This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 394 0396. The master’s father is right.

Xiao Tina's story-telling skills are average, but fortunately the content of the story is pretty good.

At the end, Matthew asked her, "Holy King Chris didn't kill you when you turned into an egg. It's not like His style."

An old lady like that who has lived for countless years has no credibility at all.

The ending of the extraterritorial battlefield has confirmed Matthew's point of view.

The majestic Holy King, facing the enemy of life and death, ran faster than a rabbit in order to survive.

For Chrissy, the death of Rose was probably not as important as regaining control of the Holy Power of Phoenix Territory.

In this case, it is naturally the safest way to kill Little Tina who has become an obstacle.

Tina said: "He is so busy now that he can't even care about me."

"The disadvantages of the old school are not entirely my fault. It is because he did not see the form clearly and made improper arrangements."

"Also, do you think He threw me out before Fengyu was closed, all because of me?"

The little girl wrinkled her nose and said, "Although I no longer have a relationship with Him, the blood connection is still there; I took away His opportunity for Nirvana. When He needs Nirvana and is reborn, I have to give this opportunity back to her."

Matthew: "What do you mean?"

"In other words, once Chris is defeated and hacked to death by the enemy, she will be resurrected in my body."

Damn it!

Is there such an operation?

Little Tina said expressionlessly: "That's true, but for me, this is the best result... Then I came all the way to find you, and you still beat me."

A clone has no human rights...

But as Tina said, as a separated soul without human rights, being able to gain freedom without the death of the Holy King himself is considered the best ending.

Little Tina is tired of talking.

Fell asleep in Matthew's arms.

Imagine that the newly born Tina is isolated and helpless, and the only person she knows and cares about may be dead.

What kind of mood did she have when she came to the Sacred Tree Sanctuary?

Well...she came here because of the smell.

Matthew knew only too well how sensitive Tina was to smells.

The reason why the little guy slept in his arms was because she found a scent that made her feel at ease.


Slept pretty soundly.

Looking at the time, Matthew was also ready to take a rest.

Just then——

The sleeping Tina sniffed, turned over instantly, and then started to enjoy her favorite ice cream.

A few hours later.

Lord Matthew was awakened by a burst of crying.

Little Duke Tina in Flame Feather raised her hands and pinched her waist, standing on the bed and looking at the man fiercely.

"You used the contract to bully me, right? Ahem!"

"Big bad guy, you just know... Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't hit me, don't hit me!"

The newborn Tina is more rounded than before, with a milky voice, and is not only cute, but also adorable.

However, when dealing with naughty children, you must not get used to bad habits.

No matter what the other person said, Matthew directly pressed his leg, and Tina was instantly frightened.

The first one had breakfast.

Matthew ate, but Tina wasn't hungry, so she could only watch.

In the middle, the cute little girl rolled her eyes, sat on the man's shoulder and said: "Master, you see, I only have you to rely on now. I will help you work and warm the bed, so you have to give me some pocket money, right?" ?”

Matthew said, "Okay."

After saying this, he handed over a space ring.

Little Tina received the ring one second, and ran away the next, counting the money at a distance she thought was relatively safe.

Open the space ring.

gold! Light! flash! flash!

All you can see are gold coins!

"Wow, that's a much is this?"

Matthew gestured to her with his chopsticks, "Twenty million."

Hearing this, Xiao Tina's eyes became gleaming with gold, "Twenty million gold coins, Master, I love you to death!"

Little Tina immediately kissed her, then quickly retreated to a safe distance, "Dear master, we have agreed that the 20 million gold coins are my pocket money, and we are not allowed to go back on it."

"And I kissed you just now. This is half a kiss from a holy king. A kiss can be exchanged for 20 million gold coins. You are absolutely worth it."

Matthew's father, who was just eating, said: "Yeah."


When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

after awhile.

Tina reluctantly put the gold coin ring back.

"What, too little?"

Little Tina shook her head.

In a foreign battlefield, no one has any idea about money.

Later, the separated soul returned to her original form, and Tina was too worried about the quarrel, but she still had no idea about money.

Now, Tina Xiaogongju has declared her independence. She needs to live, and life requires money.

She lives with Matthew, who is very violent, so she wants a little bit of living expenses in case of emergencies.

At this moment, the gold coin ring and little Tina were only 0.01 centimeters apart.

She was really reluctant to leave.

But, "You have to take it back in the end anyway. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, so I'd better give it back to you now."

Rich father Matthew: "A mere twenty million gold coins."

Tina, little Gongju, raised his head, (`).

Matthew rubbed her head and said, "I'll give it to you if I say so. You can record it."

On the opposite side, Xiao Tina has finished recording.

Holding a ring filled with gold coins, she had a blast.

"Hey, naughty kid."

Breakfast is finished.

Matthew said: "I am not going to return to the sacred world of the sacred tree, and your identity is not suitable for showing up in the goddess's territory."

Tina smiled and nodded, "Master, dad, you are right."

Matthew: "I happen to still have the Evil God's vest, so our next stop is the Evil God Cru's Sanctuary."

Tina: "Master, dad, you said it all...well, why do you want to go to the evil god's territory?"

Tina's little public is reborn.

At least 1% of the memory of the Holy King level remains.

The evil god is the most evil creature in the universe.

If the demons are biased towards evil and darkness, the evil gods are particularly interested in evil!

Matthew said: "In order to kill Big Ross, I spent all my original power."

"I want to live a few more years, so I have to find ways to increase my original time."

"I have tried the positive method, which treats the symptoms but not the root cause."

"So I want to try a crooked path...According to incomplete statistics, the average lifespan of evil gods is one of the best in the universe. There may be a path suitable for me."


Little Tina is a quasi-domain-level holy master. Not to mention her combat power, her level is about the same as Joey, the Goddess of Bows.

She could naturally see that there was very little original power in Matthew's body, and it was completely incompatible with his strength.

"It's all Chris's fault!"

Xiao Tina said bitterly.

Then he took out his treasures one by one.

"This is all my property. You can use it first and don't be in a hurry to pay it back. We have a master-servant contract. It can be regarded as a loss for both sides and a gain for both. So you must not give me interest or anything else. Don't give it to me again." I have 20 million gold coins as interest..."

A "pia" sound.

Another space ring filled with gold coins fell into Tina's hands.

The little Gongju in the flaming red dress on the opposite side is ready to run away.

Unexpectedly... I really gave you money.

Xiao Tina said with tears in her eyes: "You, you, you... you're not really going to die, are you?"

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