The ability of Kizaru Pika Pika no Mi will become a photon after elemental transformation, and the ability of Hailan Aurora Fruit will become a kind of high-energy charged particle after elemental transformation.

Different from Kizaru鈥檚 "Kusanagi", the weapon that Hailan holds in his hand is like the Buddha's radiance sword, not Kizaru鈥檚 "light saber", but a high energy constrained by a magnetic field. The charged ion current is essentially closer to the "light saber" used by the Danger Land warriors in the planet war.

However, Hailan did not name the weapon in his hand literally "Plasma Sword", a name that ordinary people would not understand. He just chose a simple and crude name-Aurora Sword, Aurora. sword.


The Pirates in the tavern were shocked by the bloody scene at the door. Several Pirates were divided with one sword. The one Marine who came here is probably A great swordsman!

"Give you 30 seconds, everyone will hold their heads and squat in front of the bar."

Regarding the threat of the cold Marine, no Pirate chose to follow suit.

They are thinking about how to escape from each other's hands, and some of the courageous are even considering whether they can defeat the Marine by numbers.

Hailan did not choose to kill these Pirates immediately because they are still useful for the time being.

But he didn't announce the countdown for them either, so he blocked the door with a green Aurora Sword.

"It seems that someone has made the wrong choice..."

A few seconds later, the electric field that Hailan unfolded felt that someone behind the tavern was planning to escape.

He casually threw the green Aurora Sword in his hand in that direction. The wooden wall was like paper paste in front of the stream of high-energy charged particles, easily pierced, and then came the tavern. Pirate's screams from behind.

The Aurora Sword with green rays of light even left a green streamer on the flight path, just like a meteor passing by in the night sky.

Hailan's right hand lifting grabbed the void, and a blue Aurora Sword appeared in his hand in an instant.

Hailan did not deliberately change the color of the weapon.

If there is no detailed division, the colors of the aurora can be briefly divided into six types for the time being: red, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink.

Hailan separates these six colors, allowing him to control six aurora weapons at the same time.

Although he does not have six hands, just like precognition can control several ice crystal weapons at the same time, Logia Devil Fruit Ability User can manipulate elements at will with his mind.

"My lord, please don't kill me, I am actually a Pirate Hunter..."

A Pirate was terrified by Hailan's powerful sword technique and weird ability, scared witless The ground rushed to Hai Lan repeatedly begging for mercy.

"I know."

Hailan is nodded. Through the "eavesdropping" function of the electric field, he has completely figured out the layout of the personnel in the tavern and their true identities.

But there are always Pirate who does not understand the complete truth trying to fish in troubled waters. They also follow the Pirate Hunter to beg Hailan for mercy, but they are mercilessly divided on the spot by the sharp Aurora Sword.

After 30 seconds, except for 2 Pirate Hunters and 7 Pirates who hugged their heads and squatted in front of the bar, there were no other living people in the tavern.

Under the supervision of Hailan, the Pirates cautiously put down Marine's body nailed to the cross at the entrance of the tavern.

"You two, go find a stretcher to carry him."

"The others lead the way, and find out all the places you know where Marine's body is located!"

Not only the Pirates who dare not complain, even the two Pirate Hunters disguised as Pirate did not dare to say a word, because even the people who are least good at observing words and colors can still Feel the raging anger of that Marine Sir.


This is the first half of the Grand Line, an island called "Little Garden".

There are seven routes in the first half of the Grand Line, and Whiskey Peak is the fourth route in the middle.

Starting from Reverse Mountain, choose the fourth route. First, you will come to Whiskey Mountain. When the magnetism of the recording pointer is full, the next island is Little Garden.

But few people choose this route, because Little Garden鈥檚 magnetism takes a whole year to fill up.

"Damn, are we trapped on this ancient island?"

A Marine with ragged clothes resists the urge to break the only record pointer in his hand , Could not help but cursed.

His name is Clark, and he is a watchman on Major Wagner鈥檚 ship.

Unlike ordinary watchmen, Clark is a watchman who specializes in serving snipers. At that time, he was the first Marine to spot Onigumo's Battleship.

Because of the influence of various film and television works and games, perhaps in everyone's mind, sniper is a lonely profession.

But in reality, overwhelming majority snipers will be equipped with a t-watchman next to them.

Because of work reasons, snipers need to always pay attention to the sniper scope and be highly focused.

So at this time, the role of the watchman is reflected. They are the second pair of eyes of the sniper. They can observe the enemy in the distance, report the environmental parameters, and can also remind the sniper at all times. When necessary, the watchmen will also pick up conventional weapons to provide guards for the snipers in the dangers around them. UU reading www.

And these are Clark鈥檚 work.

After Onigumo chose to bombard the battlefield, the Marines who were attacked on their backs had no choice but to fight each other in embarrassment.

Clark was lucky enough to be rescued by a Fishman soldier and taken to this island called "Little Garden", but his partner sniper died in chaos.

"Udi, can't you swim to other islands?"

There is also a human soldier and two Fishman soldiers who live in Little Garden with Clark.

Udi is one of Fishman's names.

"Don't be kidding, although we Fishman are very good at swimming, but we did not record the pointer and the chart. Where do you want us to swim?"

"You can go anywhere, right? As long as you can find an island where people live, all problems will be solved."

"Have you forgotten that the two giants said that there is a huge goldfish that can eat the island near the Sea Territory? I don鈥檛 want to be that kind of monster鈥檚 food."

"You guys don鈥檛 quarrel, the image Den Den Mushi is dead..."

"That's it!"

Clark and Udy rushed over, only to see their comrades laughing and looking at them.

This guy will not be mad, right?

"But, the photo was rescued."

" this bastard..."

Several people finally sighed in relief .

At that time, Clark, who realized that something was wrong, gave up his observation and recording of the battlefield, and turned his attention to Battleship.

I just thought that one day, I could have a chance to take down Onigumo.

"Can you just rely on these photos?"

"I don't believe it, all the soldiers on the Onigumo ship are devoted to him."

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