Hailan and Jinbe were laughed, you said a word to me, and heard the Sea King army completely dizzy.

It didn’t take long for Jinbe to take Hailan to another location alone. The enthusiastic Fishman Island sent a few free tour guides to lead the Marines-because of Hailan’s decision, some Fishman joined Marine, this also deterred the arrogance of fishman island traffickers to a certain extent.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to catch Fisher Tiger."

After confirming that there is no one around using the Polar Light Field, Hailan opened the topic bluntly.

"I believe what you say."

Jinbe's expression also became serious: "But what are you here for?"

"Koala, do you remember?"

"Remember, we both said hello just now."

Jinbe felt very pleased when he thought of Koala now lively. .

Hailan nodded: "I originally thought that because of the slave, Koala's young heart would become distorted, either mentally broken, lifeless all day long, or distorted in character and embarked on an extreme path. But you also see By the time, the current Koala is normal, there is nothing unusual."

"The child can become like this, I am very impressed by the next."

Hailan suddenly changed his words. "But what about Tiger?"


"Your Big Brother Tiger, is he full of sunshine and vigor like Koala now?"

Jinbe couldn't help but froze.

After contact in the last few days, Jinbe has noticed that the originally optimistic and cheerful Big Brother Tiger has become preoccupied, and his body always gives people a sense of danger.

Hailan noticed the change in Jinbe’s face. Since Jinbe did not speak, he continued to explain: "Fishman traveler Fisher Tiger, I am not interested in his previous experience. I am not here to replace him. Celestial Dragon catches him back.

But if your big brother Tiger hates humans because of his experience and embarks on the path of Pirate, then don’t blame me for being ruthless."

Jinbe replied without even thinking about it: "Impossible! Big Brother Tiger is not that kind of person!"

"The adventurer under the banner of Pirate won't work either!"

No Hailan Akagami Shanks was taken away not because Akagami's behavior was different from other Pirates, but because he couldn't take Akagami at the time.

A stable society may be able to tolerate the underworld under the banner of a formal company, but it must never allow the existence of a serious company under the banner of a underworld.

Because the overwhelming majority people can only see Iceburg on the surface of society.

Even though the Red Hair Pirates group is essentially just a group of adventurers, their "Pirate" name will lead the youngster with unsound views astray.

Jinbe doesn’t quite understand these things, "It’s just a name, is this important?"

Hailan’s gaze is beyond doubt: "This is important!"

After a stalemate, Jinbe chose to compromise: "Okay."

Fisher Tiger is the most powerful warrior on Fishman Island. Even he was caught by traffickers, and there are endless powerhouses. What choice does the human Marine and Jinbe have?

Hailan asked suddenly: "Jinbe, how are you thinking about coming to our Marine Headquarters as the Fishman unarmed Dao and the Fishman Jiu-Jitsu Instructor?"

"I will think about it again." ..."

"Don't think about it, as long as you agree to my request, I will apply to the above to establish a special operations force in Sabaody Archipelago, which is responsible for the case of human trafficking in Fishman Island. You can Lead."

Jinbe's face was happy: "Really?"

"Really, when did you see the promise I made?"

If Doflamingo can really get rid of "cheat" Smith and foster Kuro to become the leader of the Underground World in Shampoo, then controlling the serious slave sales problem in Shampoo will no longer be an empty talk.

Jinbe no longer hesitates: "Well, as long as Marine is responsible for the safety of Fishman Island, I can serve as the Instructor for Marine!"


Fishman Island, in the dragon palace city.

After listening to his report, the Great Knight of the Sea (Fishman Island King) Neptune said to Fisher Tiger next to him: "The soldier reported that those Marines had a good time, it didn’t look like they were here. Those who catch people, can you rest assured?"

Tiger's heavy face has not been eased at all: "My lord, this year's experience has taught me the cruelty and cunning of human beings. You are too kind. Don’t be fooled by the surface behavior of human beings."

"Don’t worry, there is Jinbe there, it won’t be dangerous."

"That fellow Jinbe , It is really reassuring..."

Tiger nodded, silent, for a long time.

"I have decided. When I recover from the injury, I will save the slaves of Mariejois!"


Neptune startled: "That's Celestial Dragon, World Nobles in humans, Tiger, you can't miss it! That's too dangerous!"

"Although tens of thousands of people are going to go..."

Tiger stood up: "No one knows the hellish cruelty there better than me, the one who can save them... Who else is it!"

He has a deep understanding of Neptune He bowed deeply: "My lord, I have a request next."

Neptune sits in distress: "You said."

"My lord, please keep my experience secret, don't let Fishman The islanders know that they only worship a human slave..."

"Is that something?" Neptune thought Tiger was going to send troops to support him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Tiger’s tone is sincere: "This is not a trivial matter."

Seeing Tiger’s serious appearance, the king’s heart was also touched: "I understand. ..."


Grand Line, on an island called "Whiskey Peak", the team led by Major Wagner was suppressed in all aspects.

Pirates, with a total bounty of more than 80 million Beli hunted by Wagner, fled all the way back, and was finally defeated by the Wapol Nadais at the Whiskey Peak.

But what Wagner did not expect was that the Pirates called "Moonlight Pirates" that they encountered again dealt a heavy blow to them.

"Marine Headquarters Major Wagner called the Marine G9 branch. We encountered Pirate's stubborn resistance. The Battleship was destroyed. We ask for assistance. Preliminary estimates are that Pirate Captain possesses Headquarter Rear Admiral and above! I would like anyone to hear this distress signal. Marine to support! We are at the Whiskey Peak that belongs to your Sea Territory!"

"G9 branch has received, G9 branch has received, please hold on to Major Wagner, headquarters Rear Admiral Onigumo has gone You, repeat, the headquarter Rear Admiral Onigumo has gone to your land!"

"What kind of bird feather mission? We just crossed the Reverse Mountain from West Blue, so we actually want us to support a little major? "


Onigumo scolded the complaining Lieutenant Commander, scared the latter to stand upright, not daring to move.

"Major Lieutenant Rear Admiral, is this the point? The point is Pirate!

As long as there is a Pirate haunt, justice must never be absent!

Listen to me Order, go to Whiskey Mountain at full speed!"

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