Primeval forests and magical animals.

Feeling the invasion of humans, some strong men in the forest immediately let out angry roars.

Matthew said evilly: "Do you like the majestic shape, the majestic lower body shape, or the taller one while standing and lying on one side?"

"No, no, don't do this, you can't do this to me!"

The cyan wood carving spirit body trembled violently and said: "We were all the original Holy Lords back then, and our goals are the same, those bastards who occupy the position of Holy Kings and refuse to shit even to death!"

"Your source is severely depleted and needs to be replenished, right? I can replenish it for you. The two of us can coexist peacefully and each get what we need. This is also called win-win cooperation."

After saying this, a ray of green light emitted from the woodcarving spirit skeleton, which was absorbed into Matthew's body from his wrist.


Tip: Your time is +1 year, and will increase slowly thereafter. It is expected that it will increase to 150 days in three days.

A small cargo ship owned by Black Dragon Sanctuary.

The long-faced Zach has resumed his position as captain.

In the end, Zach knew that the other buyer planned to take advantage of the situation.

Because of his official status, he did not immediately kill him.

And the one who truly saves them must be the great Xiu Mian.

Zach has no control over other aspects. A cargo ship flying the Black Dragon flag has almost no chance of being intercepted.

Next, he only needs to send Xiu Mian to the outside of the Black Dragon Holy Realm, and his life will be truly saved.

Exclusive lounge, light aroma.

Matthew was sitting and lying down, reading and reading newspapers, eating and drinking.

Not far away, the wooden carving of the soul is being offered like the Second Master Guan, with three plates of fruits, three sticks of incense, and three faint wisps of green smoke.

The incense is almost burned out.

Matthew put down the book and took out three new ones, swung them three times, inserted them into the incense burner, and then picked up the wooden sculpture, shaking it and shaking it.

The wooden carving spirit skeleton trembled weakly and said: "Brother, it's really gone. Not a drop is left. How can you just let the horse run and not let the horse eat grass?"

Matthew pointed to the incense burner and the fruit.

There were various expressions of collapse on the wooden face of the wooden spirit skeleton, "Brother, I can't eat those things. Is there any secret treasure?"

Matthew rang the bell, and Captain Zack came over, bowed and said, "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

"Are there any secret treasures?" Matthew asked.

"Yes, yes, yes."

The long-faced Zach took out a Kaio-level secret weapon and offered it with both hands.

Matthew waved and Zach stepped back.

Then he handed the hammer weapon to the spirit skeleton, "Here, I'll give it to you."

The cyan wooden sculpture of the deceased Holy Lord: silently weeping.

He reluctantly swallowed the hammer, and a small ray of cyan light emitted from the spirit corpse.


Tip: Your time + 8 days.

Matthew immediately chuckled, "You ate one of my Kaio secret treasures and it only lasted eight days. You are so unrealistic. I refuse to give you any more secret treasures."

Hearing this, the wood carving spirit skeleton said even more weakly: "Brother, I also want to give more, but I have to ensure that I can survive first, right..."

"You see, what I gave you is pure source power. What you gave me, the secret treasure of the spicy chicken Kaiou, the secret treasure of the spicy chicken Kaiou, and an even more rubbish quasi-Kaiou secret treasure inserted in the middle. Change the place. , exchange the secret treasure of the Kaio for the power of the universe, and you won’t be able to exchange it for any number of pieces.”

Matthew: "Stop talking nonsense and have some more!"

Spirit Bones: "There really isn't a drop left."

"Then half a drop!"



Tip: Your time +1 day.

Wobbly, wobbly.

Tip: Your time +1 day.

"More, more!"

Tip: Your time +1 day.

Woodcarving Spirit Skeleton: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, I regret it. In the hands of that ugly monster with a bunch of eyes, I will die again at most. Now this life is obviously worse than death!"

Before arriving at Zhonglian Planet, the spirit skeleton noticed Matthew.

Although the latter has very little original power left, the strength at the level of the original Holy Lord has not escaped.

Everything below the source has no vision.

Therefore, if the multi-eyed lord Duoye succeeds, he will definitely not be able to escape the word "death".

The spirit skeleton didn't want to die, so Matthew discovered that Zach and others had been kidnapped, and came out to find someone to tell the story.

According to Doye's original plan, it was best not to move the cargo ship flying the Black Dragon flag unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, it was the spirit corpse that influenced him and ignored certain issues, otherwise the chance of Matthew meeting Doye would be quite low.

It was precisely because it planned to discuss win-win cooperation with Matthew that it finally fell into Matthew's hands.

I never expected that the dignified Holy Lord of Origin would be so stingy.

In the past three days, it had given him two annual units of source power.

The best secret treasure that the Origin Saint major cultivator came up with was only a middle-to-lower grade among the realm king's secret treasures.

It’s simply, simply too outrageous!

On the other side, seeing that the wooden carving corpse was no longer moving, Matthew threw it directly to the ground, "Are you scolding me again? I think you won't shed tears until you see the coffin!"


Linggui is quite afraid of someone's sexy actions.

The main thing is that this product really has no lower limit.

A normal Holy Lord would more or less want a little face, let alone someone who is crowned by the Holy Lord.

Matthew doesn't want it.

Dealing with spirit bones has always been a matter of harm.

He also showed Ling Zhi a comic book with no limit to bloodshed and violence.

That kind of thing doesn't require actual operation. Just looking at it will make the wood carvings shiver.

A ray of blue light——

Tip: Your time +1 month.

"As expected you still have it."

Matthew nodded and said.

The wooden carving soul returned to its position, and there was a faint cry.

Matthew said: "Okay, stop pretending. I know you still have a lot of stock, and I don't blame you if you don't want to take it out. Here, a little snack, take it and eat it."

The so-called snacks are just a bunch of dozens of Kaioh and Realm Master secret treasures.

There are many world lord secret treasures, but at the level of the world lord, they are definitely high-quality treasures.

The quality of the Kaio's secret treasures is also above average.

Wood carving spirit skeleton: ()?

It felt a little unreal that someone suddenly changed their attitude towards him.

So, it didn't dare to move for a long time.

Matthew smiled again, "Are you sure you don't want to?"

Lingke: "Yeah."

"Really not?"


"Damn it, you dare not take what I gave you, do you want to die?!"


The spirit skeleton "eats" the secret treasure, probably by inhaling it.

All the essence of the secret treasure is absorbed, and then the main body of the secret treasure turns into dregs.

The little brother with a spiritual skeleton got a lot of secret treasures. He had been hungry for an unknown number of years and then went blind. He recognized a stingy god as his "master". Suddenly, the situation changed and the little brother almost screamed with happiness.

There are so many realm master secret treasures, and there are so many realm king secret treasures, can the god king's secret treasures be far behind?

While eating, Matthew took out the secret treasure [Purple Star Pupil].

Wood carving spirit skeleton: "!!!"

"Master dad, can I eat this too?"

Matthew took the Purple Star Eyes back again and said, "Of course not, I just took them out to show you."


The spiritual remains were lying in the pile of secret treasures, and they instantly felt that these secret treasures, which were not of good quality but were of decent quantity, were no longer favourable.

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