Hailan and Buggy, four people and one lion, walked out in the direction of the Richard family with dozens of ragged slaves.

Teams like them are extremely eye-catching in Pirate's rampant inaccessibility.

But no one in the surrounding Pirate dared to go forward to trouble this team, because the intelligence that "cheat" Smith personally handled the matter has spread quickly in the impossible zone.

Even "cheat" has given these people a face. Those who want to get stuck in a place, except those from outside Great Pirate or Supernova, who dare not give face to cheat?

"Does anyone know what happened in this story?"

"I heard that it was the Richard family who had no eyes and caught a girl named Yami. Then he The big brother came back with someone. As a result, this man won the favor of Master Cheat by virtue of his great strength. Master Cheat personally sacrificed the Richard family."

"I think it should be Master Cheat. The Richard family is not pleasing to the eye for a long time, but after all, the Richard family is a veteran human trafficker, it is not easy to start directly, so in the name of this time, the Richard family was eliminated."

"Who knows? Anyway, everyone should be careful in the future, especially those who don't know the background. Don't catch it casually."


"I heard that you want the Fishman slave to be your own bodyguard?"

As farewell to the Hailan entire group, "Cheat" Smith found the businessman who was aliased "Locke".

Kuro replied neither humble nor humble: "It's me, but I seem to have heard that you failed to capture Fishman."

Kuro came to Sabaody Archipelago, not just this time. action.

Hailan gave him a long-term mission here.

In this impossible zone, if you change to someone else, you may have to worry about your life every day.

But Kuro is courageous and strategic, and the environment here does not hinder him at all.

Relying on the various funds accumulated over the past year, Kuro is like a fish back in water here. It is easy to integrate into it and let himself live a more "decent" life.

Smith smiled slightly: "Why not? I know a few Pirates that can play better. If you want, I can introduce them to you."

After the extremely friendly smile was translated by Kuro's brain, it was equated with "treacherous".

But since I want to intrigue, Kuro never fears anyone: "I don’t know if cheat your excellency can be inspected beforehand?"

Compared to fighting Kuro is more willing to use his brain to fight and kill.

The more complicated the problem, the more he enjoys it. Kuro likes the feeling of controlling everything behind the scenes and treating everyone as a pawn.


After leaving the impossible zone, Hailan handed over all the slaves captured in Chambord to the local Marine base. The other slaves intend to bring back to Marine Headquarters for delivery. Send Smoker home one by one.

Smoker likes doing this kind of good deeds anyway...

"Jinbe, sorry, it looks like your Big Brother Tiger, we can’t save it."


Among the slaves rescued by the Richard family, there is no Fisher Tiger, not even a Fishman.

Later, Kuro sent back information that there was a red tiger fish Fishman that had been sold to Celestial Dragon by Auction House, and it was basically determined that it was the Tiger big brother in Jinbe's mouth.


Jinbe was silent for a moment. He looked at a little girl with short orange hair who was kneeling on the deck and was wiping the deck. Try to divert your attention by changing the subject: "That child, don't you persuade her?"

"Persuade what?"

"You can tell her, here It’s Marine’s Battleship, she doesn’t need to work so hard anymore."

Looking at the little girl who called herself "Koala",

As a Fishman, Jinbe was right for the first time Humans have a feeling of sympathy.

What kind of creatures are humans?

Why can you do this heinous degree to your own compatriots?

Hailan shook the head: "Persuaded, it's useless."

"Don't you care about it?"

"Who said we don't care? Is it?"

Buggy suddenly jumped out: "It's not that we don't care, it's that we can't control it. Even my circus has nothing to do with her. I think this child is almost abandoned."

"What should I do?"

Jinbe's natural chivalrous character makes Jinbe unable to give the pleasure of "deserving it" even in the face of humans.

"Since mopping the floor makes her feel at ease, don't stop her."

Koala is only about five or six years old now, and her mind is different from that of an adult Although he didn't want to admit it, Hailan didn't have any hope for Koala either. He also felt that this child might be so useless.

Perhaps because he looks more cute and beautiful among peers, Richard specially selected Koala to serve his diet and daily life. A little unhappy, it is just a punch and kick, club education.

In a peaceful and prosperous age, the girl’s appearance is an advantage; but in the troubled times of Great Age of Pirates, UU reading www.uukanshu. The more beautiful girls of com, the more likely to suffer.

"The trauma on her mind was not formed in a day or two. To resolve the ice in her heart, it cannot be improved in a day or two. Marine Headquarters has many excellent professional physicians and psychological mentors. , You don’t have to worry too much about Koala."

Amid Hailan’s explanation, Wagner walked towards Koala with a smile on his face.

"Awesome, so clean, let the big brother reward you for eating ice cream..."

Maybe it's because Bellmere adopted two girls and Wagner treated the little child. It is extraordinarily gentle. On the current Battleship, the favorite among several slave children is Wagner-except for Koala, she is now scared to see anyone.

Hailan looked towards Jinbe: "I want to discuss with you, can you find a few Fishman to join my army?"

"Let Fishman be a Marine?" "

Jinbe was taken aback.

The World Government has been established for 800 years, and there is no Fishman Marine. There are too many Fishman in it. The Government takes the lead to discriminate against the Fishman, and the Fishman is hostile to the Government Marine. The contradiction between the two groups is not a simple matter of words. Explained clearly.

"Can this work?"

But Jinbe is different. He has always hoped that humans and Fishman can get along with each other in peace. For this reason, he hasn't been running around, but unfortunately he has never What effect.

Hailan explained indifferently: "It's not a large-scale recruitment of Fishman soldiers, just let you help find a few Fishman to join my own private army, nothing at the worst."

Jinbe worriedly said: "But...the discrimination problem..."

"Do you think I discriminated against you?"

"This is a Fishman who can just and honorable The chance to get out of Fishman Island, I think you It shouldn’t be missed?"

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