Heihua Star Territory, Airport.

Fighting within the port is a violation of official rules, so no matter what conflicts there are, all parties will go to the stars outside the port to fight.

Shabak's encounter with the Black Flag Regiment was purely accidental.

There are many people who have been killed by the Red Pink Group and Black Flag.

There were also many people from the Black Flag Group who killed the Red Pink Group.

No nonsense, the two groups went out to fight, and then more and more people came to support them.

The difference is that the third detachment of the Pink Star Thieves had no intention of parking here, and more than half of the team could not make it.

The Black Flag Regiment came well-prepared. At least half of the regiment was scattered throughout the airport, which resulted in a situation where more troops were fighting against fewer troops.

Under the sky.

The three-eyed King Sabak has already opened his third eye, and the silvery-white light "swish, swish, swish", and if it hits the Kaiou, it will be cut off in two, and the Kaioshin will have to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

The big black face on the opposite side is the strongest member of the Black Flag Star Thieves Group, and his strength is even stronger than Sabak's.

Flashing his deadly eyes, the black-faced Heisongqi laughed loudly, "Shabak, your trump card has been used up, if you have any tricks left, come out quickly, otherwise you will have no chance!"

Black Songqi is surrounded by black energy and seems to be composed of the souls of various creatures.

The screaming faces were eerie and terrifying, devouring all living things in sight without distinguishing between friend and foe.


Even the king of his own realm ate together, really not being able to tell the difference between friend and foe.

There is a difference between the Star Thief Group and the Star Thief Group.

The Black Flag Group is as its name suggests. From the group leader to the members, one competes with the other with ruthless hands.

The leader of the group, Heidiqi, Heisongqi's brother, has adhered to one principle since the group was founded, that is, the law of the jungle should prevail.

Heidiqi never kept his identity, resources, or secret treasures privately. He said that no matter who he was, he could take them away as long as he could kill him.

Women in the group and outside the group can sleep with them casually. If they like a man and can beat that man, then the man can sleep with her as well.

In a word: Black Flag's success today depends not on passion, but on strength.

Do you want money, power, or women?

Become stronger and you can have anything!

Not so with the Pink Star Thieves.

Probably due to Sophia's own "family background", she has adopted many stray cats and dogs over the years.

For example, the two sisters Wendy and Winnie are determined not to reveal their identities.

For example, Shaya, whose clan was massacred by the Holy Lord of Heaven.

Another example is that because he had an extra eye, he was always despised by his tribe. He accidentally killed his mother and was hunted down by the whole tribe.

The Pink Star Thieves gang robbed wealthy businessmen, robbed powerful people, and even dared to fight with the official team. At the civilian level, they would not kill anyone unless they were extremely evil.

Just like the third detachment launched an attack on the interstellar train, they had already planned it. They could have used a more tactful method, or even a sneak attack, but they actually used a strong attack to attract the strong people in the train and protect the civilian class. minimal casualties.


The three-eyed king once again used the move [Death-Death Demonic Eye].

Heisongqi's black soul was no match for the magic eye and was torn apart one by one.

However, the Death Eye will break off by itself halfway through use, and Heisongqi has many black souls, and he can replenish them with the help of battle. After another blow, the verdict will be determined.

"Hahahaha, Shabak, you idiot, you had the chance to run away, but you decided not to run away, for the sake of your so-called brothers, right? Okay, I will let you see the true colors of these brothers of yours."

The Black Soul God King Hei Songqi shouted: "You guys of the Red Pink Group, please listen to me. Put down your weapons five minutes from now, and I will spare your life. If you are willing to join the Black Flag Group, it is very simple, just take it. A human head made of red powder will suffice.”

"Kill one to join the group, kill ten, and you will be the captain!"

Black Flag Group VS Red Pink Group.


10 times the strength of the troops surrounded the Red Pink Regiment. Unless they had super strength, it would be impossible to break through.

Heisongqi laughed loudly.

What came instead was waves of yelling and scolding.

"Put down your weapons and surrender, surrender to your horse!"

"We have never had a coward in Hongfen Tuan. Even if I die today, I will die standing up!"

"Heisongqi, you were born to your brother!"

"That's right, I don't know who the special code is. You call me brother in public and father behind your back. Your brother killed your father and took over your mother, and then he had you!"

Heisongqi's face was already dark, and it turned even darker when he heard this.

"court death!"

"You are looking for death!"

Heisongqi slapped out countless black souls, and what came to him was a huge machete.

"Boom boom boom boom"! …

The dark souls exploded.

The remnants of the Red Pink Group and the Black Soul Group were divided into two sides by this knife.

Sophia arrived, holding two golden machetes as tall as a person.

The two swords merge into one, which is Sophia's secret treasure [Zanpakutou]!

"Heisongqi, do you still remember when you killed my Hongfen deputy captain?"

Sophia was about to stand behind the sword, and she was equally angry, a heavy anger.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Heisongqi, who had lost half of his black soul, continued to laugh and said: "You are talking about that pretty little woman. Remember, I told her to let her be my wife. I didn't want to kill her. It was He who forced me.”

"Drunkard bitch Sophia, are you interested in being my wife? My body is much stronger than those bitches under your hands. If you don't believe me, I will take it off and show it to you."

Sophia said coldly: "No, when you die, I will cut it off for you and send it to your brother."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Heisongqi released all the black souls and ran away.

Just kidding, even if he is stronger than Shabak, he still hasn't broken through to Kaiohshin, and Sophia is the Holy Master, holding the secret treasure [Zanpakutō], it would be weird if he can beat her.

"If you want to run away, there's no way!"

Sophia slashed out three sections of sword light and chased after him.

"Get on me, get on me, stop this drunkard!"

Black Songqi shouted as he ran.

Not to mention the poor cohesion of the Black Flag Regiment, many people already wanted to quit when they saw the Holy Lord coming from the opposite side.

Now the Holy Lord rushed forward, and 5 or 600 of the 1,000 people ran away in an instant.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Heisongqi cursed.

"You're an idiot too."

In the second sentence, Heisongqi was scolding Sophia.

Almost at the same time.

The invincible three-stage sword light encountered resistance.

A long dark blue creature bypassed those golden lights and bit Sophia's shoulder.

The long creature, covered in the cloak of a black soul, suddenly started to move and began to speak suddenly, so Sophia was careless.

"Hahahaha, little drunkard, I finally caught you."

Heisongqi, who has a huge face, a wide body and a fat body, has transformed! He became a taller and fatter version of... Black Flag Holy Lord Heitiqi.

"Haha, I've wanted your pink balls for a long time, little Sophia."

Hediqi put his thick finger in front of his mouth, "Shh, I know what you want to say. Even if I lose one of your hands, I can't keep you today, can I?"

"So, I have prepared more gifts for you."

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