This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 269 0268. Appointed as the new Holy Lord

Wendy and Winnie are actually two innocent girls.

They had a miserable childhood and developed a strong psychological defense value, but they slowly melted away after meeting Sister Sophia.

In Hongfen Tuan, they are the favorites of the group. No matter the old or new, they are doted on like sisters and daughters.

Even though the two sisters together are equivalent to Kaiōshin, they have never participated in a formal battle since joining the group.

Sometimes, they don’t want to be group pets, they also want to help everyone save everyone.

So when the eldest sister Sophia was kidnapped, the two little girls stood up resolutely, even at the risk of exposing their biggest secrets.

Then the third team was in danger, and they were left at home to look after the house as usual. They didn't want to lose any of their big brothers and sisters, so they went to seek help from the evil god who had a very unstable personality.

Fortunately, His Majesty Xiu arrived at the scene in time, otherwise the eldest sister would be one against two, and the pink group would be doomed.

His Majesty Xiu had only let Sister Sophia go because of their "function" before. Now he has saved everyone's lives. To use the saying that one life is worth one life, their lives have long been owned by the men above.

Feeding is complete.

Wendy, Winnie and Milly were ordered to sort the spoils.

The hotel room was spacious enough, and the three girls quickly formed a large formation.

Millie, the bespectacled girl, seems to be "competing" with her twin sisters for favor. One person can work faster than two people.

But when she saw the sisters, they were not in a hurry. She even smiled when she saw her and even took the initiative to help. Gradually, she slowed down.

Also, Milly is also one of the insiders of Wendy and Winnie's life experience. Compared to the twin sisters, her experiences are nothing at all.

"Maybe Master Xiu just took them in because he thought they were pitiful."

"By the way, their bodies are useful to Master Xiu. I'm not as good as them in this regard."

"But Sir, he is so kind, he will definitely not eat them like the bad guys outside."

"Hey, why should I worry about them? If they are eaten, I will be the only one left with Master Xiu."

"Oh, forget it, let's not think about it for now. At most, I won't compete with them in the future... I'm completing the task assigned to me by the adults. Well, Milly, you have to concentrate on your work!"

Just then——

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"~

There was a knock on the door outside.

Matthew, who was learning new knowledge, said "come in" casually.

Sophia, the leader of the pink group, walked in.

"Xiu... Your Majesty."

Both the Holy Lord and the Holy King can be called His Majesty, and the meanings vary greatly.

Between the Holy Lord and the Holy King, the original Holy Lord is the only one standing in the way.

Its name is naturally unique.

The Origin Holy Lord is similar to the Holy King, killing all non-Original Holy Lords instantly, without exception.

At the same time, the Origin Holy Lord is the only Holy Lord who can fight with the Holy King. It is impossible to defeat him, and it is not a big problem to escape intact.

Originally, Sophia, the leader of the Red Pink Group, VS the Holy Master, refused to give up.

Now it is not a matter of admitting it or not.

Sophia was able to mobilize even a trace of her original power with her [Zanpakutō], but a casual punch from Matthew was a hundred times more powerful.

The gap between the two sides is too big. Even though he still has a crush on a certain man in his heart, he no longer dares to show it on the surface.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for rescuing me." Sophia said respectfully.

Matthew said, "Yeah."

Then nothing happened.

"I have eliminated all the members of the Black Flag Star Thief Group."

Matthew said: "Okay."

He suddenly remembered something and commanded: "Keep the worthless things for yourself, and give the valuables to the three of them. Hey, three girls, don't throw away those rubbish yet. Give it to Sophia and let her deal with it."

"Okay, sir." Millie, the bespectacled girl, continued to concentrate on her work.

Wen Di and Wen Ni glanced at the eldest sister who was clenching her hands into fists, secretly shook her head, and then replied: "As ordered."

The vast universe.

Strength is always the last word.

Well, Sophia chose to endure it.

Besides, the man across from him didn't have many years to live, so there was no need for him to get into trouble with an old guy.

Immediately, Sophia bowed again and reported: "Your Majesty, Xiu Mian, those people from the Black Flower Star Region have contributed a lot to this annihilation mission. They want to see you, Your Majesty."

Matthew said: "No."

"Are they still planning to get a banner or something?"

Sofina replied: "They seem to want you to be the new Holy Lord of Heihua."

Matthew: ()?

In the universe, after killing someone, can you replace him?

Something is wrong.

If something was not wrong with Matthew, then something was wrong with the Kaioshins outside the door.

Not long.

The five Kaioshins stood in a row, led by the old man with a white beard and a sharp mouth.

None of them are human, they seem to have become humans reluctantly to cater to Matthew's taste.

"Your Majesty!"

The five people saluted.

Then cheat immediately.

"Your Majesty Xiu Mian, thank you for saving thousands of people in the Black Flower Star Territory."

"That's right, Your Majesty, that bastard Sig has occupied the Black Flower Star Territory for nearly a million years and wantonly expanded the black market business. We all hate him."

"That bastard regards money as his life. He will do anything immoral for the sake of money. Normally, we would be angry but dare not speak out. So today, Your Majesty, you have killed this beast, which is very satisfying!"

"Wait a minute."

The five Kaioshins had obviously prepared a lot of speeches, but Matthew interrupted them.

Matthew put down the book and looked over, "You said that the big lizard I beat to death liked money the most?"

Kaiohs and Gods: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Then He must have saved a lot of money, right?"

"Sig's treasure house is on Black Star."

"Now that He is dead, what are you going to do with the inheritance?"

"Of course... well, of course it is given to Your Majesty."

The white-bearded Kaiowen God Wadanduogei immediately retorted: "This cannot be called a gift. Sig was killed by Xiu Mian, and all his assets naturally became the trophies of the Lord."

"It's just that I guess that bastard Sig must have hidden a lot of treasures behind his back. Finding them requires manpower and time."

"One more thing, after Sig died, his business must be recovered. This is a huge task..."

Matthew waved his hand, "Needless to say. I am determined to be the Holy Lord of your Black Flower Star Territory. Unless the Holy King arrives, no one will try to oust me."

The five realm kings smiled happily and said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about this; His Majesty the Holy King has been in seclusion for many years, and His Royal Highness the Dragon King is busy dealing with the civil war. When the war is over, I don't know how long it will take, by then those things just now will be dealt with."

Matthew guessed that there must be something fishy in the fact that a few old guys were so keen on taking back the business.

But it doesn't matter, the Black Flower Star Territory is not his anyway, and he won't feel bad about it no matter what happens.

He wants money, cosmic coins, secret treasures, and treasures that can increase his time.

In a star field with thousands of planetary planes, Matthew didn't believe that he could not find a few things that he could use with all the power of the field.

Matthew looked at Sophia and said, "From today on, Hongfen Tuan will be my crown's personal guard. You will be the captain of the guard and will be responsible for the collection work."

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