This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 388 0390. This generation of goddesses is really hard to lead.

Although I don't know what happened.

Shazhi could tell that their master was not very happy.

So, Xiaomao Zhi begged while crawling on the bed: "Master, I know I messed up."

"But I really didn't mess around."

"Little Joey likes you."

"Not only her, but also everyone in the circle of young goddesses. As long as you take off the mask, they will rush to express their love to you."

"You are their idol, and of course you are also my idol. The person I admire the most is you."

“Lord…Lord…please…please be gentle…can you be…forgiving?”

" more days...ugh!"

When he heard the word "idol", Matthew guessed that Saori was not too messy.

However, his anger was already burning just now.

If no one gives him the fire, he has to endure it himself.

Next door, next door, next door, ready-made Little Lover No. 2.

Why endure it?

Why should we endure it?

Joey, the goddess of bows, ran back to the room with her shoes.

Ashamed + Ashamed.

Because of her failure, Senior Matthew found out and opened his eyes to see her.

Joey's perception was very keen, and even though he was not face to face, Joey was very sure.

Cover yourself in the quilt again.

Goddess Joy yelled "Ahhhhhhhh".

"What have I done since I came back today?!"

"It's okay to go see Senior Matthew in scantily clad clothes, but to steal shoes in the middle of the night..."

"Senior Matthew must hate me to death, otherwise he thinks I'm slutty and impure."

"I have to explain!"

"but not now……"

"I have to explain it tomorrow!"

"But what explanation should I give?..."

The Goddess of Bows: Woohoo.

It's so embarrassing, so disappointing.

When she was in the senior lounge, her pantyhose legs were actually soaked.

She knew about this, and so did Senior Matthew.

Based on this, she can't explain it!

Wuwuwu, see you again.

The cry from the Goddess of Bows.


Joey jumped out of bed.

My legs are still a little weak, but fighting is no problem.

No problem, no problem, because the battle is coming!

Green star field, blue and white plane, the coastline of a certain country.

The sea became unstable.

The waves were turbulent and magnificent, with waves hundreds of meters high!

Immediately afterwards, a big round head emerged from the sea level, with one, two, and three tentacles, and a huge body.

"I left in a hurry last time and didn't taste it...the taste of flesh and blood, the taste of soul, I want one million, ten million, one hundred million!"

Huge waves surged into the sky.

Go straight to the seaside city.

The last time, the last missing persons case, the places where the cases occurred had something in common.

Many of Joey's subordinates didn't notice it, but Saori saw it at a glance and suggested that they make rectifications.

The places where people are disappearing are all related to water.

Coastal cities, island countries, inland by rivers and lakes... in short, they are all related to water.

"Monster, murderer!"

The Star Realm Portal opened, and the fully armed Bow Goddess Joy stepped out and immediately used her divine power to envelope the coastal city that was about to be swallowed up.


A huge round creature.

He, yes it was Him, He was not panicked by Joey's appearance.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, goddess of the gods, you are indeed meddling in other people's business."

"Originally, I wanted to eat a few more appetizing fishes. Since you took the initiative to die, I will grant your wish!"

Is He God?

No, the universe is so big, there are too many creatures claiming to be gods, and the orthodox ones are very rare.

The circle-contact creature obviously has nothing to do with orthodoxy.

He is an evil god, not entirely. The evil god smells much more stinky than Him.

Then he is the lackey of the evil god, the lackey of the evil god who invaded the holy land of the sacred tree, and he deserves to die.

Immediately, the jade bracelet on Joey's left wrist shone, and a beam of light fell from the sky and spread into the field.

Joey is not domain level and can cast Holy Lord Domain, which has a smaller range and less power.

"It's called the Baizhong Domain. When I'm in it, my bow and arrow will hit the target instantly!"

Sunfury Longbow.

The bright moon has long arrows.

When Joey shoots an arrow, one changes into ten, ten changes into hundreds, hundreds changes into thousands, and it seems to be endless.

The most critical point is, as she said, in the Baizhong Domain, her bow and arrow will not miss, and it will hit without any trajectory the moment it is shot.

"Boom boom boom boom boom"! …

The Holy Lord of Circle Touch was shot.

One arrow, then another, and another after that.

Goddess Joy of the Bow is best at attacking with force.

The best way to defeat her is to not give her a chance to take action.

Otherwise, it will be endless and endless, until the enemy is shot into scum!

Half an hour later.

A large piece of the sea is missing, and at least one-third of the sea water has been evaporated.

The battle is over.

Joey relaxed slightly.

Casting the field is a huge consumption for any holy master.

What's more, Joey's real level is not enough than domain level.

Just then——

"it's over?"

From the evil god’s lackey Holy Lord!

Joy, the Goddess of Bows, ended her attack and the water gradually returned to calm.

However, somewhere, a drop of sea water took off and turned into the Holy Lord of Circle Touch.

In terms of drops of sea water, it must be calculated in units of hundreds of millions, or even higher units.

Numerous monsters just appeared.

They pounced on Goddess Joy's territory, biting her in all kinds of ways.

After gnawing a hole, he got in and opened his bloody mouth to bite people.

"Ho ho ho!..."

The round-touched creatures laughed and said, "Didn't your elders teach you?"

"Don't use fields indiscriminately when you don't know the enemy's abilities, especially half-finished fields like yours."

One of the abilities of circle-touching creatures is water body.

A drop of water can create a clone. If the clone dies, He will be immortal.

And this ability is just right for bullying Joey, who has little original power and has just consumed a lot of it.

His goal is to kill the goddess, if not, he will kill the civilians.

Among Joey's goals is the more passive "protection of civilians."

"Hahahaha, I haven't tasted the taste of a goddess yet. She is still so young and has such long legs..."

The aesthetic concepts of round-touched creatures must be different from humans.

However, he ate too many people and human souls, which split him into a second aesthetic that was biased towards "normal".

"Goddess, Goddess, eat the goddess, Chi Liu~"

"Goddess, Goddess, before you die, I will definitely play with you, Chi Liu~"

at the same time.

Surrounded by Chong Chong.



Goddess Joy was angry and prepared to fight.

In the Sacred Tree Sanctuary, if the goddess dies, she can be resurrected in the Sacred Tree Sacred Realm with full BUFF.

Of course, equipment and secret treasures cannot be resurrected.

And as the goddess of bows in the divine realm, Joey would not accept losing to such a bastard and disgusting monster, let alone being humiliated by such a bastard and disgusting monster.


Falling from the sky again.

A faint sigh: "Oh, this class of goddesses is really hard to lead."

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