Ashen Mystery Boundary is not a complete world.

Compared with the magnificent atmosphere in the virtual sea, you can truly enter this world. When you look at the world, you will discover the speciality of Ashen Mystery Boundary.

It is broken.

It seems that the territory is vast and boundless, with one after another lofty sacred mountains, one after another river like a dragon, and one after another Spiritual Qi rises into the sky, magnificent and magnificent, but if it is from top to bottom When you look at it, you will accidentally find that a considerable part of the area is shrouded in gray fog.

Those are "gap".

There are no gaps between land and land. These gaps fall on the ground and tear the entire Ashen Mystery Boundary into a sieve-like world.

But even so,

Ashen Mystery Boundary itself is still full of majestic life force, and with the merger of the Divine Province world, there is immediately a place filled with gray mist The airspace returned to normal, and the fog cleared away. And as this gap was filled, the starlight that Ashen Mystery Boundary spread out suddenly became more gorgeous.

With the merger of the Divine Province realm, at the end of the Four Desolations, the original boundary river was invisible, replaced by four towering stone tablets.

Two ancient seals are inscribed on the stele:

Divine Province!

Ashen Mystery Boundary is divided into states and land, but they all belong to the same realm. Therefore, there is no boundary river. Instead, the boundary monument is a natural response to the Ashen Mystery Boundary Heavenly Dao. Therefore, the Ashen Mystery Boundary is also mostly The boundary markers are used to divide the state and land, and most of the offensives between the state and the land are based on the boundary markers as the battlefield.

At this moment, Lu Xingzhou is located in front of the Zhizhen Temple. His eyes are gathered together, looking far away, but he feels that the entire sky is enveloped by surging blood.

"It's actually Qi and blood?"

Ashen Mystery Boundary majored in Earth Immortal method, and Earth Immortal method regards the body as a cauldron, so it does not repair Qi and blood. It stands to reason that Earth Immortal The place where the law cultivator gathers should be a gathering of auras, Immortal Qi is full of energy, how can it be like what you have seen, the blood and blood flowing through the sky, and the red clouds of the roads make people unable to look directly at it.

Either the people here are majoring in Human Immortal.


"Monster Race?"

Lu Xingzhou did his homework before coming, and asked Ao Ze specifically The geographical division of Ashen Mystery Boundary.

Although Ashen Mystery Boundary is vast, it is also because it is too vast, so the gap between the regions is also huge, and roughly divided into thirteen heavens, which are Passion Boundary Heaven Six Sects , Four Heavenly Sovereigns, Myriad Monsters Nation, the world of dust, Immemorial remains. The latter two are especially deserted.

"The sea of ​​dust is an overseas cultivator, dominated by the cultivator of Ashen Mystery Boundary who repairs the Human Immortal technique. It stands to reason that the natural phenomenon there should be bloody."

But that After all, it is Sea Territory.

And what I am in,

is undoubtedly a mountain and river, so I think about it seriously, or Myriad Monsters Nation's probability is higher.

Of course, Immemorial remains is not impossible, but according to Ao Ze, there is the place where Immemorial Celestial Court fell. There are countless kinds of mysteries, which belong to the standard ghost mythical creature. And when I glanced at it, they were all great mountains and rivers, where there was the slightest Ghost Qi, it was not the Immemorial legacy.

"Besides, I won't be so unlucky."


Thinking of this, Lu Xingzhou couldn't help but smile.

He is already a man who has survived life and death. After that many experiences, he has nothing to be afraid of now, let alone that this is not the Immemorial world. What if it is? It's not a mortal Danger Land, the future is still very bright.

While Lu Xingzhou looked all around the land boundary, the Yin God True Persons in Sage Sovereign Heaven were also looking at each other in blank dismay at this moment, and they were speechless for a while.

After a while, someone opened the mouth and said:

"Thirteen heavens, Passion Boundary Heaven is the largest, My Four Heavenly Sovereigns is the second, Myriad Monsters Nation is the third, and Chenhuan In the fourth place of the sea, the Immemorial World is the last. We were all ready for the Divine Continent World to merge into Passion Boundary Heaven, but it happened by accident that it actually crashed into the Immemorial World within the realm... .."

"This is too unlucky, right?"

"I can't say that. From another perspective, if you look at the location of its fall, it is Immemorial's legacy. The only one block in the world is still a good place."

"It is."

"But there is only one good block. To the east is Yaochi. I saw someone coming out. To the west is the South Heaven Gate. When you enter, you will immediately lose yourself in the void of the sea. Heaven knows which boundary will be teleported to. To the south is Heaven Fortified City, which is still a place of death, and to the north is Myriad Monsters Nation. "

"Myriad Monsters Nation? Isn't that okay."

"You know what a fart."

A True Person who has practiced for a long time Hearing this glanced at the Yin God who raised the question:

"You have just achieved Yin God not long ago. You didn't go to the Book Collection Pavilion to study. You are all at the level of Yin God. Learn, how to hold me down in the future?"

"Uh, please senior enlighten me."

"This is almost the same, remember, I said it was ancient Myriad Monsters Nation."

"Ancient Myriad Monsters Nation....?"


"The Myriad Monsters Nation of today Myriad Monsters Nation migrated out of the area where the Myriad Monsters Nation is located. Legend has it that at the end of Immemorial, when the Celestial Court fell, the ancient Myriad Monsters Nation was the first to bear the brunt. Finally, True Dr Supported by the agon clan, one of them barely escaped. This is how Myriad Monsters Nation is today. "

"Thanks to this, the True Dragon family is regarded as the Imperial Family of Myriad Monsters Nation. "

"It's just that the ancient Myriad Monsters Nation has completely fallen from then on. The resentment Monster Qi persists throughout the year. If you walk inside, you may die if you make a mistake. "

After listening to the senior's description, the relatively young Yin God True Person suddenly bared his teeth:

"...Isn't this finished?" The Divine Continent world is gone? "

"That's not enough. "

Another Yin God True Person said: "be that as it may, but it is rumored that there is a safe passage through the ancient Myriad Monsters Nation on the Myriad Monsters Nation. If it can pass through With a safe passage, you can move the Divine Continent world out of the Immemorial world, or let Your Majesty take a shot to rescue it..."

After that, many people looked towards Weiyang. The direction of the palace.

After a moment----

"No. "

The voice of Sage Sovereign came out leisurely, calm and composed: "It is his fate to fall into the Immemorial realm, and it is also his fate to fall into the Danger Land. It can also make the people of Passion Boundary Heaven feel at ease. As for any other small actions. As far as it is concerned, this encounter may not be it's a calamity, not a blessing, nor is it vain if the disaster is auspicious. "

At the same time, in the Weiyang Palace, Sage Sovereign is also looking at the direction of the Immemorial World, but his expression is far less calm and leisurely than his tone.

"Ashen There are hundreds of gaps in Mystery Boundary. "

"Only one of them is located in the Immemorial realm, and this Divine Continent realm is unbiased and just fell into it. Is it a coincidence? Absolutely impossible. "

Yang God Supreme never believes in coincidence.

But they believe in cause and effect.

"But this Divine Continent world is originally transformed by the emperor, and Zhenghuangtian was developed by Zhongqiu himself in the past, and I even attended the ceremony. How can I have cause and effect with the Immemorial World? Or... is it someone in the Divine Province community? A certain magic tool? Or a certain Immemorial inheritance..."

While Sage Sovereign was a little surprised and wondering, suddenly, in the direction of the Immemorial world, I saw the atmosphere in the Divine Province world reappeared. Change.

"hong long!"

Just listen to a loud sound,

I see the Divine Continent world above, the layer upon layer Qingyun soars up, Horizontally and vertically arranged in the number of Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend, there is a full 36th layer, and at the top of the 36th layer, you can see a majestic divide peak, surrounded by seventy two colors of round light, celestial clouds, and ten light pillars faintly discernible

Immediately afterwards,

I saw the ten rays of light gradually dissipate, and the weather was flourishing, reflecting the ten different silhouettes, or the swordsman. Empty, or vertical talisman driving the light, there is a ghost face, a big Buddha, and a high seat in the sky, there is an emperor robe, Confucian scholars sing and chant, there is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, there is a lot of space, and there are Huazhang and fairy music. The weather is endless,

Magnificent and magnificent.

Such a natural phenomenon, such a fortune, looking across the thirteen heavens of Ashen Mystery Boundary, all the cultivators who set their sights on this place are shocked by it. Unspeakable!

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