This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 203: 1 Coins and Weights and Measures

After the Law Enforcement Hall was established and the law was drafted, everyone dispersed, but Jiang Xuan was still sitting in his place, as if thinking about something.

Chi Shao was going to leave, but after seeing Jiang Xuan's expression, she stopped again.

"Xuan, what are you thinking?"

Jiang Xuan raised his head: "Corruption and bribery will definitely happen in the future, and there will be a lot of them. People are naturally greedy. As long as they have the opportunity, few people can resist it."

"So, I was thinking, how can I avoid this kind of thing as much as possible."

Chi Shao asked suspiciously: "Didn't we just set up the Law Enforcement Hall? And the heavy punishment of the earth bones should be able to deter many people, right?"

Jiang Xuan shook his head: "As long as the benefits are big enough, many people can risk their lives to gamble. Therefore, it is useless to rely on shock and deterrence. We must take other means to prevent this from happening."

"Then what should we do?"

Jiang Xuan was silent for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he said, "Make coins!"

"What is a coin?" Chi Shao had never heard the word.

Jiang Xuan tried his best to explain in words that Chishao could understand: "Coins are a kind of goods in a certain area that everyone needs and is willing to trade."

The essence of money is a commodity that can be used for trading.

As long as people in this area are willing to trade it, it can be anything, such as turtle shells, seashells, even cloth, stone tools.

Jiang Xuan continued to explain: "For example, high-quality stone is a kind of goods that all tribes need, and it can be used as coins."

"Xuan, do you mean that we will use high-quality stone to trade with other tribes in the future?"

Chi Shao frowned slightly, because she still didn't quite understand the question.

Although high-quality stone is good, its value is also quite high. It is a problem for poorer tribes to eat and clothe. What can they use to trade high-quality stone?

Jiang Xuan said with a smile: "High-quality stone can of course be included as part of our rattan tribe's coin system, but it cannot be used as the main coin."

"Our main coins are bronze coins!"

"Bronze coins?"

"That's right, we can make coins out of bronze, and then promote their use in the trading area. All goods are clearly marked with prices, and you can get as much coins as you sell."

"In this way, even if someone wants to embezzle, we only need to count the goods in the store, and it is easy to find the number of a pair of coins."

Chi Shao thought about it for a while, and asked again: "The goods sold can be like this, but what about the goods that are traded back? A lot of goods are traded back, and it is difficult for someone to find a little bit?"

"I've thought about this for a long time, so, in addition to making coins, the second thing we have to do is unify weights and measures."

"What are weights and measures?"

Chi Shao felt a little big, how much did Jiang Xuan learn from that mysterious old man? Why hasn't she heard of it?

Jiang Xuandao: "Degree is length, how tall a tree is, we can use a fixed unit of length to measure, for example, if we use 'meter' as the unit, then we can fix how long a meter is, measure that A tree, you can say how many meters tall that tree is.”

"Quantity is a tool for calculating the number of items. For example, if we have a water tank, how do we know how much water is in the tank?"

"At this time, we need to use a tool, that is, a water scoop. We scoop out the water in the tank one by one with the water scoop, and then we know how many scoops of water there are in total."

"If the size of the water scoop is fixed, then we can not only use it to calculate the amount of water, but also calculate the amount of small grains such as bamboo and wheat. For example, how many scoops of grain we have produced in one piece can be clearly calculated. Figure it out."

"Balance means weight. For example, I harvested a large stone egg last year. How much does it weigh?"

"We can use the unit of 'jin' to measure, fix the weight of a jin, and then create a tool that can measure the weight, and then we know how much the stone egg weighs."

"Do you understand this explanation, sister?"

Jiang Xuan's mouth was dry, he picked up the pottery cup and drank a large glass of water.

Chi Shao said honestly: "I probably understand, but you said too much, I can't remember."

"It doesn't matter, we will make these things in the future. If you use them more, you will remember them."

Unifying coins and weights and measures is a very important thing, because in this way, it can greatly promote the fairness of transactions and the healthy development of the trading area.

If you rely on your eyesight, tribes like the Blacktooth tribe who often trade will take a lot of advantage, and other tribes often suffer big losses in front of them, so naturally they are not so enthusiastic about trading, and even vigilant and disgusted.

Only by unifying coins and unifying weights and measures can we promote the healthy development of transactions. Even if someone is cheated, they can only cheat on the price.

In terms of quantity, even if someone can manipulate the weighing tool, it is impossible to do it too obviously, and the pit is too outrageous.

Chi Shao thought about it for a while, and then raised another key question: "But these things are all made by our Vine tribe, what if other tribes don't recognize it?"

Jiang Xuan smiled confidently: "As long as our Vine tribe becomes stronger and more goods, the nearby tribes have no better trading partners than us, and they have to recognize them even if they don't recognize it."

Jiang Xuan's words were very domineering. After Chi Shao heard it, she was lost for a moment. After she came back to her senses, she felt very proud again, because Jiang Xuan was her younger brother!

"Then do it, my sister supports you!"

"Okay, I'll go to the smelting workshop now and make the ruler first!"

A ruler is one of the most important tools. With a ruler with a fixed scale, things made by the Goto tribe can be of the same size and can be mass-produced.

Jiang Xuan went to the smelting workshop, Chi Shao also returned to his yard, the first batch of witch medicine apprentices had been selected, a total of ten people, men and women, were all interested in herbal medicine and witch medicine.

Chi Shao needs to be patiently taught, to train these ten apprentices into witch doctors, and to heal more clansmen.

East coast, smelting workshop.

Jiang Xuan first used the softened insect wax to make a model of a ruler.

After the model was completely solidified, Jiang Xuan used a small wooden stick, folded it segment by segment, and then engraved scales to ensure that each scale was the same length.

When he finished, a ruler model with scale appeared.

There are three units on the ruler: meters, decimeters, and centimeters.

One meter is equal to ten meters, and one decimeter is equal to ten centimeters. It is very clear.

Of course, Jiang Xuan's one meter was only similar in length to his previous life, not the same, because he didn't have an accurate ruler in his hand.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the Teng tribe is strong enough in the future, then the ruler in Jiang Xuan's hand will be the most accurate ruler in the entire primitive continent!

If other tribes want to measure anything, they must use the length of the ruler of the rattan tribe, otherwise it will be difficult to trade with the rattan tribe.

Jiang Xuan modified the ruler made of insect wax again, and carved the totem pattern of the rattan tribe in the blank space.

Afterwards, he wrapped the ruler made of insect wax with clay, and used the lost wax method to make the first ruler's pottery blank.

Finally, Jiang Xuan poured the bronze liquid into the pottery blank. After the bronze liquid solidified and cooled, Jiang Xuan smashed the pottery blank, and the first bronze ruler of the Veng tribe appeared!

Jiang Xuan held the one-meter-long bronze ruler in both hands, and said excitedly, "This is the first bronze ruler of the Teng tribe, and it is also the master of all rulers in the future!"

The soldiers in the smelting workshop didn't quite understand the meaning of the first ruler, but they were happy when they saw Jiang Xuan happy.

After being excited, Jiang Xuan made dozens of bronze rulers successively according to the appearance and scale of the first bronze ruler.

One of them was given to the smelting workshop for their later use to measure the length.

The use of the ruler is not difficult to understand, and the Vine tribe has long since popularized numbers, and the warriors of the smelting workshop can understand the numbers marked on the bronze ruler.

After Jiang Xuan taught them a few times, they understood how to use the bronze ruler.

"In the future, except for those tailor-made weapons and utensils, other things must be of the same size and length, so that they can be easily taken out and traded with other tribes."

The soldiers in the smelting workshop nodded and took Jiang Xuan's words to heart.

After finishing the bronze ruler, Jiang Xuan began to make other things related to weights and measures.

First, there are two square bronze basins, one large and one small. The small bronze basin is filled to one liter, and the large bronze basin is filled to a bucket.

Ten liters equals one bucket and ten buckets equals one stone. The conversion method is quite simple and practical.

Jiang Xuan fired a batch of bucket basins of the same size for the measurement of liquid or small grain grains of the Goto tribe.

After casting the Shengdou Basin, Jiang Xuan cast another square bronze block with a large number of rattan tribe totem patterns engraved on it.

Jiang Xuan set the weight of this piece of bronze as one kilogram, which means that all future weight units will be based on this one kilogram of bronze.

"The First Minister of the Ming Dynasty"

After deciding on the unit of weight, Jiang Xuan started to make steel scales again.

A steelyard scale is one of the most important, practical, and relatively simple weighing tools to make.

Jiang Xuan used a straight purple-blood tree to plan a weighing and then cast the weighing weight, weighing pan, weighing hook, handle, etc. out of bronze.

The purple blood tree is very tough, durable and not easily deformed.

Simple fire-baked, straightened, it's the best scale.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan installed the handle, scale pan and scale hook, and hung the scale with rope.

Finally, he put the piece of bronze weighing a pound on the weighing pan, and moved the position of the weighing weight to keep the scale rod stable.

After the weighing rod was stable, he marked the position of the weighing rope and weighed things later. If the weighing rope was moved to this place and the weighing rod could keep the balance, it meant that the items on the weighing pan or weighing hook weighed one pound.

Because it is more troublesome to make a scale star, Jiang Xuan temporarily used a carving knife to carve a dent, and then painted the carved place for easy identification.

After measuring it with a bronze ruler, he subdivided a pound into ten taels. Each tael was also engraved with dents and painted with paint. The dents of one tael were much smaller than the dents of a pound.

After everything was done, Jiang Xuan had his first steelyard.

Then, he followed the gourd and painted the scoop and made more than a dozen steelyards.

With these steelyards, the Goto tribe's trading areas, warehouses and other places can figure out the weight of items.

Whether it is recording or trading, it is much more convenient and accurate.

After the steelyard was manufactured, the first generation of weights and measures of the rattan tribe was also declared complete.

These weights and measures will become the benchmark for all lengths, weights and volumes of the rattan tribe in the future.

Jiang Xuan set the first bronze ruler, the lifting basin and the bucket basin as a one-pound bronze block, and the first steel scale, all of which were placed in a room next to the altar as a template.

All weights and measures made in the future must be the same as these tools, so as to ensure the unification of weights and measures of the Fuji tribe in the future.

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