This Guy is Wrong

Chapter 545: Proton is hard (end)

   Chapter 545 Protons Are Hard to Be (End)

  The emperor has been married for many years, and the couple is deeply in love.

   But for so many years, there have been no children.

  The courtiers began to worry about the children again.

   Send a beauty?

   dare not dare.

  The Queen is too terrifying. Over the years, His Majesty has never looked at other women, except that he has become more and more fond of the Queen.

   They don't want their daughter to be sent in to suffer.

   That's how the 'Birth Team' was established.

   Every day ministers talk about the issue of children.

  Someone gave birth to a big fat boy today.

   Tomorrow, the big fat boy will have a full moon.

   tried to awaken His Majesty's desire and expectation for the offspring.

   However, Lian Qiong's reaction is a bit confusing.

   He was neither happy nor unhappy.

   looked at them with a half-smile and said.

   After waiting for the court, Lian Qiong couldn't hold back his anger: "What do these old men mean?"

   "Your Majesty, pay attention to your words." Chen Fei reminded.

  As an emperor, do you call your courtier that way?

   Lian Qiong snorted.

   "If I have a child, they can't see that I don't have a child, right?" He just wanted to live a two-person world with his queen, what kind of child would he want? What child do you want! ?

   "Your Majesty..." Chen Fei advised: "You are the emperor now, and in the future you need a heir to inherit the great line. You and the queen need a child."

   "Why don't you give birth!" Even after being the emperor for so many years, Lian Qiong is still unreasonable as always.

  Chenfei's mouth twitched: "Your Majesty, I'm a man."

  Lian Qiong walked forward with her hands behind her back: "It's so painful and dangerous to give birth to a child, so I won't let the queen give birth."

  Chenfei said cautiously, "Then Your Majesty is planning to take a concubine?"

  The ordinary family has three wives and four concubines, let alone the imperial family.

  Chenfei also just thinks according to the thinking of normal people.

  Since the queen does not want to experience the pain of giving birth, she can only accept the concubine.

   "Dust fly."

   "Your Majesty?"

   The young emperor turned around, with a three-point smile on his face: "Let me hear the word Nafei again, be careful with your skin."

  Chen Fei: "..."


  Lian Qiong complained to Chuzheng when he went back.

   said that the old man outside forced him to have a child, as if the posture was to ask him to have a child.

  Chuzheng leaned on the soft couch and casually flipped through the book: "You don't want children?"

   "I don't want it." Lian Qiong pinched Chuzheng's leg and wiped some oil from time to time: "I have to share you with my child after giving birth, so I don't want it."

   Chuzheng put down the book, lifted Lian Qiong's chin, and leaned over to kiss him.

  Lian Qiong suddenly became a little confused.

   She was already an old husband and wife, and she had done shameful things many times, and unlocked the poses that could be unlocked, but every time she kissed herself, it felt like the first time.

   However, Chuzheng just kissed him and soon let go.

   "The courtiers won't give up, you should think of a way earlier." Chuzheng leaned back and reminded in a light tone.

  Lian Qiong of course knows that those old immortals will not give up...

   Then find them something to do.

   So Lian Qiong went to provoke the state of Chu...

Although    is a trivial matter, the state of Chu has a bad temper.

   When the Jin Wei went to war, after the State of Chu sent troops to help, they did not take advantage of the situation, which was beyond the expectations of many people.

   But not long after Wei State was destroyed, Chu State frequently harassed the border of Jin State.

   They also have a princess over there... Although I heard that Princess Yunlan had a very miserable life there.

   But both the first emperor and the first queen were dead, who would care about the life and death of a princess.

  The state of Chu harassed the border, although it was a small matter, but in the long run, it was also annoying.

  Lian Qiong finds such a thing for the courtiers to do, and the daily issue becomes the state of Chu.

   Sure enough, no one talks about the children anymore.

   Lian Qiong occupied his queen with satisfaction.

   The hobby that Lian Qiong has persevered in her life and will always persevere is only her.


  Xiaoshanzi is now the **** who rules the entire harem.

   On this day, he passed by the palace where the protons of the former Wei Kingdom lived, and when his mind moved, he turned in.

  The palace has fallen into ashes. I left in a hurry and didn't bring many things with me, and I haven't come back since.

   But the familiar environment still evokes some memories of Xiaoshanzi.

   If he hadn't succumbed to his current master back then, he might have been mixed up now.


  Xiaoshanzi sighed in his heart and pushed open a few doors to take a look.

   In the room where Chuzheng lived, Xiaoshanzi suddenly caught a glimpse of something on the ground.

   He walked over suspiciously, brushed away the dust, and saw the golden leaves on the ground.

Where did    come from?

   Xiaoshanzi was wondering and found that there seemed to be more than one golden leaf.

   and many more.

   extends under the bed.

  Xiao Shanzi pouted his **** and looked under the bed in the dust.

   There are a lot of things piled up inside, and they are all covered with dust.

  Xiaoshanzi dragged the thing out, opened it, and saw that it was filled with gold and silver jewelry, as well as some silverware and goldware.


   Who secretly hid this here? !

   There are more than a dozen large and small bags under the bed, all of which are valuables.

  Which thief dares to be so bold? !

   So many things…

   Xiaoshanzi swallowed.

   If he took it, no one would know, right?

   But the fact is that Xiaoshanzi finally went to report to Chuzheng.

   After all, the things were found under the bed where Chuzheng once slept.

   "That..." Chu Zheng forgot: "I'll give it to you."

   Happiness fell so fast that Xiaoshanzi almost broke his breathing.

  Xiaoshanzi shivered: "Master... those things..." A lot! They would never have had that much gold and silver in their lifetimes.

   "Well, I reward you." Chuzheng didn't care at all.

   Later, Xiaoshanzi returned home with those gold and silver jewelry.

   The child he adopted asked curiously, "Foster father, is it very profitable to work as an errand in the palace?"

   Xiaoshanzi shook his head: "The palace doesn't make money."

   "Why is the foster father so rich?" The child was still a teenager, full of curiosity and inquiry.

   They are the richest people in town.

   "Because the adoptive father's master is rich." Xiaoshanzi sighed: "These are all rewards from the master."

   "The master of the foster father is so kind to you."

  Xiaoshanzi smiled: "Silly child, your adoptive father is just a **** on the job, how could the master treat me well."

   "Then didn't she reward you with so many things?"

   Xiaoshanzi was helpless.

   He couldn't tell him that the master didn't want to deal with these things, and just threw them at him?

   Not just him.

   As long as he is an errand by the master's side, who doesn't benefit from it?

  I don't know how many people who have broken their heads and want to go to the Lord's womb.

   is just serving me close by, more than those people.

   "Then... what kind of person is your master?"


  Xiaoshanzi looked into the distance.

   took a long time to shake his head.

   "The adoptive father never saw it through his whole life."

   That is a woman whose mind cannot be guessed.

   has an indifferent and alienated attitude towards everyone, as if nothing in this world is her concern.

  Only to Your Majesty...

  Although she had a cold attitude, they could all see that she was indulging and pampering His Majesty.

   (end of this chapter)

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