Lu Xingzhou's guess accurately hit the facts.

As the blood wave was crushed, the divine beast moth fell into an irritability, and it was even more so after seeing the members of the blood-killing squad.

It is important to know that if people do not see hope, they will not feel desperate.

But as long as they see hope,

They tend to fight for it at all costs.

This is the case with the divine beast. The blood-killing squad is right in front of you, the blood tide is cut off, and the back is gone. Facing the last life-saving straw, it seems to be hysterical, so at this moment it is not only Instead of continuing to panic, he made up his mind and drove the beast wave forward.


Almost at the same time, the members of the blood kill squad felt in their hearts, and the qi disc in their hands suddenly lit up, and the pointed finger towards the divine beast borer. The direction of the candlestick.

"Find the goal!"

"Hurry up!"

The members of the blood kill squad cooperate with each other, mixed in the arena, quickly moved towards divine beast Slowly moved away in the direction of the divine beast, and at the same time, Lu Xingzhou was also full of divine intent, sitting in the Zhizhen Hall, watching the status quo on the floating island from a distance.

However, what surprised him was:

"...There is no suspicious person?"

Lu Xingzhou did not see the blood killing squad Whereabouts, in other words, when his divine intention swept through the members of the blood-killing squad, he subtly ignored the past.


In the next instant, Lu Xingzhou reacted. Most likely it is that the members of the reincarnation squad have done some tricks. After the own divine will cover, but considering that the reincarnator needs to respond to the divine beast borer, and the divine beast borer impossible to expose itself...

"Under the cover of my divine beast, the divine beast borer should Don’t dare to let go."

"In this case, it can only use naked eye to distinguish the members of the reincarnator squad, so even if the great power has done tricks in the reincarnator squad body,

At best, I can only hide my divine will."

"so that's how it is."

"It's dark under the lights."

Lu Xingzhou thoughts Bai Zhuan has already understood the mighty approach of the mighty man who is malicious to him. It is nothing more than using the cultivator's confidence in his own divine will, and using seemingly clumsy methods to achieve the purpose of concealing the sky. The other party shouldn't have thought about it. Keep hiding it from yourself.

It only takes a moment.


As long as the divine beast moth can touch the members of the reincarnator squad, the other party may immediately launch a means to rescue him.


Lu Xingzhou stared at the floating island with scorching eyes, watching the blood beasts, the players and the loose cultivator gradually approaching .

It is not convenient for me to shoot.

It’s not that you can’t make a move, but that the mighty dared to save the divine beast borer under his nose, indicating that he must have the corresponding means. If he makes a move without authorization, it will only be counterproductive. Just like the layout of the moves, the chess players are often unable to play in person.

That's why chess pieces are needed.

One step.

"hong long long!"

divine beast: "!!!"

Blood kill squad: "!!!"

Just heard a roar, and in a short time, I saw Yue Wancheng suddenly stepped forward and came directly to the front of the blood beasts, stopped between the divine beast borer and the blood kill squad, and then was horrified on both sides. Under the gaze, he slowly raised his hands and drew an arc from the left to the right:

"Vault Universe Cave Heaven!"

Yue Wancheng's energy, blood, and spirit were cut off by 70% in an instant, and replaced by a blood light.

Superior divine ability!

In the past, it belonged to Ao Ze and was once displayed by the Northern Plains Dragon Locust. It trapped Xiao Yuyu, the outstanding divine ability of the world who could not make progress for five thousand years! After Yue Wancheng has matured and achieved True Dragon, he immediately learned this divine ability, and now it is suddenly displayed!


The red light brushed off. Without a little defense, all the loose cultivators and blood beasts except all players were sent to the paradise. middle.


At this moment, the entire floating island fell into dead silence.

Almost at the same time, Lu Xingzhou stood up suddenly!


Through Ao Ze previously informed Yuown's back door, Lu Xingzhou entered the Vault Universe Cave Heaven from the Zhizhen Temple in an instant. This place is an absolutely closed space. It belongs to the divine ability, even the spirit transformation of divine beast moth, and the means of transferring consciousness can be isolated.

In other words:

"You can't escape, moth!"


With the appearance of Lu Xingzhou, among the group of blood beasts that were so crushed by its breath, the divine beast borer changed its color suddenly after a brief stupor.

However, Lu Xingzhou did not pay attention to the other party. Instead, he turned his gaze and fell on the body of the members of the blood killing squad. This time he was no longer looking at it with divine will, but with naked eyes. You don't need much effort, just aim at those who can't see naked eye.

Under his gaze, everyone who killed the squad had their pupils widened.

This is their last stubbornness.

It is also the only action they can make. In addition to this, they even gradually stagnated their thoughts, and each had a treasure wheel turning in their eyes.

Human Heart Chakra!

Faced with a cultivator, the human heart chakra can even have the effect of stagnating consciousness. Under the influence of the human heart chakra, the memory of the blood-killing squad members is like a palm pattern to him, and there is no secret at all. At this moment, there was only one sentence left in the ears of everyone who killed the squad:

"Welcome to my world."

"........ .."

This is Lu Xingzhou's magic trick! Ao Ze’s Vault Universe Cave Heaven is what he knows, the strongest level of sealing divine ability, and also the strongest method he can use to isolate the powerful sensor. It does not expect to be effective, but it only takes a moment. As long as he can buy him a moment of time----


Without any signs, I will spin the heart chakra in Lu Xingzhou, trying to see the blood killing squad When the members remembered, they suddenly heard a light sound.

In the next moment, all members of the blood kill squad have eyes opened wide, and blood is constantly dripping out of the seven orifices, but for Lu Xingzhou, he only feels that his consciousness has reached its limit. In the distance, I came to the deepest place, and finally saw a pair of eyes in a void.

It is a pair of eyes without any mood swings, as clear as glass, without the slightest impurity, which makes Lu Xingzhou feel familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiarity is because those eyes are almost exactly the same as when he manifested Will of Heaven.

It is strange because it is completely different inside.

The Will of Heaven eyes that Lu Xingzhou condenses are the result of countless emotions superimposed on each other. They seem clear and pure, but in reality they are extremely complicated. The eyes he saw were truly clear. Looking at those eyes, the impact that flashed immediately in Lu Xingzhou's mind was the number of days.


That is like the number of days, to the public to the right, the Tao is the ruthless eye.

Just like Will of Heaven.


The picture before his eyes flashed, and in a flash, Lu Xingzhou had already returned to reality, and what was left to him was the completely exploded blood beasts. , And the squad members who were desperate to the end, even Ao Ze’s divine ability and absolutely closed paradise could not stop the opponent for a moment.

All are dead.

Instantly obliterate!

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