"You are all going to hold on for a while, let me see what happens."

It has been almost three years since the Marine branch has been transferred to Marine Headquarters, and Wagner is now Have mastered the "shaved", "Geppo" and "Tekkai" in Marine Rokushiki.

From the coast to the Battleship, you don’t even need one minute of time.

"Stop it all!"

The Wagner who boarded the Onigumo Battleship yelled first. When he saw the principal in the Marine justice coat, he was really impressed. When Onigumo Rear Admiral, Wagner hurriedly declared himself: "I am Major Wagner of Marine Headquarters, you are Onigumo Sir?"

Onigumo's stern face didn't have a hint of warmth: "It's me."

Wagner hurriedly asked: "Sir, there are dozens of Marine soldiers on the island, please stop the shelling first!"

Onigumo explained slowly: "If there is a zombie because of the stop of shelling Run away, are you worthy of the word justice behind you?"

Wagner argued for reason: "Sir, those zombies are actually not capable. Any soldier can chop up ten, and the most difficult thing is their boss. , A Pirate with an onion head like a demon. As long as you can defeat the pirate captain, all these problems can be solved."

"Are you ordering me?"


"Then you are questioning my decision?"

"No...Sir, I am not questioning you, I It’s just to provide you with information that you haven’t learned yet."

Seeing that Wagner is not anxious, Onigumo did not continue to embarrass him, but changed the conversation: "That Pirate, of course, I will destroy him by myself. ..."

Wagner thought that Onigumo had been persuaded by himself, but before he was happy, he heard Onigumo continue to say: "But the shelling will never stop!"


Wagner felt that he could not reason with Onigumo at all. Had Hailan taught him not to contradict Sir, he would have acted on Onigumo a long time ago.

"But is it necessary now?"

"For justice, every Marine soldier must make the consciousness to sacrifice for justice at any time!"


The shelling continued. Without Onigumo's order, no one dared to stop the shelling privately, given the corps commander who was shot.

The continuous rumbling sound in the ear finally ignited Wagner's anger: "Then you don't sacrifice yourself? Is it fun to watch here?"

"What did you say? "

"With this effort, tell me, as a headquarters Rear Admiral, you have already defeated that onion!"

Onigumo was furious. , "Follow, courting death!"

Wagner ignored Onigumo, he was going to destroy the cannon on the Battleship by himself.

But when he has just been a major headquarter, how could he be the opponent of the veteran headquarter Rear Admiral Onigumo. As soon as his right foot stepped on the side of the ship, Onigumo hit the back with a single knife, "oh la la "Fell into the sea with a sound.

"The demon words confuse the crowd, disturb the morale of the military, commit the following crimes, ignore the military order, a capital crime!"


10,000 meters under the sea, Fishman Island.


The identification value in the System suddenly dropped by dozens of points, which made Hailan feel a little surprised.

Although people are fickle, and the identity value in the system is always rising and falling, but it rarely happens that it falls by dozens of points at the same time.

"Does anyone speak ill of me behind my back? Prince, the idiot of Magnetic Drum Island?"

Scratching his head, Hai Lan started to think of the idea of ​​publishing comics in his mind. .

This is how things are.

Previously, Hailan told Jinbe that even "adventurers under the banner of Pirate" would lead the children down the path of evil, so he did not allow the escaped Tiger to form Pirates.

So the question is, since children are easily affected,

why don’t you want to establish a positive image for Marine?

Just now, Koala, who returned from playing with Buggy, said to Hailan: "Since the Fishman Island 10,000 meters below the seabed is real, Skypiea 10,000 meters above the sea should also be real, right?"

These words of Koala reminded Hailan. He is already a Logia ・Aurora Fruit Ability User. Isn't it a matter of with no difficulty to go to 10,000 meters high in the sky?

When it comes to Skypiea, Hai Lan thinks of a North Blue comic-"The Big Liar Nola De", and this comic has a particularly deep influence.

At the end of the comic, Nola De did not find the Golden Country, and lied that the Golden Country had gone to heaven. Then the Golden Country that Nola De said was Skypiea?

If Skypiea does exist, Hailan can contact the "Big News" Morgans of the "World Economic News Agency" to subvert the story of "The Big Liar Nola De" as a selling point and let Morgans publish it Some stories about "Nola de adventure group".

In the story, Marine and the adventurer are portrayed as two very different positive images, with Pirate as the villain. In this way, even if the children don’t like the serious and rigid Marine, they can imitate "Nola De "Adventure group" set up their own adventure group, at least, this will greatly reduce the probability of them setting up the Pirate flag.

Seeing that there are new money-making ideas, Buggy wants to say that he has been to Skypiea, which can prove the existence of Skypiea.

But after all, he was talking to Pirate King Roger at the beginning, this is not easy to explain.

In the face of money and safety, Buggy chose the latter this time.

"Creating stories? I'm good at it!"

But letting Buggy just give up the opportunity to make money, he is still a little bit unwilling to give up.

Buggy ran into Hailan twice, and happened to be bragging about making up stories in public.

"Do you still make up stories?"

Thinking of Buggy's character and performance, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Hailan feels that this big red nose does have an artistic innate talent: "Okay, as long as you don't delay your serious work, when the time comes, you can discuss with the news agency."

Buggy rubbed his chin and smiled...

I stayed on Fishman Island for a few more days. After Jinbe finished dealing with Fishman Island and resigned from the Sea King army, Hai Lan returned to the ground with Jinbe.

But before he could apply for the position of Marine Instructor for Jinbe, he received news from the headquarters:

[Pirate "Moonlight Moria" in the first half of the Grand Line Whisky Peak Has encountered Marine Headquarters Major Wagner, Rear Admiral Onigumo.

Moonlight Moria first defeated the troops led by Major Wagner, and then escaped from Rear Admiral Onigumo's pursuit with the "zombie troops" as bait.

Major Wagner led all Marine to sacrifice, and all Marine soldiers expressed their silence;

Rear Admiral Onigumo is still hunting down "Moonlight Pirates" after destroying zombie Legion.

Now bounty "Moonlight Moria", 180 million Beli, regardless of life or death. 】


Seeing Hailan didn't speak for a long time, Hachi scratched the back of the head: "That..."

Buggy is in a hurry I covered Hachi’s mouth from behind: "You shut up!"

"Hush...Don’t you see that Commodore’s expression is a bit wrong?"

Even Koala didn't dare to speak out, she had never seen such an expression on Hailan's face in these years.

Emotional fluctuations will trigger a chain reaction of Logia Devil Fruit Ability User.

The unstable stream of high-energy charged particles burned the files in Hailan's hands to ashes.

Hailan looked towards the vast sea, and squeezed a few words from his teeth: "Blood debt...Blood payment..."

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