If Hailan was a Pirate, Lucci would never say so much nonsense to him. If he didn't agree, he would go straight to Shigan Sixth Company.

But Lucci is Cipher Pol (secret police) and Hailan is Marine who represents justice. In the overall situation, both parties are members of the same camp.

And Lucci is actually an agent working hard to maintain justice, but his perception of justice is somewhat distorted.

All this is due to the influence of World Government.

CPs, call it the secret police if it sounds nice, or it’s actually the eagle dog of the World Government, which is the eagle dog of the World Government.

In order to ensure absolute loyalty, CPs are all brainwashers that World Government has cultivated since childhood.

The World Government will tell those children that as long as the World Government asks you to do something, it is absolutely "just" and you only need to do it.

800 years, because of the corruption of the World Government, even the brainwashing manifesto has become unrecognizable. Each Sir of CP0-9 has its own set of rhetoric.

These children don't tell the real right from wrong now, I'm afraid they don't even understand what "justice" really means.

As the default agent of the darkest CP9 in Cipher Pol, he has gone through the cruel training phase of speaking with strength, and has seen countless CP9senior’s bloody and cruel methods of killing enemies. Lucci has the three views now. It is not difficult to understand.

But Hai Lan will not study what Lucci experienced in his childhood. He only cares about what Lucci is doing in front of him now.

Whether it is for the recognition value that he can obtain, or for maintaining the true justice of Marine, Hailan will not allow Lucci to kill these soldiers here.

And what kind of city can the 13-year-old Lucci have?

In addition, he was originally a proud and arrogant Heaven's Chosen Child. He was irritated by Hailan with a few simple sentences: "talk nonsense! You are simply false!"

"Wrong reason? Weakness is the original sin, isn't that what you said?"

Hailan smiled, but the more peaceful he smiles, the more angry Lucci becomes.

Lucci is gnashing teeth like a little child: "But I am not weak!"

Hailan is getting stronger and stronger: "Aren't you weak? I think you are too weak. Poor..."


The young and energetic Lucci finally couldn't bear it, using his skillful shave to flash to Hai Lan's side in an instant.

Lucci has his own justice in his heart, so he will not kill Hailan who is Marine. ①

But today he vowed to defeat the Spandane Sir in front of him, the Marine genius who said his ears are about to become callous, he wants to prove himself that Cipher Pol’s genius is better than Marine genius Stronger!


The angry Lucci stretched out his right hand and poked Hailan with his index finger, which is comparable to a rifle bullet, but was caught by Hailan. Wrist.

13-year-old vs. 18-year-old, the age gap lies here, and Hailan is not an ordinary people with no innate talent. How strong can Lucci be?


Seeing Hailan stretched out his finger, Lucci without the slightest hesitation activated his Copper Skin & Iron Bones, which was hard enough to resist shelling.



Hailan's action is as swift as the wind. In Lucci's surprised eyes, Hailan uses Seimei Kikan's technique combined with Shigan's formidable power, fiercely had a brain crash on Lucci's forehead...

There was even a loud sound of hammer hitting steel...

“hong long! ”

Lucci flew upside down and hit the wall of the warehouse fiercely. If it weren’t because the warehouse was specially reinforced by the Kingdom of Falui, maybe Lucci It just knocked the wall down.

"What's the situation?"

The 500 kings were confused,

In the superhuman battle between Hailan and Lucci, their eyesight couldn’t catch up. superior.

Lucci just rushed towards Hailan to take an image on their retina. The next scene was that Lucci fell awkwardly onto the ground behind the warehouse.

These people are like an old computer running a large-scale game with extremely high configuration requirements. The original coherent actions almost make them see the ppt with dropped frames.

When everything was calm, the voice of the soldiers holding their foreheads sucking in a cold breath came from the warehouse: "That must be painful..."

Lucci Hailan has no intention to kill Hailan, and Hailan naturally has no intention of killing Lucci.

Under the control of his precise calculation power, his "flick" can accurately fiercely teach Lucci without endangering Lucci's life.

With this move alone, Lucci realized that he was not Hailan’s opponent.

But every Heaven's Chosen Child has his own arrogance.

If he just admits defeat like this, he doesn't deserve to have the glory of 800 years of number one genius.

"You bastard..."

Lucci shook his confused head and quickly got up.


Hailan doesn’t know if Lucci will take into account the surrounding soldier when he is performing Rankyaku, but this problem is easy to solve, just don’t let him out. .


Hailan flashed to Lucci's side and kicked Lucci lifting right leg back.



This time Lucci did not dare to use Tekkai to hard-wire, UU reading www. uukanshu.com hurriedly used the dodge skill.

The battle between the two seems to be getting worse, but in fact, Hai Lan is handy in the battle, and Lucci is barely able to keep up with the rhythm of Shanghai Lan.

"Do you think you can prove your ability by killing all 500 soldiers?"


"Take all the hostages Kill, and Pirate will not be hostage... It's just a joke, but if you really have this idea, it can only prove that you are a waste!"

"... …"

It's not that Lucci doesn't want to refute, nor is there nothing to say, but the intense fighting has made him powerless to distract.

This kind of thinking of Rob Lucci is purely the same as the US in Japanese and Korean movies.

Whether it is rare beast or plague, when Japan and South Korea ask for help from their American fathers, the U.S. will often give the suggestion of "nuclear peace first".

But the United States is still facing rare beast or plague, but Lucci is too extreme-in order to treat patients with athlete's foot, they saw their feet.

"Because you are very weak, because you don't have the ability to bring these people back together safely, so you chose to kill them and manually reduce the difficulty of the task?

Now you dare to say that you are not guilty!"


Lucci was once again beaten out by Hailan.

When you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

In order to eliminate the devil, cultivate another demon?

Hailan has become increasingly unfavorable towards World Government.

At least, these people in Cipher Pol must have no brains. Are you afraid that someday this demon will get out of control, backlash his master?

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