This Guy is Wrong

Chapter 582: Captive Stars (5)

   Chapter 582 Captive Stars (5)

  [I hope the flowers bloom as before: Has anyone noticed that this title has been changed? [picture]]

   The title of the news that first posted the names of Chi Chuzheng and Chu Anyang had been changed, and Chu Anyang was replaced by Oriental Entertainment.

  [Get off the horse and ask about the future: I'll go, it's really changed! ]

   is not just this one.

   Soon netizens discovered that the titles sent by major websites began to change.

  [Hanzhou: The hot search Chu Anyang Chi Chuzheng also disappeared. ]

  [Chuzheng is the best and doesn't accept rebuttals: Cutie said that if she doesn't share the same frame with Chu Anyang, she will have a different frame! ! ]

  [Urban Wild Deer: This young lady is a bit of a jerk, and she has become a fan. ]

  [Is Chuzheng cute today: It's okay for a little cutie to break up so aggressively, support! ! ]-

  Chuzheng remains high on the hot search, and the change of the title of the website is even known to the whole network.

  Chu Anyang's face was ashen.

   A few people in charge stood opposite each other, and they fell down in cold sweat.

   "What happened to the reporter at the door?"

   One of them wiped away his cold sweat: "Mr. Chu... We don't know where the reporter got the news."

   Those reporters suddenly appeared at the door of the company.

   just caught Chuzheng.

   Chuzheng did not shy away from it, and directly announced the termination of the contract.

  Chu Anyang didn't have time to operate.

   "What am I raising you for? You don't know that the reporters are squatting at the door of the company. You don't know if the reporters will join the company in the future?"

  Chu Anyang was very angry.

   I scolded these people one by one, but no one ran away

   "Get out."

   Everyone was relieved and left quickly.

  The office is quiet.

  The door of the office cubicle was opened, and he simply stuck his head out to take a look, then walked over with his head down, and carefully pulled Chu Anyang's sleeve: "Anyang, don't be angry, being angry is not good for your health."

  's simple voice was soft and glutinous, and Chu Anyang's heart softened when he heard it.

   The anger also dissipated most of the time.

   He took Jane into his arms: "Did you scare you just now?"

   shook his head briefly, but his face was a little pale.

  Chu Anyang kissed her soothingly.

   Simple and well-behaved in his arms: "Anyang... Miss Chi really terminated the contract?"

When    mentioned Chuzheng, Chu Anyang's face sank.

   "It's okay, without her Chi Chuzheng, there are others." Chu Anyang said: "I don't have to have her."

  Simple eyes sank.

   She didn't want to be left behind by Chu Anyang.

   She also wanted to stand in front of her.

   But Chu Anyang just didn't want to...

   Simply suppress the emotions in your heart.

   "Why did the title on the website change at the same time?" It was as simple as curiosity: "Miss Chi, do you have such a big say?"

  Chu Anyang frowned.

   How can Chi Chuzheng have such a big voice.

   "The termination of the contract is so straightforward, I'm afraid I'll find a new home." Chu Anyang snorted coldly.

   Liquidated damages of 35 million are nothing to first-line artists.

   But Chi Chuzheng knew very well that most of her money was spent on public welfare, how could she have so much money on her own.

   plus the matter of changing the title of the website.

  Chu Anyang decided in her heart that she must have found a next home.

   "Don't be angry..."

   "Okay, I'm not angry." Chu Anyang suppressed his anger: "What do you want to eat for a while?"

   "There must be reporters staring at you outside, go back and I'll do it for you."

  Simple blushing, shy and timid appearance, made Chu Anyang feel agitated.

"it is good."


   Chuzheng was just having a meal, and when she returned to her residence, she found that the trend on the hot search had changed.

   Oh, it's not that Oriental Entertainment is doing shit.

   is another message.

  Universe Invincible Handsome King V: Yes! The financial master just likes me and is willing to let me go through the back door! What's wrong? You can find a gold master if you are not convinced! My lord is good to me! The gold owner is willing to hold the things I don’t want in front of me! You people just can't eat sour grapes, but I have a gold master, and I am proud of my gold master! [picture]

The    picture is a **** gesture.

  No one left the country.

   But that hand is also very beautiful.


   The pheasant that popped out from here is making me hot! !

  [Always alone: ​​what's so arrogant about someone who goes through the back door? ]

  [Begins with blush: Pity our family is flustered, being robbed by such a person. ]

  [No. 4 florist: You can't explain your life without explanation, relying on women to be so arrogant, a man's shame! ! ]

  [Zhou Yaoke: Maybe people don’t rely on women, but chrysanthemums? ]

  [Eyes are still the same: Panic's character was robbed like this, isn't it too much? Can you be so shameless with a backstage? ]

  [Chuannan and Yubei: What are such people doing if they are not sealed? ]

   There was a lot of scolding under that Weibo post.

   There were also a few sporadic people who helped bloggers speak, but they were weak and were quickly overwhelmed by a large number of netizens who came to scold.

   The original owner knew this person.

   Feng Wang.

   A... Vase actor.

   This person's appearance is said to be the best-looking one in the history of the entertainment industry, and his appearance is against the sky.

  It's a pity that the acting scum went to my grandma's house.

   But some people hold it.

   Even if the acting skills are **** in the Pacific Ocean, the dramas are still one after another.

  This vase does not hide the fact that there is a gold owner behind it.

When    was exposed, the one above was staged.

  I have a gold master and pride.

   The original owner played a play with him.

   But because the characters don't have any intersection, they haven't even met in the crew.

  Although we haven't met, I heard a lot of rumors about this vase in the crew.

  Being late, playing big cards, beating staff on the spot, etc…

   In short, there are too many black materials to count.

   Chuzheng turned over the certification of this scarf.

  #Responsible for the appearance of the entertainment circle#

   Chuzheng: "..."

   Can it still be certified like this?

   Chuzheng exited to take a look at his certification.

  #Oriental Entertainment Artist#

   This is too casual!

  【Miss, you can also authenticate a different one by spending money! 】The king immediately popped out to instill the central idea that rich people can do whatever they want.

  Chuzheng: "..." Hehe, don't try to deceive me!

  【How can we be the same as those vulgar fans, the same thing, no new ideas. 】

   Chuzheng: "..." Of course I am different.

  【Miss, you are different. You are a big boss. You can’t be so unseemly. It is the dream of many people to lose a family. How can you let go of such a good opportunity before you? ! Let's try to fail! 】

  Chuzheng: "..." Please don't impose your dream on me, I don't have such a dream, thank you.


   blah blah blah…


   Oriental Entertainment is very depressed.

   Originally wanted to manipulate Chuzheng's termination of the contract, Chu Anyang meant that it was best to let Chuzheng bear the infamy.

  But they didn't have time to do it. First, Chuzheng blew up and terminated the contract, using the gate of Oriental Entertainment as the conference site.

   Then the major websites changed their titles to match what Chuzheng said and did not appear with Chu Anyang's name.


   Then they can save it.

   I just wrote the copy, but I haven’t attached a picture yet.

   The Internet has exploded again.

   This wave of hot searches remains high.

   That's all right, Oriental Entertainment wants to accuse Chu Zheng again, but the daylilies are cold.

   (end of this chapter)

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