This Guy is Wrong

Chapter 561: i am your sister (16)

   Chapter 561 I am your sister (16)

   Chuzheng returned to the apartment after school and found several people standing outside the door.

   "Sister Chuzheng."

   Among those people, the only man who was not in a black suit stepped forward and smiled kindly and kindly: "Why did you move here to live? It makes me easy to find."

   "Who are you?"

   The other party was stunned for a moment, then pointed at himself: "Sister Chuzheng, me? Don't you remember?"

   Chuzheng shook his head bluntly.

  In the memory of the original owner, these Shen family members are probably the background boards similar to those in the anime.

   Of course, it's not that she has a bad memory, it's that she has no contact with these people at all.

  Shen Feng's smile was a little stiff: "I'm your cousin Shen Feng, remember?"

   "Oh." The name is a bit impressive.

   Chuzheng glanced at the people behind him: "What's the matter?"

  Shen Dong just asked if the Shen family had come to see her, and the trouble came in a blink of an eye.

   Is he a crow's mouth? !

  Shen Feng: "..."

   Shen Feng was very at a loss by Chuzheng's indifferent attitude, and what he had thought about before was completely useless at this time.

  Shen Feng coughed twice: "Don't ask my brother to come in and sit?"

   "No." Chu Zheng said with a cold face, "If you have something to do, tell me quickly."

   "..." Shen Feng almost didn't hold back his anger, was this little girl intentional?

  Shen Feng is also not good at forcing Chuzheng to ask him to sit down. He tries to stay kind: "The Shen Group has a lot of things recently, and we can't take care of my sister here. My sister, don't be angry with your brother."

   "The point."

"...It's like this, the uncle is in a coma in the hospital now, I want to pick up my sister to live with us, and take care of you in the future. Although the Shen Group is in difficulty now, it will definitely endure it, and I can't let my sister be let go by others. bullied."

   Shen Feng's heartfelt remarks made him even moved.

  Chuzheng: "..." The playwright.

   Didn't the Shen family's house be cheated out of the original owner by your partnership?

  The original owner was stupid, and she was so stupid?

   Chuzheng analyzed it and said, "You are here for Emperor Green."

   This matter didn't spread, Chuzheng didn't know whether it was Shen Ming who blocked the news or someone else, but it didn't hurt her.

   But the Shen family obviously got the news.

   The smile on Shen Feng's face froze.

   When Chuzheng saw him like that, he knew he was right.

   Sure enough, it is not profitable to get too early.

   "I have already given away the emperor green, don't come to me again, the Shen family's affairs have nothing to do with me in the future."

  Shen's father's medical bills are expensive and she can pay them in advance. Whether the Shen Group goes bankrupt or not has no impact on her at all.

   She even looked forward to the bankruptcy of the Shen Group.

   Let the Shen Group go bankrupt!

   The people who eat melons are anxious!

   "Give it away!" Shen Feng's voice rose a little, then he found himself excited and quickly recovered: "Sister Chuzheng, have you been deceived?"

   Shen Feng was shocked.

   That is one billion!

   "You're not going to lie to me too." Chuzheng pushed them away, swiping his fingerprints to open the door.

   "Sister Chuzheng, how can you think so, we are a family, how can we harm you?" Shen Feng hurriedly stopped Chuzheng.

   Chu Zheng's eyes turned cold, and he kicked Shen Feng's leg.

   Shen Feng felt pain and let go of the hand blocking the door.

   Chuzheng slammed the door shut, leaving behind Shen Feng, who was sweating from the pain and was out of breath.

  Chuzheng called the security guard of the apartment and said that the group was sneaky, and soon it was quiet outside.

   But how could the Shen family give up so easily.

   Chuzheng was stopped outside the school gate by the Shen family the next day he went to school.

   The sky was gloomy with light rain.

   Chuzheng didn't use an umbrella, and a layer of white sand fell from her hair.

   This time, it was Shen Feng's mother, the second aunt of the original owner.

   There is no end to it! !

   "Chuzheng." Shen Feng's mother stood outside the car door with a fake smile: "Second Aunt, say a few words to you, you can get in the car."

   "No time." Chuzheng walked into the school.

   The bodyguards brought by Shen Feng's mother immediately stopped her, and if she didn't get in the car, she had to use a strong stance.

   Chuzheng: "..."

   "Chuzheng, Second Aunt is talking to you, why are you so disobedient." Shen Feng's mother restrained her smile.

   is so annoying.

   Forget it!

   Chuzheng pressed his index finger with his thumb, pressed down gently, and after a click, followed by a second, a third...

   Shen Feng's mother was a little terrified by Chuzheng's cold eyes.

  What's going on with this little girl's movie?

   She's still afraid of a little girl's movie?

  Shen Feng's mother immediately straightened her back and said with a stern face: "Why, now Second Aunt can't call you anymore?"

   Chuzheng was about to start, his shoulders sank slightly, and he was pulled into a broad and fiery embrace.

  The black umbrella covered his head, and the man's pleasant voice sounded: "Why don't you bring an umbrella?"

   Chuzheng tilted his head slightly, and the handsome profile of the man came into his eyes.

  This man is so dazzling at all times, people can't help but fix their eyes on him.

   "It's annoying." It's just a little rain, what umbrella! How can girls not experience this little wind and rain!

   "No next time." The man's eyes lowered, his broad palm brushed between her hair, and the bottom of his deep eyes seemed to be somewhat soft.

   Chuzheng: "..."

  Why is the good guy card weird? !

   Strange eyes, strange tone, and strange movements...

  Has the good guy card broken?

   Chuzheng was terrified, would he still think I was a good person? !

   "Shen Ming!" Shen Feng's mother recognized Shen Ming, and her face was ashen: "Why are you here?"

   "My sister is here, the second aunt asked something strange." Shen Ming raised his eyes.

  Shen Feng's mother looked at Chuzheng, and then at Shen Ming. She wanted to understand something in the blink of an eye, and she trembled with anger: "Chuzheng, did you give him something?"


   Don't give me the good man card, can I give it to you?

Shen Feng's mother: "He's been kicked out of the Shen family. You gave him such a valuable thing, you're crazy? Do you know how much money the Shen Group needs now? You actually gave something to an outsider, you think What's in it?"

  Shen Ming's palm slipped down, hugged Chuzheng's waist, and exerted a little force to get her close to him.

   Chuzheng looked at him, but Shen Ming continued Shen Feng's mother's words: "Second Aunt, I'll take my sister to school first, and I'll talk to you later."

   "Shen Ming, Chuzheng is young, don't try to deceive her!" Shen Feng's mother walked over on high heels, staring at Shen Ming angrily, trying to pull Chuzheng back.

   Chuzheng retreated in disgust, but Shen Ming hugged her, she could only lean into his arms.

  Shen Ming raised the corner of his mouth slightly, took Chuzheng back, frowned lightly: "Second Aunt, you scared my sister."

   He lowered his head and said in Chuzheng's ear: "Let's go, I'll take you in, I'll take care of this, okay?"

   Chuzheng glanced at Shen Feng's mother, hesitated for a while between doing it and saving the trouble, and finally nodded.

   "Shen Ming!"

  Shen Feng's mother wanted to stop Shen Ming and instructed the bodyguards to go up, while Lin Yang brought someone over at the other end, and the two sides confronted each other at the school gate.

   At this time, there were a lot of people at the gate of the school, and most of them looked back.

   It was raining at this time, everyone was wearing umbrellas, and everyone couldn’t see what was going on.

   I saw a group of black suits standing there with umbrellas, a bit like the scene of social people making an appointment on a rainy day.

   (end of this chapter)

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