"Where is the Pirates of the Flames now?"

After the Pirates were tied up by the Big Five, Hailan began to inquire about the information about the Pirates of the Flames.

The relationship between World Government and World Government member countries is completely different from the United Nations on Earth or the European Union and member countries. On the contrary, it is closer to the federal system of the United States.

Each joining country is actually a state under the World Government. Each state has its own self-defense force or police (King’s Army), and the only real regular army is Marine.

The World Government has absolute leadership. Except for a special power such as Alabasta, other countries are polite to Marine.

"It turned out that it was in the castle, and the King and Prince were fine. It seems that the task at this time is not very difficult..."

Just in Hailan thinking about the next step What to do when the crowd suddenly saw a weird man with a black top hat, a tattered tuxedo, and a weird hairstyle, dressed like a magician.

"Is this Master Marine?"

Dr. Xiluuk jumped in front of Hailan excitedly.

When the soldiers and civilians who had seen Marine become elated, their faces were immediately pulled down when they saw this weird person.

"Hello, I am Captain of Marine Headquarters, Hailan!"

Hailan greeted Shiluuk politely, and then his face turned black.

Hearing Shiluruk suddenly said: "Master Marine, you are sick!"

"You fucking are sick!"

Buggy jumped out, grabbed Shiruk by the collar, and lifted Shiruk up.

"Talk nonsense again, be careful of this Uncle... No, be careful that Sir will catch you!"

"This Sir, you are also sick!"

"You said you were addicted?"

"Buggy, you put him down first."

Hailan was originally worried that Buggy's behavior would affect Marine's image. But when he saw the resentment of the strange man in the eyes of the people, he showed a look of interest.

"Tell me, what's wrong with me?"

"My lord, your disease is that your muscles are not developed enough!"

Silrk took out a tube of green potion from the suitcase: "This is the frog vitality potion I invented. As long as you drink a bottle, it will make you radiant, as if you are ten years younger, and your strength will become stronger. , When you play Pirate, you will be more relaxed."

Although Shiruluk worships Pirate, he worships Pirate like Roger. For villains like Harris, he is No good feelings at all.

A citizen finally couldn't bear it: "My lord, don't listen to his nonsense! This Shiruluk is a quack. The medicine he invented is useless at all, but the more you eat, the more serious your illness!"

"That's right! My child had only a cold and runny nose, because he drank his medicine, he grew a layer of green skin!"

"My mouth was because I drank him The medicine turned into a weird frog and jumped away. What should I do in the future, wu wu..."

More and more people began to accuse Sirouruk against Master Marine.

Shiluruk saw something was wrong and was ready to run away.

But although he can run the King’s Army, where can he run a well-trained Marine?

Without two steps, he was taken back by the soldier.

"Swindler who sells fake drugs?"

Hailan's expression suddenly scowled: "The thing I hate the most in my life is selling fake drugs. Get him! "

Siruluk yelled: "I'm wrong, I didn't sell fake drugs!"

"I didn't sell fake drugs?"

" Yes! I never need money to see a doctor and save people!!!"

Octopus Hachi suddenly satori said: "Yes! No money is not a counterfeit medicine!"

" That's a fart!" Buggy knocked on Hachi.

"Do you want money to be the point? Counterfeit medicine is the point!"

Shiruluk was detained amidst the spit and cheers of the people , In an unremarkable corner in the distance, Dr. Gureywa held her forehead with her hand: "Sirruk, this fool..."

"Oh... let him be detained for a few days to reflect on. Well, after Pirate is driven away, I will go to Marine to intercede for him..."

After leaving a word, Gureywa disappeared in the shadows.

Although the first batch of Pirate was easily subdued by Marine, there were several teams in charge of hunting down Dr. Guraywa, and there were always places Hailan couldn't notice.

So Hailan went the other way, leaving Buggy and Soldiers to protect the civilians in the village, turning into a stream of light and flying directly to the castle on the top of the mountain.

"What are you talking about? One of our squads was arrested by Marine who suddenly appeared?..................I understand!"

Putting down the phone, "Flame" Harris turned his icy eyes to the old king and Wapol wave: "Marine is here, you two, shouldn't you explain it?"

"What? Marine?"

Wapol wave startedled with a pompous expression: "This must be the group of spoilers who secretly informed Marine when you are not paying attention, Lord Blaze, but don’t worry, my lord, I’ll get those spoilers out. I will teach them fiercely for you!"

"Teach the spoilers or something, don’t bother His Highness the Prince, right?"

Harris stepped off the throne and walked to the Wapol wave Next to him, "If Prince and the King can accompany me more here, I think, Marine or something, don't worry too much."

Wapol is a jerk. com but not stupid at all.

He fully understood the meaning of this sentence, this is to stay here as a hostage with Dad.

"Hey...sir...what you say is what you say..."

Wapol smiled flatteringly, with a very low posture, without Prince's shelf at all, able to bend and stretch.

The window of the castle suddenly brightened and darkened, as if a thunder had suddenly struck outside.

With extremely high battle awareness and primary level Kenbunshoku Haki, Harris turned and looked towards behind him.

But what greeted him was an extremely dazzling white light.

Aurora. Dazzling!

As an improved version of "Sun Fist", Hailan can already control the direction and intensity of light do as one pleases.

The dazzling white light is like a super-powered searchlight, instantly flashing Harris' brain blank, dizziness and tinnitus.

"Fire escape. How Fireball's technique!"


In Hailan’s doubts, "flame" Harris loudly roared , The right fist turned into the palm of the hand, relying on instinctive perception, moved towards Hailan with a fiercely push, a large Fireball with a diameter of more than two meters moved towards Hailan and flew out.

I didn’t even print, what are you playing with?

In fact, because of the influence of the ninja culture of "Koku no Kuni", whether it is North Blue, East Blue or Grand Line, just like "mecha", many men are unique to "ninja" Fantasy.

Harris' style is not true ninjutsu, but he thinks the name is better.

Although it is already Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, Hailan still chose to dodge.

Because the time wasted to recover after the body was broken is far more time than it takes to dodge.

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