This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 109: The Great Western Wilderness

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In the second year of the establishment of the Vine Tribe, at the beginning of the thirteenth month, the snow and ice still did not melt. However, the west side was covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning for several days, which was very terrifying.

This was a situation that had never happened before. For a time, all the tribes were panicking, not knowing what kind of fate would befall them.

In the rattan tribe, the old witch stood in front of the bamboo house, looking at the gloomy sky in the west, and the lightning flashes from time to time, his face was very dignified.

During this period of time, he always had a feeling of trepidation, as if something big was happening.

"Could it be that something changed in Xihuang?"

The old witch frowned and pondered for a long time, then said, "How about... go take a look?"

The old witch was a little hesitant, because it was a cold winter, it was snowing everywhere, the weather was very cold, and there were still huge unknown dangers over there.

The old witch walked into the bamboo house, sat by the fire pond, and pondered for a long time watching the beating flames, and finally, he stood up again and said: "Go and see, anyway, at this age, you are not afraid of death, and What's so intimidating?"

The old witch's eyes gradually became firm, and a flame was burning in his heart.

After making the decision, the old witch simply cleaned up, and then braved the heavy snow to walk towards the bamboo forest.

The snow on the ground was deep, but the old witch didn't care. He stepped out of Jiang Xuan's courtyard and knocked on the door that was covered with a thin layer of ice.

In the bamboo house, Jiang Xuan, who was drawing a map, shouted to the outside: "Tangyuan, go open the door!"

In the bamboo shed, Tang Yuan stood up reluctantly, then swayed to the courtyard gate, took away the wood supporting the door with the bird's beak, and then opened the gate with the bird's beak.

When it saw the old witch outside, it looked back subconsciously, but didn't see the giant eagle.

The old witch patted the hard wings of the dumplings and said with a smile, "The little guy is getting stronger as he grows."

Tang Yuan rubbed the old witch with his head affectionately, then swayed back to sleep.


After Jiang Xuan heard the voice of the old witch, he hurriedly opened the door and greeted him from inside.

"Old witch, why did you come in person in such a heavy snow. If there is something for the soldiers to tell me, I can just go over there."

The old witch waved his hand and said, "I'm not old enough to walk, so it doesn't matter."

Jiang Xuan invited the old witch into the bamboo hut, let him sit by the fire pit and roast the fire, and then scooped him a bowl of hot soup from the pottery cauldron.

"Come, have a bowl of soup and warm your body."

The old witch was not polite. He picked up the bowl and blew it. After a long time, he drank the bowl of hot soup, and his body felt much warmer.

The old witch put down the bowl and said to Jiang Xuan, "I'm going to go to Xihuang."

Jiang Xuan was stunned: "Going to Xihuang? Now?"

"Yes, something big must have happened in Xihuang, I want to take a look." The old witch's tone was calm, but his eyes were firm.

Jiang Xuan frowned and said, "But it's still snowing now, it's too cold, can you wait until the ice and snow melt before going?"

The old witch shook his head and said, "By that time, everything may be over. I have the magic power to protect my body, and I have thick animal skins to keep me warm. It's nothing to be cold."

The old witch is a very assertive person, and other people's opinions are difficult to shake when he decides.

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "How about I go with you, I also want to go to Xihuang to see."

The Veng tribe is located in the northwest of the Southern Wilderness. According to the climate and environment of the Yanyang tribe, it should not be very far from the Western Wilderness.

If there is a huge change in Xihuang, then the Vine tribe will also be affected in the future.

Go there in advance to see the situation, and you can respond as soon as possible.

The old witch looked at Jiang Xuan and said, "I suggest you don't go, it might be dangerous over there now."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said: "Where is it not dangerous? Even if you stay in the tribe honestly, you can't escape the disaster that should come."

"What's more, I am a four-color warrior now and have the ability to protect myself."

In this dangerous and unusual primitive world, even if you do nothing, danger may come suddenly.

All those who can survive, in addition to strength, also need a little luck.

Jiang Xuan believes that his luck is still very good, not to mention that they are going to the West Desert by taking a giant eagle, which is quite safe.

The old witch thought for a while, and felt that what Jiang Xuan said was reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Since you have decided, I will take you for a walk, so you can prepare."

"it is good!"

Jiang Xuan immediately packed up his things, such as dry food, water bottles, weapons, medicine powder and the like, which are all necessary.

He also prepared a large and thick animal skin to wear on his body, which could withstand the cold wind and ice and snow.

Afterwards, the two went to Chi Shao again and told her about it again.

In fact, Chi Shao also wants to go together, but if she and Jiang Xuan are gone, who will manage the tribe?

Therefore, the red peony can only stay in the tribe.

However, she stuffed Jiang Xuan with a lot of medicinal powder for various purposes and asked him to take it with him in case of emergency.

Jiang Xuan explained things in the tribe to Chi Shao, and then found Uncaria and others, and asked them to take care of the dumplings on their behalf.

After everything was ready, Jiang Xuan and the old witch took the black giant eagle and flew to the West Wilderness.


The black giant eagle let out a high-pitched eagle chirp, then flapped its huge wings and flew towards the West Wasteland.

In the courtyard of the bamboo forest, Tangyuan watched the giant eagle fly away eagerly. It actually wanted to fly over, but unfortunately it hadn't really grown up yet, so it couldn't fly long distances, so it could only stay in the tribe.

Chi Shao also stood beside the dumplings, and prayed in her heart that Jiang Xuan and the old witch would return safely.


In the sky, the giant eagle will land on the mountain for a rest every half-day flight, and prey on some prey.

Jiang Xuan and the old witch wore thick and large animal skins, sat on the back of the giant eagle, and endured the cold at high altitude.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuan was already a four-color warrior. If he were a one-color warrior, he would really not be able to stand such cold.

To Jiang Xuan's surprise, the old witch seemed to be more resistant to freezing than him. It should be the mysterious witch power protecting him.

Most of the time, they hid their whole bodies in the large animal skins, and from time to time they would lift the animal skins to see what was going on outside.

The animal skin was frozen hard, and it was covered with a thick layer of ice and snow.

This continued until the third day of their journey.

When the giant eagle took them deep into the Western Wilderness, the heavy snow that was flying all over the sky suddenly disappeared, and there was no snow on the ground.

The temperature in Xihuang was even higher than where the Veng tribe was located.

At the same time, they often encountered a large number of thick clouds, which from time to time thundered, and lightning flashed like silver snakes.

"What exactly is going on?"

Jiang Xuan couldn't figure out what was going on in Xihuang, why it was cold winter, but it didn't snow, and there were a lot of dark clouds gathering, lightning and thunder, but it didn't rain much.

The old witch also frowned, this situation is really abnormal.

According to the records of successive witches of the Eagle Tribe, as well as some legends, the Southern Wilderness is the warmest place, the Northern Wilderness is the coldest place, and the climates of the Eastern and Western Wilderness should be about the same.

However, the climate in Xihuang is very warm now, which is obviously not right.

On the fifth day of the journey, Jiang Xuan and the old witch had already gone very deep into the Western Wilderness.

Just then, an accident happened.

This morning, a large area of ​​fish-scale clouds appeared in the sky, and at the same time, there was a seven-colored glow, which was very beautiful.

However, at noon, they were resting on the top of a mountain, when the black giant eagle suddenly made a sharp cry and spread its wings, urging them to get on the eagle's back immediately.

When the old witch and Jiang Xuan hurriedly climbed onto the back of the eagle, the giant eagle flew up immediately, and instead of flying forward, it flew higher and higher.

Not only giant eagles, but also a large number of birds left the forest on the ground at the same time and flew into the sky, and a large number of beasts ran wildly.


At this moment, a muffled thunder-like sound suddenly came from the ground, continuous and terrifying.

Jiang Xuan and the old witch sat on the back of the giant eagle and looked at the ground.

They saw a very terrifying scene.

I saw that the earth suddenly rose and fell like water waves, the mountains collapsed, and the rocks rolled on the ground, as if a fine piece of porcelain was suddenly shattered, and countless cracks appeared.

The towering ancient trees collapsed, the houses on the ground collapsed instantly, the beasts on the ground wailed and ran, and the tribesmen in this area were also running and wailing.

"Earth... an earthquake..."

Jiang Xuan looked at the terrible scene on the ground, his face turned pale.

The old witch's face is also very pale. He has lived for most of his life and has never seen such a tragic situation. He has only heard some legends.

Because of the place where the Eagle Tribe is located, there has never been an earthquake.

The mountain where Jiang Xuan and the others were just collapsed. If they didn't leave in time, they would be in great danger like those on the ground and those birds and beasts.

The black giant eagle flew higher, obviously it was very frightened, and subconsciously wanted to stay away from the dangerous ground.

In the face of this kind of power of heaven and earth, whether it is a human being, a bird or a beast, or even a bird of prey like a giant eagle, they do not have the ability to contend, and all they can do is stay away.

The black giant eagle flew farther and farther, until it left the large earthquake area and was so tired that it landed on the top of a mountain in horror.

Jiang Xuan and the old witch also felt a little terrified. After all, the scene of the earthquake just now had too great a visual impact on them.

The land that had always been stable turned into a sea of ​​fury at that moment, and countless creatures on the ground were killed in this disaster.

Jiang Xuan and the old witch didn't leave the ground, they just sat on the back of the giant eagle.

"Eat... eat something."

Jiang Xuan took out some dried meat and dried fruit and handed them to the old witch.

The old witch didn't ask for jerky because he had bad teeth. He took a piece of dried fruit and chewed it slowly, but it tasted like chewing wax.

Jiang Xuan ate some jerky to satisfy his hunger, and then said to the old witch, "Old witch, is this what makes you uneasy?"

The old witch pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, I feel that there is a bigger crisis, this is an intuition."

A crisis bigger than an earthquake? What kind of crisis would that be?

Jiang Xuan only felt bitterness in his heart, because manpower was really not enough when faced with such a crisis.

Just like the tribes just now, in the earthquake, you can only rely on luck to survive.

Fortunately, such a crisis did not occur in the Southern Wilderness. Jiang Xuan felt rejoicing in his heart.

Soon after, Jiang Xuan looked at the scene on the ground, and the more he looked, the more he felt that something was wrong.

I saw that the ground was dry and yellow, and there was almost no water to be seen, and even a small river in the distance was cut off.

"Old witch, do you feel that it's too dry here?"

The old witch said, "Isn't it always so dry in winter?"

Jiang Xuan frowned, he subconsciously felt wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

After resting for about an hour, the ground did not experience the same earthquake as before, which made Jiang Xuan and the old witch feel a little at ease.

They took the black giant eagle and continued to fly westward, trying to find the "bigger crisis" in the old witch's intuition.

On the sixth day, Jiang Xuan obviously found that the vegetation on the ground was much sparser than before, and the water source became less and the air was drier.

Because there is no data for reference, he does not know whether this is a feature of the Western Wilderness or a change in recent years.

But Jiang Xuan took this situation to heart.

The seventh day, the eighth day... As they continued to penetrate into the Western Wilderness, the vegetation on the ground became more and more Rivers, lakes and other water sources became more scarce.

At the same time, the temperature is gradually rising, and the sun is shining brightly in the sky, bringing a rolling heat wave.

Jiang Xuan had already put away the thick and wide animal skin, and even took off the animal skin coat he was wearing.

"Old witch, have the previous witches of your Eagle Tribe recorded this situation in the Western Wilderness?

The old witch looked at the dry land, shook his head blankly, and said, "No, our Eagle Tribe knows very little about the Western Wilderness, but I remember that the Western Wilderness should be similar to the Eastern Wilderness. How could this be?"

It was clearly winter, but the depths of the Western Wilderness were hot like summer, and the vegetation on the ground was sparse, water sources were scarce, and even birds and beasts were less, like a desert.

When the giant eagle landed again, Jiang Xuan found that there were a lot of dead wood on the ground, some large and small, some were rotten, and some were relatively intact.

Based on the dead tree stumps still on the ground and some dry riverbeds, Jiang Xuan judged that this place should have been rich in vegetation and water before.

It shouldn't be too long for it to become like this.

If the time is very long, the ground will not be soil, but the yellow sand in the sky.

"Earthquakes, droughts, is there any connection between them?"

Jiang Xuan thought for a long time, but could not get an answer, but he vaguely felt that there must be some connection.

Moreover, the changes in the Western Wilderness will have a huge impact on the Southern Wilderness, and even the entire primitive continent.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Vine tribe to be alone in such a large environment.


Congratulations to the book friend "Xinxuan Liangsheng" for becoming the first elder of this book.

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