This Guy is Wrong

Chapter 567: i am your sister (22)

   Chapter 567 I am your sister (22)

   Like Father Bai, there are people from the Song family who have the same complicated mood.

   They had withdrawn from Shen Chuzheng's marriage contract - although Chuzheng had withdrawn, the Song family insisted that they had withdrawn - at this time, seeing Shen Ming, how could their hearts not be complicated.

What is   EG?

   These people will deal with EG more or less, and sometimes they have to act according to their faces.

  EG is involved in a wide range of industries and has a much higher status than them. If you want to do something to them, it's just a matter of words...

  If they had known that this was the case, how would they have mentioned breaking off the marriage.

   Judging from his actions of letting Chuzheng appear and warning everyone, this shows that he loves this sister very much.

   Bringing sister Shen Ming home, that is to get EG's pass.

  The Song family is useless even if their bowels turn green.


   "Mr. Shen, you are young and promising, congratulations, this is... your sister?"

   "Mr. Shen, congratulations, please take care of me in the future."

   "Mr. Shen..."

  Shen Ming took Chuzheng over there. There were congratulations all the way. As for how much sincerity there is, no one knows.

  Chuzheng, as Shen Ming's younger sister, appeared here at this time, and everyone knew a signal.

   Even if the Shen family goes bankrupt, she is still Shen Ming's younger sister.

   People who have seen Chuzheng losers before, seem to understand at this time.

   There is an elder brother behind the family, so naturally they have money to spend.

  At the end of the dinner, Shen Ming drank a lot of wine. At this time, he smelled of alcohol all over his body, which mixed with the aura on his body, which was not unpleasant.

   "Sister, can I have a few words with Shen Ming?" Xie Yuepei stood outside the car.

   Chuzheng glanced at Shen Dong, and got out of the car with her skirt up.

   Xie Yuepei gave Chuzheng his car key: "Sister go and sit in the car, don't be cold."

  The car door was closed, Xie Yuepei and Shen Ming were silent in the car.

   "How is today?" Xie Yuepei broke the silence.

   "I've seen everything that should be seen." Shen Ming's voice was a little low: "They are more interested in the grievances between me and the Shen family."

   "Of course, if you can pull out a bit of news, then you will be the target of public criticism." Xie Yuepei said: "You have to handle it with care."


   Xie Yuepei glanced at him and asked the key point: "You and Shen Chuzheng, what's the matter?"

  Shen Dong pulled off his collar: "What do you think it is?"

   "It can't be what I think it is, can it?"

  Shen Ming looked at Xie Yuepei and was silent.

   Xie Yuepei: "..."

   Xie Yuepei covered his head for a long time: "Are you crazy?"

   "What does it matter." Shen Ming looked at the void: "We are not related by blood."

   "Huh?" Xie Yuepei was stunned: "What's the situation?"

   "Why do you think I was kicked out of the Shen family back then?" Shen Ming's voice was cold.

   Xie Yuepei also felt that being so unfeeling towards his own son was a little abnormal. Now that Shen Ming said it himself, everything made sense.

   Xie Yuepei got out of the car in a complicated mood, and when he turned his head, he found that his car was gone.

   "Mr. Xie, Miss Chuzheng said to go back first and borrow your car." Lin Yang came over and said weakly, how would he explain to President Shen!

   Xie Yuepei: "..."

  Lin Yang got into the car and took Shen Ming away.

   Xie Yuepei: "..."


  You just left me here! ?

   Are you the devil! ?

   Xie Yuepei scolded lowly, heard the voice of a girl, and raised her head with a coquettish smile: "Hey, beauty, do you mind taking me for a ride?"

The girl over there hung up the phone, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Where are you going?"

   Xie Yuepei affectionately: "In your heart."

   "Pfft." The girl laughed, clenched her chin, and said lightly, "Get in the car."


  Chuzheng went back to the apartment first, the quiet environment made her feel much better.

   She was lying on the bed, the door opening and Lin Yang's voice were faintly heard, and then it was quiet outside.

   Chuzheng doesn't plan to go out.

   Lying in bed brewing drowsiness.

   As a result, the sleepiness did not brew, and Shen Ming came first.

   Chuzheng sat up when he came in: "Your room is next door."

   "Yes." Shen Ming responded, but he didn't mean to leave, instead he walked towards Chuzheng...


  Woke up in the morning and the bed was a mess.

   The girl shrank in his arms, still pinching his wrist.

   Shen Ming tried to move, the girl frowned slightly, and subconsciously grasped it tighter.

   "Baby, let go." Shen Ming whispered softly in Chuzheng's ear.

   "Don't make trouble." Chuzheng hugged him in dissatisfaction, mine! Comfortable to hold and comfortable to kiss.

  Shen Dong: "..."

   It's over!

   He took several deep breaths.

  Shen Dong swore that he would never tease her again in the future.

  Before she was an adult, it was only him who suffered the last.

   (end of this chapter)

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