This Guy is Wrong

Chapter 525: Protons are tough (20)

   Chapter 525 Protons are Hard to Be (20)

   The Taoist temple is not big, but the environment is very good, there are only a few Taoist priests.

   "The third highness, the thirteenth prince." The spectator of the Taoist temple came out to greet him in person: "I have lost a distant welcome, please forgive me."

   Chuzheng was sure that he had never seen this spectator.

   No one introduced him just now, but the spectator directly recognized him.

   It's not that there are ghosts... it's just that this Taoist priest has some skills.

  Lian Qiong folded his hands together and bowed in a proper manner: "Watch the Lord."

   "Three Highnesses." The spectator returned the salute: "Please come inside."

  Lian Qiong put down his hands, resumed his languid state, and introduced to Chu Zheng: "This is the master of Taoism. It's very powerful. If the thirteenth prince wants to ask about marriage, peach blossom luck, you can, very accurate."

   "I have nothing to ask."


   "It is better to ask yourself than to ask the sky."

  The master turned his head and said, "The Thirteenth Prince has quite a bit of wisdom."

  Chuzheng was afraid that the next sentence of this Taoist priest would be whether or not to be a Taoist priest with me, so he took a step back.

   "The meaning of the spectator is that I don't have a root of wisdom?" Lian Qiong noticed Chuzheng and took the initiative to step forward to block the sight of the spectator.

   "Three Highness..." The spectator sighed: "You are too aggressive."

  Lian Qiong chuckled: "The spectator, please don't talk nonsense, do you see where I am hostile?"

  The master shook his head, as if he was unwilling to say more, and seemed not to know where to begin.

  Lian Qiong didn't bother the spectator, and turned back: "Thirteenth prince, you really don't ask about the luck of the peach blossom?"

"Not interested in."

   "Then what are you interested in?"

   "You." If I'm not interested in you, I have to loop here infinitely. You say whether I am interested in you.

  Lian Qiong: "..."

   Lian Qiong touched her earlobe and felt a little hot. He looked away, looked around, and fell silent.

  The Lord took them up to the attic, which is open and can see the outside scenery.

   Looking further afield, it seems that the outline of the imperial city can still be seen.

   After the Observation Lord burns the incense, he invites them to take a seat.

   "This time, the Third Highness is back, but there is something to be done." The Guanzhu asked while making tea.

   "Master, don't you just ask about these worldly affairs of the world?" Lian Qiong stretched out his hand to serve the tea, and was pressed down by the master with a tea clip: "Your Highness, don't be in a hurry."

  Lian Qiong withdrew her hand, smiled lazily, and did not answer the sentence.

  The way of making tea is very skilled. Just watching it is pleasing to the eye. The teacups collide and make slight noises from time to time.

   "Your Highness, Thirteenth Prince, please."

  Lian Qiong suddenly got up: "Thirteenth prince, you and Guanzhu have tea, I will go back when I go."

   Chuzheng looked at him.

  Lian Qiong smiled at her: "We'll watch the sunset later, the Thirteenth Prince should not go first."

   The ending sound is extravagant, and it is very close to pampering.

  Chuzheng watched Lian Qiong leave, and the watcher reminded her: "Thirteenth Prince, the tea loses its taste when it gets cold."

   Chuzheng picked up the teacup and took a sip.

   "What did the Thirteenth Prince taste?"

  Chuzheng is vigilant: "I didn't taste anything, I don't like drinking tea."

   Don't try to trick me into becoming a Taoist priest.

  Chuzheng put down the teacup and asked his doubts: "How do you know who I am?"

   "I was fortunate enough to have met once..." The spectator paused: "I met the Thirteenth Prince unilaterally."


  The imperial city is that big, and the original owner occasionally appears, so it is normal to be seen.

   "You have a good relationship with him?" It can be seen that Lian Qiong is more familiar with this place, and talking with Guanzhu, it is not necessarily too familiar, and the relationship is not too bad.

Guanzhu said: "His Royal Highness's mother-in-law, before she got married, was destined to rest in the mountains for a period of time. At that time, she was still a little girl... Later, she entered the palace and gave birth to His Highness, His Highness grew up, she occasionally He will bring His Highness to stay for a few days. Later... he will come by himself, saying that there is no oppression in the palace..."

   Chuzheng drank tea secretly.

   is quite delicious.

   The watcher didn't seem to notice her small movements, and said slowly: "Your Highness is very smart. But sometimes being too smart is not a good thing."

   The spectator sighed and looked at Chuzheng.

   Chuzheng put down the teacup and sat down instantly, the whole person was elegant and noble.

   "The Thirteenth Prince is a bit special."

   "Extraordinarily rich." Chuzheng replied smoothly.

   "Huh?" The spectator was stunned for a while, but he didn't mean to delve into it: "You are the first person to be brought up the mountain by the Third Highness."

   Chuzheng's calm gaze collided with the viewer's profound and serene gaze.

   "His Royal Highness didn't like to play with others since he was a child. He would rather be alone. You were the first person brought here by His Highness."

  "..." What should I say at this point in order to appear civilized and polite? "so what?"

   "His Royal Highness has too many things in his heart. If it is convenient for the Thirteenth Prince, please talk to His Highness more." At this time, the Guanzhu looks like an elder, not a Taoist Guanzhu.


   Chuzheng responded with an unclear meaning.

   The watcher hears the words and does not say more.

   The two of them sat quietly, the fragrance of tea overflowing.

   "Watching the Lord." There is a small Taoist priest calling Guanzhu in the distance.

  The spectator stood up: "The thirteenth prince can take a look at you, excuse me for a while."

   He paused, then said: "Thirteenth Prince, you have had a **** disaster recently, you should pay attention."

  "..." Taoist priests cheated money like this.

   But this Taoist priest looks a bit capable...

   So which dog is trying to **** me secretly?

   Waiting for the spectator to leave, Chuzheng immediately poured himself a cup of tea.

   Little things didn't lie to her, this tea is really delicious.


   After drinking tea, Chuzheng was too lazy to move, so he just sat here by himself. Until there was a sound of thunder in the sky, Chuzheng almost jumped up in shock.

   scare people to death.

   Good fight...  


   The rain poured down, and in an instant, the mountains in the distance were shrouded in hazy mist, and it became hazy.

   Okay, watch the sunset.

  The rain was blown in, brushing Chuzheng's cheeks, it was cool, and it was a little cool with the mountain wind.

   Chuzheng moved a little inside.

   But the rain got heavier and heavier, and soon the attic was wet.

   Chuzheng could only stand up and stand against the wall, inexplicably a bit pitiful like that.

   Chuzheng had no intention of stopping the rain when he saw the rain, so he could only go down from the attic.

   As soon as she walked down, Chenfei came over with her sword in her arms: "The Thirteenth Prince saw my Highness."

   Chuzheng shook his head.

  Chen Fei turned around and left.

   When Chuzheng walked to the main hall of the Taoist temple, Chen Fei seemed to have searched the entire Taoist temple and was talking to the master of the temple.

   Guanzhu said: "Your Highness should be going up the mountain."

  Chenfei seemed to think of something: "I'll look for it right now."

  The Lord of the Watches also called someone: "Everyone go to find it together, and be sure to protect His Highness."

  The Taoist Temple is located on the hillside, and the Taoist priests of the Taoist Temple go to the mountain together to find people.

   Chuzheng didn't move, just looked at the heavy rain outside, where it was almost impossible to see anything.

  【Miss, can you also find someone, please? 】

   Chuzheng: "..."

   Are you the devil? !

  【You are! 】

   It's raining so hard, you asked me to find someone? I dont go! Go on your own!

  【It’s because of the heavy rain that you need to find it. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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