This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 211: The whole forest is my own


Under the enlightenment of Shenteng, the first big tree not only grew eyes, but also soon grew a mouth, and let out a dull roar of filial piety.

Immediately after, the second big tree, the third big tree...

I saw that in the forest to the south of the Veng tribe, hundreds of trees were all turned into treemen.

These tree people opened their eyes one after another, waving the thick branches excitedly, making a rustling sound.

A few other treants pulled their roots out of the ground, moved as fast as an octopus on the ground, and then took root to another location.

Perhaps, these big trees have long been dissatisfied with the place where they grow, and as soon as they have the ability to move, they will quickly take root in another place.

On the outpost, Jiang Xuan and the Veng tribe warriors watched this scene, and everyone dropped their jaws in shock.

Jiang Xuan was already prepared to fight first and then run away, but now it seems that there is no need for it.


The warriors of the Black Snake Tribe had already rushed over, and the totem patterns on their faces actually glowed with black light, and the running speed was astonishingly fast.

Finally, the first group of snake tribe warriors ran into the forest outside the vine wall.

However, when they were about to move on, they saw that the big trees in front of them suddenly came alive. A human face grew out of the trunks of these big trees, and then roared at the warriors of the Black Snake Tribe.


"Clap clap clap..."

A tree man waved his thick branches and slapped the warriors of the Black Snake Tribe, sending many of them flying out, breaking their bones and tendons.

A warrior of the Black Snake tribe cried out in horror: "These trees are alive..."

Elsewhere in the forest, the Black Snake Tribe warriors who rushed in also encountered the same problem. Rows of huge trees all moved, and they suddenly attacked them, beating these Black Snake Tribe warriors to hell.

The power of the tree people is terrifying, and they are so huge that a branch sweeps over, and there is nowhere to hide in a large area of ​​the ground.

More than a hundred treemen attacked at the same time, and more than 6,000 soldiers of the Black Snake Tribe were beaten to the ground, and they ran to the back with rolling and crawling.

What's worse, there are not only tree people in this forest.

Those ordinary vines, weeds, and shrubs are also blessed by the divine vines. Although they do not have eyes and mouths like treemen, they also possess some spirituality and mobility.

A tricolor warrior of the Black Snake Tribe was relying on his speed to avoid the tree man's attack in the forest. When he landed on the ground, his feet were suddenly entangled by an ordinary vine.

In normal times, he wouldn't care about such an ordinary vine, and he could break it with brute force.

But now, after he was entangled, the terrifying branches of the tree man were photographed directly.


The three-color warrior let out a scream, and saw that he was smashed by the tree man's branches, and his whole body was covered with wounds.

The tree man pulled the thick roots out of the ground and moved over the tricolor warrior.

After the tree man passed by, the three-color warrior was too dead to die, and even the spear was broken into several pieces.

"Too fierce!"

On the outpost, Jiang Xuan exclaimed as he watched hundreds of treants chasing more than 6,000 Black Snake tribe warriors.

Chi Shao smiled and said: "With the Vine God, the whole forest is my own, and it's so easy for people from outside tribes to attack."

"The whole forest is my own!"

Jiang Xuan was amazed again. For the first time, he truly felt the horror of Shenteng.

As long as it is in the forest, it can get all the plants to help fight.

But Jiang Xuan thought of another question: "Why didn't Fujishen get some tree people out before?"

Chi Shao replied, "Maybe it's because it consumes too much divine power."

Jiang Xuan nodded. It is really not easy to turn a big tree into a tree man. If it is like that black snake, even if it is a god, it can't do it.

Jiang Xuan guessed that after Shenteng absorbed the soul and power of Mengniao God, its strength increased significantly, and it even had the power of a great god, so it was able to turn hundreds of big trees into tree people.

If the strength of Shenteng continues to grow, it may be possible to turn all the trees in the entire forest into treemen in the future.

When Jiang Xuan thought that the trees around the Goto tribe were all tree people, his heart surged.

What a shocking scene that must have been!

However, Jiang Xuan thought of another question, so he asked Chi Shao in a low voice: "If we want to cut down trees in the future, these treemen won't stop them, right?"

The tribe now mainly burns wood, and all kinds of tools and utensils can only be produced without logging.

If these tree people don't let the Vine tribe cut down trees, isn't it over?

"This... I have to ask the Fuji God to find out."

Chi Shao closed her eyes, communicated with Shen Teng for a moment, and then opened her eyes again.

"How is it?" Jiang Xuan looked at her.

"Vine God asked me to ask you, why are all tribes people, but they often fight back and forth?"

"It's... for survival, of course."

Chishao said: "Humans are for survival, and so are plants. The struggle for survival among plants is even more intense."

A flash of light flashed in Jiang Xuan's mind: "That is to say, if we cut down some trees, it is more conducive to the growth of other big trees?"

Chi Shao nodded and said, "That's what the Vine God meant."

"I can rest assured that."

Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, it would really be a hassle if the tree was not allowed to be cut down in the future.

In the forest, the battle soon ended.

Although the Black Snake Tribe has a large number of warriors, it is useless to face those huge tree people, and it is difficult to cause fatal damage to the tree people.

More than 6,000 Black Snake Tribe warriors fled the forest in embarrassment after leaving a ground of corpses.

Those tree people didn't pursue them either. After driving them away, some returned to where they had grown before, while others found a new place to take root.

As long as they don't open their eyes and don't move around, they are almost no different from ordinary big trees.


In the sky above the forest not far away, the **** snake kept swimming around. It was very angry and aggrieved. In the end, it didn't dare to rush into the Vine tribe because it was afraid that the divine vine would provoke thunder again.

It stared at Shenteng for a while, then swung its tail and swam in the other direction.

On the ground, the witch of the Black Snake Tribe was instructed by the Snake God, and he said with a very ugly face: "Oracle, bypass this tribe and move on!"


The leader of the Black Snake Tribe smashed a tree trunk next to him with a ruthless punch, breaking a tree the size of a soup pot in the middle.


The leader of the Black Snake Tribe sat on the back of a big snake, and the big snake immediately swam, taking the Black Snake tribe leader to the direction of the snake god.

The witch of the Black Snake Tribe also sat on a **** snake and walked away.

More than 10,000 people from the Black Snake Tribe followed, and everyone felt aggrieved, but they were helpless.

This was the first time they had encountered a tribe that could not be eaten, and it seemed to be only a medium-sized tribe.

Soon, everyone in the Black Snake Tribe left.

Jiang Xuan rode the glutinous rice **** and followed from a distance, and finally breathed a sigh of relief until he was sure that the Black Snake Tribe had left and did not turn back to engage in conspiracy.

The crisis of the Vine Tribe was finally lifted, and there were no casualties.

On the other side, the frog tribe who had been waiting by the river bank finally let go of their hanging hearts.

"Finally gone."

Huo Meng and Wu looked at each other, they both breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

When the Black Snake Tribe came over, they were really scared.

Hatred returns to hatred, let the frog tribe go to the black snake tribe desperately, they dare not, even when they see the black snake tribe, they are ready to escape.

Today's frog tribe has regained a lot of giant frogs. If the black tribe attacks this side, they will immediately ride the giant frog across the river and run away.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen, and they were still a good affiliate of the Vine tribe.

"Wu, what should I do now?"

Wu thought about it carefully, and said, "Bring all the warriors of the tribe to the periphery of the vine wall and make the appearance of fighting to the death with the Black Snake Tribe. Don't let the Vine Tribe find out what we just wanted to run."

"it is good!"

Huo Meng immediately summoned the warriors of the frog tribe, put the packed things back first, then took up their weapons and entered the woods outside the vine wall.

When the crisis was resolved, the door on the vine wall opened again, Huo Meng immediately ran to the door and found Jiang Xuan.

"Boss Xuan, where are the people from the Black Snake Tribe?"

Jiang Xuan looked at Huo Meng with a smile but not a smile, and said, "I've already run away."

Huo Meng said indignantly: "Unfortunately, I originally wanted to kill a few more stinky snakes to take revenge!"

Jiang Xuandao: "Don't worry, leader Huo Meng, there will be opportunities in the future."

Huo Meng always felt that Jiang Xuan's eyes were strange, he felt very unnatural, so after expressing a few words of loyalty, Huo Meng said goodbye and left.

After Huo Meng left, Feng Cao appeared beside Jiang Xuan.

"Leader, the Frog Tribe can't believe it. They clearly wanted to run away just now, but now they deliberately show it to us."

Jiang Xuan said with a smile: "It's normal for them to run away. After all, the Frog Tribe has a very small population now. If it really fights with the Black Snake Tribe, the Frog Tribe may be exterminated."

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Feng Cao said again: "Then they don't have to do this on purpose, right?"

"It's understandable to show loyalty, but you'd better put a few people in the frog tribe in the future."

"I can stand the fear of the frog but I can't stand betrayal!"

"Don't worry, boss, I'll make arrangements now."

The wind grass soon disappeared into the woods again.

Under her leadership, the thorn vines have gradually developed to a certain scale. It is not difficult for her to place a few people in the frog tribe, and even buy some people.

After dealing with this matter, Jiang Xuan didn't care too much. To put it bluntly, with the current strength of the frog tribe, he still doesn't like it.

"Uncaria and loach, you take the hunting team over to dispose of the corpses left by the Black Snake tribe, pick up everything that can be used, and dig a few holes for the corpses to bury."


Uncaria and Loach immediately took people over to deal with the corpse.

In the past, everyone had a feeling of trepidation, because some of them had witnessed the appearance of those tree people showing their power with their own eyes.

They were afraid that the treemen would do something to them when they picked up the corpse.

However, their concerns are clearly superfluous.

Those tree people didn't move at all, a few tree people opened their eyes and looked curiously, and the other tree people didn't open their eyes at all.

The hunting team successfully disposed of those corpses, and collected everything like weapons, animal skins, animal skin bags, food, medicines and the like.

The corpse of Guanglao was dug a few large pits, dragged over and buried.

When the hunting party left, many treemen opened their eyes again. They pulled out their roots and ran "whoosh" to the place where the body was buried, and then scrambled to take root on it.

"All Worlds"

After some confusion, some of the treemen took over the places where the bodies were buried.

The tree man who didn't grab the spot could only go back to the place in annoyance and wait for the next opportunity.

Corpses are good food for plants, and tree people like it very much.

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