The so-called heart exploded, it means on a physical level.

If I have to describe it,

When my own majestic qi and blood rushed through the blood vessels in the body, accidentally, a blood vessel collapsed, and then this blood The vessels triggered a chain reaction, accidentally, causing sinus arrhythmia, and then rapidly intensified, the blood vessels were blocked, and the heart exploded.

Although it sounds outrageous, it is the truth.

Sometimes, if people are unlucky, it is indeed so outrageous. Divine beast borer didn't feel it before, but now he is impressed.

We met Konggebaomo twice before and after,

Although we all managed to escape the blow that collapsed the boundary, Konggebaomo’s impact on air transport , Divine beast borer obviously does not have the divine ability to deal with, and the result is that now, 1st Strike can be regarded as a mortal, and 2nd Strike has begun to let it out of luck.



I saw the divine beast candle inhale deeply and exploded His heart quickly regenerates, and the excess blood clots are directly spit out by him, quickly calming the qi and blood.

Unlucky, though.

But he won't die because of bad luck. At most, it will only affect his state that's all. The former Monster Race Great Saint will not be killed by bad luck.

The real trouble is external.

For example, just now, if he was in a life-and-death battle with Lu Xingzhou, and suddenly his heart exploded when he was fighting against each other, then even if he had thousands of divine abilities, he is now a dead body. From this point of view, he actually still has a little luck left.

This method of targeting air luck is the most terrifying.

Because it is difficult to prevent.

And there is no trace.

Thinking of this, the divine beast borer once again showed fear in his eyes, and then he shook his body and turned it into a bird that covered the Heavenly Peng.

"Come again!"

The bird just flew up, and the right wing made a crisp sound. It was too much force when it was incited, and the wings were folded...


The Pengniao, who crashed just after taking off, happened to meet the Will of Heaven Wheel photographed by Lu Xingzhou. The two collided in the boundary river. Peng The bird hardly had any resistance, and it turned into a sky full of blood light on the spot, but in the next second, the exploded blood light turned back.

After a short while, the Pengbird who had been hit to death by the Will of Heaven Wheel was actually reborn!


The Pengbird spread its wings high, soaring upwards, and then saw that Peng's claw transforms, turned into a thick elephant leg, stomped hard. Down.


The loud sound of the sound, the elephant legs are like pillars that support the sky, directly anchoring the turbulent flow of the Jiehanei, and also the moving left and right. Towards the Will of Heaven Wheel and Investiture of the Gods that it flew from, won the most critical time for the Dapeng Bird, and flew out of the airspace.

"hong long long!"

The next moment,

Investiture of the Gods and Will of Heaven Wheel fly to each other, and with a touch, they will All the star skeletal bodies in that airspace were shattered and filled in the resulting void rifts.

It’s just that the divine beast has escaped the catastrophe, but in the next second its figure is staggered again, it seems to fly too fast to the waist, and the body falls again, but it is just right It hit a nearby void rift, and it was cut in half on the spot, and it was blood light.....

However, what made Lu Xingzhou raise his eyebrows was that, even so, it was The peng bird cut in half was still spirituality, blood flowed, and instantly returned to its original shape.

The immortal body?

That’s not right.....

".....The aura is not there, it’s a puppet."

Lu Xingzhou’s eyes have numerous emotional proliferation and interaction Overlapping, and finally reflecting a piece of ice, there seems to be a treasure wheel whirling, and soon I can see through the trick of the divine beast borer. The Heavenly Peng bird looks fierce and powerful, but in fact it has an empty body, the most critical nature. The aura is not there.

Lu Xingzhou's vision is very accurate.

In fact, this is another killing move hidden by the divine beast. It is a divine beast called the "prison car". It is said that this beast is a messenger connecting hell and the world, divine The ability is called Immortality, hides one's Spirit Soul in an indescribable place, and then manipulates the fleshy body to oppose others.

Not only can he exert his full strength.

And unless you find Spirit Soul hidden, you won’t die. The divine beast borer was not beaten to death by Dragon Lord at the beginning. It was this divine ability that was relied on.

divine beast,

This kind of bloodline can be praised in Myriad Monsters Nation in the past as the four evil Royal Family, second only to True Dragon Imperial Family, naturally There are profound mystery, such as the "prison car" and "Wuyi" such as world-famous divine ability, divine beast borer has two kinds, which is also the foundation of the Ashen Mystery Boundary.

But this is the case, divine beast moth can only fight with Lu Xingzhou at this moment, and at most remains immortal. It is really hopeless to want to win.

And this entanglement continues----

It has no chance of winning.

The energy, blood, and spirit consumed by the divine ability is extremely huge, and it is not dead or without consumption. After time, Lu Xingzhou can still forcibly grind it to death.

So it had other plans from the very beginning.


"Hold! Don't let these divine beasts rush in!"

"A lot experience!"

"Chong wow!"

At this moment, the whole sword qi Great Wall has one third submerged by blood, and there is a river that bursts its bank like a flood, all the way I broke through the defenses of 72 places and 36 Heavenly Gods, and directly moved towards the Floating Clouds Mountain main peak, where countless divine beasts emerged.

"Go back!"

"Same as above!"

Xiao Yuyu took the lead in taking the sword, traveled to the celestial celestial celestial body to instigate the Wuming demon fan, inciting the Wuming The raging fire, mixed with the Life-Taking Sword light, blocked all blood tides outside the mountain.

However, at this time -----

Floating Clouds Mountain main peak,

To the true palace.

"...Now that it’s up to the present, it’s no use if you don’t take risks."

An illusory shadow quietly came to the gate of the Palace of the Truests. In the blink of an eye, he floated in. The shadow was covered with a layer of dim aura, which cut off all the divine will induction. It was the Spirit Soul that the divine beast borer separated from his fleshy body with the immortal divine ability!

It didn't hide it, but the audacious Heaven and Earth sneaked into Floating Clouds Mountain!

Whether it is a decisive battle with Lu Xingzhou or letting blood erode the sword qi Great Wall, it has only one goal: try to get back the head of the cultivator borer.

Because only the head is taken back,

It can truly become a false god.

Everything is just for the guise of this step. At the same time, this is also the plan given by Wang Hong. For this reason, it has spurred a world-famous divine ability.

This divine ability is called "Hidden Void". As the name suggests, it is a technique to hide the secret and hide the void. It can come here without being noticed by anyone all the way. The divine ability, which was able to escape from Longjun's hands at the beginning, was fortunately letting him not find it.


Walking into the Zhizhen Temple, I saw the head of the cultivator borer, divine, who had been cut down by Lu Xingzhou before and then dropped into the hall. The beast moth relaxed immediately.

"...Although there are some twists and turns."

"But it's okay." Divine beast thoughts move, and immediately floated to the head of the cultivator borer, Plan to refining it directly to avoid long nights and dreams.

But at this moment-----


I was horrified at the divine beast Under my gaze, I saw the head and suddenly opened his eyes.

As soon as the eyes opened, there were two lines of blood and tears left behind. However, in the eye socket of the skull, only one eye was the same as before, and the other eye was completely changed and opened now. , The pupils stared at the Spirit Soul of the divine beast worm, and suddenly spit out seven feet of Huayan!

That's not the eyes of the cultivator moth!


Dangling Soul Tiantong!

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