Qingli is naturally not a fool to be selected as the principal of this mission.

Perhaps at first, it felt that the three emperors and scholars did not understand the truth, but now it has reacted, knowing that the three of them might have done it deliberately.

"Do you want to show your strength? Do you want to fight for the right to speak in diplomacy."

"Good come!"

Qingli this time, it is Dragon Palace Crown Prince’s decision symbolizes Myriad Monsters Nation. If Divine Province wants to show its strength, it is naturally obliged to maintain the face of Myriad Monsters Nation. Moreover, before setting off, Dragon Palace Crown Prince gave it an extremely confidential quest. For this reason, it It also needs to show strength.

"It's offended!"

The green lion roared, at this moment it has faded away, completely unfolding the blue lion magic, and then from the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl At the beginning of the festival, a dazzling golden light was presented.

"Li! ”

The golden light broke through the air, and the sound of hunting wind exploded in midair. In the blink of an eye, it moved the wind and clouds of a hundred miles and flew towards the emperor scholar’s ​​law. As he swept away, the emperor scholar tried to resist, but saw the golden light flickering and dimming, like a flashing light, it was actually traveling freely among the emperor scholar's dharma.

When the emperor sees this, the corner of his eyes twitches slightly, and his mind immediately condenses, and he exhales and speaks:


The sound is like thunder, directly The momentum of the qi column oscillated fiercely, and it was a brush against the golden light, forcibly brushing down the layers of golden brilliance, revealing the truth hidden in it.

I saw its shape resembled a pill, it was jumping up and down as if it had life, and the golden brilliance exploded continuously. The emperor scholar’s ​​speech method only lasted for a moment with the effect, and the next moment the pill was radiated The light was shielded, and then condensed into a needle, aiming at the direction of the emperor scholar.

This thing is a magic tool made by Qinghu based on its own monster core. It is called "Qingming Pill Needle". It has the power of breaking energy and cursing Spirit Soul.

And the reason why such a magic tool was sacrificed,

is because it matches our own divine ability,



Above mid-air, I saw the blue lion stepped into the sky, standing in the air, raising his neck and breathing, and finally violently There was a roar that shook the sky!

"hong long!"

Its sound is not dragon, phoenix, tiger, or turtle, it does not enter the four elephants, jumps out of the four evils, but it is far and solemn, and the sound waves pass by All Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi fell into chaos in an instant, even with the three emperors, scholars and students, and even lost their physical appearance in an instant!

Almost at the same time, the Qingming Dan needle flashed past!

divine ability, the magic tool can be divided into two parts, and the magic tool is easy to cooperate. It does not require much power, but it can achieve the best results at the critical moment!

"Cut one person first..."


The Qingming Dan needle flashed by, but at this moment, Seeing that the emperor suddenly took a step forward, without moving his lips, Between Heaven and Earth naturally rang out a sound no less than the roar of a green lion, even more majestic and domineering, as if falling from an infinite height. :

"The descendants of the water essence..."

In the first sentence, the law of the emperor scholars immediately condenses, if the air column previously affected by the roar is about to collapse , Now it is as solid as iron.

"Walking down, but the king."

The second sentence is out, the air column is shaped, and finally on the top of the emperor scholar's head, a lion head and antlers, moose body dragon scales appear, Sacred Beast of oxtail horseshoe.

"The emblem is wise!"

Exit the third sentence,

In a moment, then Sacred Beast screamed like a lion, and roared like a lion. When the tide hits the shore, it is obviously an invisible thing, but it set off a wave of air that can be seen by naked eye. The blue light pill and the roar of the green lion fell on it. When the two collided with each other, they were like gold and iron screaming, stirring and shimmering. .

"Lin Tuyushu!"

As an Imperial College Confucian student, vie for supremacy of the world, climbed to the top of the great treasure and created the way of emperor Confucianism. The manifestation of its Taoism further.

One word can be the law of the world.

One word can be the best teacher!

"hong long!"

The Qilin Phantom bursts like a bubble after a while, but before it bursts, the Qingming Pill can only stay in front of the emperor.

This has gained enough time.


The ghost Tathagata, who had been sitting on the lotus platform in silence before, finally opened his eyes and opened his mouth with a curse of the Buddha, and behind the ghost face the Buddha Dharma The phase is raised up at the response, gradually higher than all around the mountains and rivers, higher than the sea of ​​clouds above your head, and finally even submerged into the sky, as if there is no end.

"Myriad Ghosts Faces the Sect!"

Ghost Tathagata flips its palm and presses it, while the Ghost Face Buddha moves synchronously and slaps it down with one palm! Immediately scrolling a hundred miles of wind and clouds, surging Spiritual Qi, falling from the sky!

The method of infinite elevation is illusory.

But when the palm of the hand really fell, it faded into reality in an instant, and in the area under the palm, there was a black arch that opened wide, and the sound of ghosts crying and howling in the door was endless, and more Countless Li ghosts stretched out their hands from the door, beckoning to the green lizard above, making their hearts chill.

This palm will send you to reincarnation!

"Huh..." On the other side, Yuan Jingchun took a stone in his hand, and after a moment of tempering, he threw it at Trapping Sky Mountain under his feet.

In a flash!

Power of Heaven and Earth was changed. Originally, this place was a volcanic crater, and the earth fire soared into the sky unchanged, but as the stone thrown by Yuan Jingchun fell to the ground, the earth fire pressed down, Yin Qi The violent surge, this place instantly turned into a Limitless Ghost Spirit, which just happened to echo with the Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect!

As a feng shui master, Yuan Jingchun may not be outstanding in frontal attack and killing ability, but he has changed the veins and simplified the complex, but he has a profound mystery in support.

Qingli was caught off guard, the clouds exploded under his foot, the whole figure fell, and he was almost really knocked into the black arch. In the critical moment, Qingli quickly recalled the Qingming Danzhen. , Turning it into tens of millions of golden glow and rushing upwards, then tore open the Heavenly Buddha Palm.

In this battle of divine ability, Qingli failed to achieve merit, but it also forced out the divine ability of the three emperors and scholars, and consumed a large amount of the other's divine will.

It should be understood that Qingli is the Embryo Nourishing Realm Great Monster. The spirit, energy, and blood are far superior to the trio of emperors and scholars, and just now it just used a divine ability and took out a magic tool. , There are still many unused methods, but the three emperors and scholars are forced to use their big moves one after another, and in exchange it is his blood.

"Three Fellow Daoists really have good divine ability, but it seems that I am better."

"What else is there?"

"Although Let's come!"

The green 獠 is high-spirited and vigorous, his eyes sparkle with fire, and if he wants to show his tricks, he has to turn around and show the Human Immortal of the three Divine Province circles a little bit of color.

But at this moment------



"bang! "

The turbid waves emptied, the Spiritual Qi was agitated, and there were many noises in the ears. The green lizard should go to the prestige, but saw a stream of light galloping from the direction of the Divine Province world, including sword light and blade light, poison qi, magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, poems and chapters, each showing the weather, simultaneously moved towards it!

At the same time, Between Heaven and Earth also sounded a sincere call from the other seven Divine Province outstanding people: "Brother, don't be afraid, we're here to help you!"

Seven streams of light covering the heavens, shielding the sun, each occupying one side of the sky, and the natural phenomenon is intentionally or unintentionally, completely covering the silhouettes of the three emperors and scholars, which is the same as their three people It didn't matter if I left my house and went to Acting Cool, mainly for their personal safety.

It's just that this sudden seven stream of light stunned the green lizard. It's fine for the three to join forces and fight with themselves, now there are seven more?

Is there still Wang Fa?

Are there any laws?

"You don't talk about martial ethics!"

The roar of Qingli was quickly submerged in the seven rays of light.

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