With Lu Xingzhou's order, there is no need to do everything personally, naturally someone will arrange everything, and players will follow suit.

It's just exploration and exploration.

The result is not good.

Go to the players on the east side, and you don’t even have the chance to get close to the Hang Chutian Waterfall. The player heading to the west side disappeared instantly as soon as he approached the Xuanhe gate thousands of miles, and the ghost knew where he had gone. Players heading to the south side even entered the city 3 and never came out.

The only thing that is somewhat accomplished is the player heading to the north side.

barren mountains and unruly rivers.

But not dead.

And three other places where you don’t even know the reason for the failure, the north side is a vast expanse of land, and at the end of the land, you can see a giant mountain surrounded by Monster Qi, standing along the way As a result, there are jungles, rivers, and even a large number of abandoned villages.

There is no human smoke in the territory, and there are still cloudy winds blowing through from time to time.

In the wind and dust, players walk among the ruined walls of the abandoned village. From time to time, they can see the crystal clear and white skulls from under the dust.

It’s just the appearance of the skull-----

"It’s not like a human being."

"It’s not a human skull, maybe it’s The race set by the game."

"That's right."

Not only this player squad, but all players who enter the northern region with a companion, more or less, Various skulls were found everywhere, not even must. In the abandoned village, some players also found a mass grave filled with decaying bones in the wilderness.

"Why do so many people die? Where is it?"

"It's weird."

"The truth about Immemorial, want me to tell , I guess it’s Immemorial catastrophe, right?"

"My god, compared to the bloody battles before, is the weird wind changed now? Are there any girls who are afraid of players? My chest is always Open for you!"

"Can a man do it?"

"I will give you a punch, you are a useless thing."

"hahaha ."

In this atmosphere of exploration, the players moved step by step towards the depths of the northern region. The particularly conspicuous mountain standing at the end of the earth kept advancing, but as time passed, it finally started. Some players have encountered enemies, and more and more players are losing contact.

At this time, the immortality of the player is fully reflected.

The dead players took advantage of the resurrection to read the article, went to the forum to post, and sent screenshots of the enemies they encountered along with the battle process.

"What I met was a three lion with a vertical eye on the head of the lion in the center."

"Our side is a giant eagle, rushing from high above Come down and kill us."

"Outrageous, I am a mouse here, with flames all over his body, just getting close to us burned us to death."

" ........."

Although the enemies encountered are different, as more and more player posts appear, some people have summarized the same points from these posts: "I said, these rare beasts that you have encountered seem to be dead. Their bodies seem to have a fatal wound."

There is a picture below the post.

On the picture are various details circled by the poster and the corresponding analysis.

The necks of the three lions are pierced, but they are hidden by the lion’s hair. The giant eagle's eyes have no pupils, only two black red blood holes are left. In fact, the own flesh and skin of the rat entangled in flames is actually scorched, and without exception, they are no longer alive.

"All are dead creatures."

The dead are attacking people?


This kind of weird situation did not consume the enthusiasm of the players, but made more players go to the north side enthusiastically, wanting to find out the truth.

And at the same time-----

Myriad Monsters Nation, Ancestral Temple. At this moment, I saw one wearing a black robe with sun and moon rusted on it , and stars The man with the chen pattern is silently walking through the stone corridor, passing through the heavily guarded area after another, and finally stepping on the stairs slowly, onto the viewing platform at the center of the mansion.

As soon as he watched the rooftop, the man saw the person he had come to see on this trip.

I saw his beard flared, his long hair reached his waist, and his hair was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the viewing platform, and his hair fell on the table. The back of a tortoise-shaped crane, his arms like a python, bare outside. His muscles are like horned dragons coiling up, and between breathing and breathing, the entire viewing platform echoes the sound of hunting and hunting.

"Inspector of the legacy world, Qingli has seen Incense Acolyte."

Incense Acolyte is an ancestral temple ruler appointed by the True Dragon Imperial Family, and since the establishment of Myriad Monsters Nation , Incense Acolyte's position has never been changed.

As for the ancestral temple, it is the organization responsible for monitoring the "Ancient Myriad Monsters Nation" in Myriad Monsters Nation.

Generally speaking, any changes in the "Ancient Myriad Monsters Nation" in the Immemorial world need to be reported to the True Dragon clan for determination immediately, but its status in Myriad Monsters Nation is extremely Transcendence, each generation of True Dragon came to the ancestral temple to worship the ancestors when they came to the throne.

As Qingli speaks, Incense Acolyte of the ancestral temple also turns back:

"Blue li? It's you brat."

"What's the matter? "

Qinghu hearing this, he quickly called an inspector, and then continued: "The little demon was previously responsible for checking the movement of the remains world, and found that there was a change in the Divine Province world."

"Divine Province..."

Incense Acolyte paused: "...I remembered that the luck of the state border was not so bad, but it went directly to the Immemorial realm. Central."

"You said that they have changed....Did they start exploring the ancestral land?"


Nodded: "Not only that, but their exploratory actions are also very large, and they have continued, even if they have paid a huge loss, there is no sign of stopping at all. According to this trend, it is estimated that they will soon approach the Zuting Mountain and enter the real forbidden area. Area."

"This way..."

Incense Acolyte thought for a moment, then suddenly changed his words: "You must have been to Dragon Palace before, right? What do the dragon cubs want me to do?"

"Uh." Seeing Incense Acolyte see through the own action, Qingli suddenly showed embarrassment, but he continued: "Longjun seclusion, for now The Crown Prince supervises the country, and Crown Prince hopes that Incense Acolyte can open the Ancient Road, and then I will borrow the Ancient Road and go to Divine Province to explore its details."

"Open the Ancient Road?"

Incense Acolyte hearing this suddenly was the white eyebrow pick, faint smiled at the blue eyes, and said: "This is the requirement of the Crown Prince?"

"Yes." Qinghu nodded: "Crown Prince believes that the Divine Province has just entered Ashen Mystery, and is still unclear about the dangers of Immemorial. Entering the ancestral land without authorization is likely to cause ancestral riots, so in order to guard against the unexpected, Crown Prince I hope I can send a mission to explain their interests."

"so that's how it is ....." Incense Acolyte thought for a moment, and then said: "Crown Prince is dead, I will naturally not fail, I can open Ancient Road now. "

"many thanks Incense Acolyte! "

Seeing that Incense Acolyte promised so readily, Qing Li also hurriedly saluted: "The mission has been assembled. "

"Go outside and wait. "

"Here. "

Then Qingli bowed and exited the rooftop viewing platform.

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