
"Yes, it's called Tashigi, a silly girl with glasses, stupid..."

"This is really interesting..."

Hailan has long known that Smoker is more likely to see a little child. Didn't expect really adopted one back, is it possible that is also a slave who was rescued on the way ?

"Koala, come with me to meet the old smoker!"

When I heard that I was going to see Smoker, Koala was unhappy: "What are you doing? I'm not going!"


Smoker has two cigars in his mouth, complexion ashen, full of smoky, born with a halo of alienating children.

However, Hailan is very interested in this Marine who looks a lot like the "Terminator" Arnold Schwarzenegger. Presumably, in the comics, this one should be a pivotal character, right?

"Of course I went to meet your future classmates at Marine School!"

"You...Hello, my name is Tashigi, you...Excuse me.. .Your name is Koala?"

Tashigi and Koala greeted each other politely. In comparison, the active Koala looks normal, but the weak Tashigi is very Like a girl who used to be a slave.

"This child..."

Hailan clicks the tongue and feels that this little girl named Tashigi uses the words he crossed over to describe it, that is, "a little silly but adorable ".

"...was the slave you saved?"

Hailan asked in a low voice in Smoker's ear.


Smoker only answered two words.

It seems that as long as Hailan does not use the "check account" chat method, he will not continue to answer actively.

I was most afraid of the sudden silence of the air. The scene was a bit awkward for a while, but Smoker didn't feel it at all.

"Aurora Fruit?"

Smoker, who said whatever he thought of, broke the silence first: "This ability doesn't sound very strong."

Worry Hailan may have misunderstood what she meant. Smoker added: "It's just like mine."

"Smoker, you are the Immemorial board, you only look at the surface phenomenon. You see you What styles are they developing.

White Boxing-increase your attack range?

White Snake-use smoke to form a python to bite the enemy?

Bai Man -Use smoke to form vines to tie up enemies?

Are you still Logia ・Moku Moku no Mi? I think you are clearly Paramecia Gomu-Gomu No Mi..."

Smoker didn't get angry either, and asked, "Then how do you develop it?"

Hailan gave an example: "Do you know that when a fire happens, there are more people burned or choked to death? "

"How do I know this!"

Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh, this Smoker is really a straight man of steel.

Hailan firmly believes that even if he changes himself to Hina, Smoker will still answer this sentence.

"It's okay, you should read more, the composition of smoke, the harm of smoke... Logia Gas Fruit Ability User can strip oxygen from the air, you can also try to take you Your own smoke is separated into several different types.

Oh yes, don’t tell me you don’t even know what oxygen is. You have already learned it in Marine School."

Smoker is not angry. When his skills are not as good as others, he is quite humble.

"There is oxygen in the smoke?"


Seeing Smoker trying to recall the textbook knowledge, Hai Lan was stunned.. .

"Smoker, I have another suggestion."


"You'd better throw away your Kairoseki ten hands. That thing will only become a burden to you."

Smoker's Kairoseki ten hands are just inlaid with a small piece of Kairoseki on the tip, not the whole root is Kairoseki, because Kairoseki is a rare mineral.

Smoker is puzzled: "Why?"

"As a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User,

That kind of weapon will only become a burden to you; it's better to deal with you Weak people can’t use it; dealing with enemies of the same level as you or even stronger than you is likely to be used by the opponent in turn, so I suggest you try to practice Busoshoku Haki more in the future."


A few days later, Hailan received a distress letter from the Grand Line drum island iron barrel kingdom. The king of the drum island stated in the letter that his son Wapol Bo told him , Hailan Captain of Marine Headquarters is powerful and upright, please be sure to bring Hailan Captain over.

And Pirate, who invaded Drum Island this time, was the "flame" Harris who burned the "Akagami" Shanks Pirate Ship at Vivi Princess in Alabasta last year to celebrate the centenary.

"Flame Harris? Burned incense...cough, burned the Logia Devil Fruit Ability User on the Red Hair Pirates ship, I am very impressed."

Buggy side Rubbing his chin, smiling while taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"That... what kind of Pirate is that Blazing Harris?"

The question is one of the Fishman soldiers recruited by Hailan on Fishman Island through Jinbe, Octopus Fishman Hachi.

Octopus Hachi is stupid, but he just meets Hailan's requirements.

If he is as shrewd as the fishman "Arlong", the megalodon shark that Hai Lan originally fancyed, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Hailan would not call him to Marine instead.

He is not the father of Sensei in wuxia novel. He specializes in proud and arrogant and mischievous dísciple.

You are so good, then you should play by yourself.

"hahahaha...that fool Prince actually kneeled for Hailan Sir, so fun!"

After listening to the story told by Buggy, Hachi's six arms took turns patted His belly laughed, like a life treasure, Buggy also laughed very happily.

Maybe the other soldiers on the ship discriminate against Fishman more or less.

But Buggy is different. He plays very well with Hachi and the Fishman. In addition, Buggy has a very good relationship with other soldiers. Buggy is so disturbed, and the medicinal smell of the race is very serious. It became thinner soon.

However, Hailan has not given these fishman soldiers a more important task. One is that these Fishman's brains are not very savvy, and they are afraid of bad things, and the other is that the fishman soldiers are still there. In the running-in stage, I am afraid that they will do bad things.

"Sir, shall we go or not?"

Captain Wagner has no good impression of the mentally retarded Prince who once boasted shamelessly asked Hailan Sir to kneel down for him, although in the end The person kneeling is Wapol wave.

"Go, of course I must go! The World Government member countries’ request for help is much greater than the average Pirate, why not go? And that "flame Pirates" once ran on our hands once , Then they can’t let them get away with it.”

The most important thing is that Devil Fruit’s proficiency has just been completed, and Hailan desperately needs a real battle to consolidate his abilities.

Logia ・Mera Mera no Mi Ability User, just as Hailan and Devil Fruit Ability User who is also Logia fight with the best sparring.

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