bother to catch it, how can you pay for it? Need to slander?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Didn't you ask me what is the difference between you and Sakazuki Vice Admiral? Well, I will tell you now!"

"Every time Sakazuki Vice Admiral meets Pirate, he will be in front of everyone; and when you meet zombie Pirate, where are you? You hold a pistol on the Battleship and force your men down towards them Comrades fired!"

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral killed deserters who lost their armor and armor, but what you shelled was a heroic soldier who was fighting with the zombie Pirates!"


"Whether it is Great Pirate or Little Pirate, Sakazuki Vice Admiral chose to kill to the last one when facing Pirate; and what about you? Hundreds of Pirates on Whiskey Peak. Body, you have not even determined whether the Marines on the island are dead or alive!"

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral..."


Akainu suddenly shouted loudly, and UU read www.uukanshu.com and the court became quiet.

"Are you trying him or me?"

Standing up, Akainu turned and left.

"Hey, Sakazuki..."

"Don't worry about him, let him go."

Zephyr and Fleet Admiral Kong on the bench Eye contact for a moment prevented what the precognition was about to say.

Onigumo was dumbfounded.

He thought he and Sakazuki Vice Admiral should belong to the same category.

But didn't expect Sakazuki Vice Admiral to abandon him.

In fact, Akainu is not as unreasonable as precognition in mind thinks. Under Akainu, there are also many dovish school officers, such as T Penn, a caring subordinate that is almost sickly. The gentle Sir.

This is also the reason why Hailan is so confident in the judgment this time, because he knows very well that when all the evidence and witnesses are put on the table, no one will protect Onigumo.

Onigumo, who has nothing to say, has been taken away, and the rest is about how to convict Onigumo.

After all, this is the first internal incident that Sora has encountered since he came to power, and Onigumo’s Rear Admiral identity was also accumulated by his own merits, little by little.

The generals present here each expressed some of their opinions. Just when Kong Ming, Kong, and Sengoku were preparing to convict Onigumo, Hailan raised his hands.

Fleet Admiral Kong has a serious face: "Hailan Commodore, do you have any different opinions?"

"I don’t know if Sir Sir here is interested in listening. What about the parties’ opinions?"

"What do you mean?"

"Soul Evocation!"

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