Savage-Wilderness Boundary.

"Yellow Cloth Strongman lined up! At the forefront. The hero bows and prepares for a long-range throw! The Tianhe Cavalry outflanks the two wings, and the Tianmen Guard and Giant Spirit God charge together!"

"Give it to me!"

The exit of the narrow valley was completely blocked by the unpaid army. The Yellow Cloth Strongman was stubborn and brave enough to hold up his shield and move forward without fear of life and death, while the Tianhe Cavalry was The horse galloped wildly, cutting into the Barbarian Race camp from both sides like a sickle, while the Heroic Soul troops placed cold arrows in the distance.

The highest level 5 Heavenly Layer unit "Giant Spirit God", and the exclusive unit "Tianmen Guard" of the god "Guardian Heavenly General" gathered together.

It is undeniable, although in terms of quantity, demolition and relocation free of charge have the advantage.

But in terms of quality,

It was an overwhelming victory for the Guanye Department and Guanyang Department. After the comparison between the two, the demolition and relocation fell into a disadvantage. It seems that The huge offensive pierced the essence of paper tiger in a short while, but this was also expected to be demolished free of charge, and he was already prepared.

"Spindle formation!"

"Central breakthrough!"

With the free order of demolition, in an instant, after the fallen Yellow Cloth Strongman queue , Giant Spirit God and Tianmen Guard, which are already ready, rush out simultaneously!


In just an instant, the Giant Spirit God troops rushed into the army formation of the night club, Xuanhua's big axe danced directly like a meat grinder There was a burst of foul wind and bloody rain in the array, and the Tianmen Guard, dressed in the Langya God Armor, as a tank, perfectly withstood the enemy's counterattack.

Almost at the same time, the heroic troops in the distance also launched a group of shots to open a way for Giant Spirit God and Tianmen Guard, moving towards the altar all the way!

Seeing this scene, the patriarch of Guanyebu and Guanyangbu suddenly became anxious.

They are not some powerful tribes, let alone the peak of Juming, even the cultivator of Juming is pitiful, otherwise they would have been sent to the Northern Plains front.

"Damn! What the hell are these!"

"Stop them!"

"Please help! Where are the reinforcements? Isn't the altar from the Imperial Family? People, why didn’t they respond?"

"Imperial Family...The moth was also attacked!"


As they received the news, at the moment at the Northern Plains Altar, five elite players from the Demolition Office are simultaneously launching a decisive charge against the Northern Plains Altar.

This charge did not retreat.

Only forward.

"One hundred twenty thousand Yellow Cloth Strongman, eighty thousand heroic souls, two hundred thousand legion soldiers, after condensing Legion, used almost crowded tactics to desperately cover the five people from the demolition office to approach the altar. These are all in plain terms. Cannon fodder is used to block guns for their own. It is the player who really destroys the bullets."


"Never let these The natives are approaching the altar!"

"Don’t think about it!"

At the most critical moment, the principal who was stationed at the altar, Xiquan finally stood up and turned directly into a burly giant. In front of the players.

Only this person has become the Copper Wall Iron Bastion that the five members of the demolition office have to face.

"Kill him!"


"Cut his feet! Poke his bottom plate! If it doesn't work, self-destruct! Must rush over!"

At this moment, not only the five people from the demolition office, but also everyone who watched the live broadcast thought so, rush over! The main quest of Northern Plains is complete!

All players value this very much.

Because for the players before, whether it is the Southern Barbarian Altar or the Western Territory Altar, it is all determined by NPCs. Players cannot be said to be useless, but they are not very useful, but If the Northern Plains Altar can be defeated by players, it will be historic.


"hmph! overestimate one's capabilities!"

Xing Quan looked at the five people from the demolition office who rushed towards him, There was a sneer on his face, he thought at first how good these people were.

Now it seems that it is nothing more than a group of mob walked the lucky dog ​​excrement!

I want to fish in troubled waters?


Thinking of this, Chiquan directly exploded with blood, and when the demolition office was about to shake off the five people, and under his leadership, everyone from Chiquan also moved forward and burst into blood. , He just stopped the cannon fodder soldiers rushing like a sea of ​​people, like a solid embankment that is difficult to break.

"Damn! I can't rush over!"

"One more time!"

The five demolition office members did not give up. After that, they launched three more attacks. But the number of players is still too small, and Escaping Earth Dragon can't carry too many people.

Trifling five people, even if they bring the entire demolition office’s Taoist Legion.

It's still not enough to see.

The critical battle strength is insufficient.

Seeing this scene, the players in the live broadcast room were also greatly disappointed. The live broadcast room, which had once rushed to 50 million popularity, has been dropped one after another, but at the same time, it serves as the official live broadcast of the demolition office. However, the popularity of live broadcast of the free battlefield of demolition and relocation on the second station of the time has surged.

Obviously everyone is watching the situation in Northern Plains get worse and worse, so they put their hope on the free body of demolition, but the demolition free side is also not optimistic.

"No way, Giant Spirit God and Tianmen Guard are suppressed!"

"The number of people is still too small. If the numbers of Giant Spirit God and Heroic souls can be exchanged, this Pojang can kill, but unfortunately, I can’t change it..."

"Come on! Guild Master!"

Guanye Department and Guanyang Department are not very strong though. Barbarian Race, but only one person was demolished free of charge. After relieving from the panic of being attacked, the two patriarchs quickly regrouped and restored the situation. Even Giant Spirit God and Tianmen Guard were gradually beaten by them. go back.

"It's over, it's over."

"It's still a spindle formation, the central breakthrough, let's deliver food from the central."

"Really rubbish."


"I can't watch it anymore..."

In such a barrage atmosphere, suddenly, sharp-eyed players are watching in the array of Guanye Department and Guanyang Department. There was a conspicuous white shadow.

Tianhe Cavalry!

The only cavalry unit in Legion, the unpaid Taoist soldiers that was demolished, had circumvented on the two wings before, but now it suddenly pierced into the two armies like a sharp knife!

Before the two patriarchs had to deal with Giant Spirit God and Tianmen Guard, when they were beaten back, the original array gradually became out of touch, and it was this one that was out of touch and was caught by the Tianhe Cavalry. When the opportunity came, he rushed directly into the gap from the flank, and came all the way to the altar!

Five hundred steps!

Three hundred steps!

One hundred steps!

"Go back!"

Until this time, the patriarchs of the Guanyang Department and the Guanye Department arrived slowly, and the two erupted at the same time, and directly stopped the Tianhe Cavalry. .


"It's now!"

In a moment, I saw a silhouette of the Tianhe Cavalry suddenly rushing out ! The figure is like an arrow, and he rushed directly to the altar at a speed far surpassing other arms! The distance of one hundred steps was shortened to fifty steps by just one breath. At a glance, it was the demolition free of charge!

Hiding in his own army.

The waiting is now!


I saw the demolition lift the breaking the formation heavy gun over his head for free, and then pointed it at the flag in the center of the altar. Immediately throw it hard!

"Wow grass!"

At this moment, the second live broadcast room of the demolition office instantly broke through 50 million people. I don't know how many players are excited directly from the computer in this brief moment He jumped up, watching the breaking the formation heavy gun draw a beautiful arc in the air, and it was about to crash on the flag of the altar!

It's just this exciting scene from the player's point of view. It fell in the eyes of the patriarch of Guanyebu and Guanyangbu, but it made them so angered that the eyes seem about to pop out in an instant.

"Don't think about it!"


Under the fury, the two patriarchs burst into blood, two streams of light I also cut through the sky and wanted to stop the heavy gun, but before that, the demolition, which had thrown a key shot, was a free leap, blocked a stream of rainbow light with a fleshy body, and then stretched desperately. own neck,

Use your head to stop 2nd.



The first muffled sound was the sound of sudden death on the spot without compensation for demolition, and the second roar, It was the sound of the central flag on the altar being shattered.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the Northern Plains Hidden quest! ]

[Northern Plains! Southern Barbarian! Western Territory! ]

[All three altars are broken! 】

【Main line quest, second ring quest completed! 】


It's the repertoire of Player Forum again.

"Forever Di God saved the game! "

"This wave of operations of the demolition office is destined to be recorded in the chronicle of Immortal Road! Players played the most critical role in the world-level mainline quest for the first time! And in this As the Legendary Guild Master of the demolition office, the role of demolition free of charge is undoubted and incomparable!"

"I really didn't fan the wrong with you!"

"Demolition free of charge!"

"Everlasting God!"

Below the post is "Change, continue to change." "Are you a contemporary heir of Sichuan Opera?" "Don't you just talk about profession scum? Huh?"

It's just compared to the festive atmosphere of players.

At this time, the Northern Plains battlefield,

is in unspeakable silence. .


Under everyone’s gaze, I saw the Northern Plains’ Altar of Recitation after dozens of slight tremors. , It was exploded!

"hong long long!"

Almost at the same time, the Jiehe River was turbulent, and with a loud noise, the entire Jiehe River broke apart, and then there were two shining sun-like statues. Fireball flew out from it, but the seemingly brilliant Fireball, but after the inner aura was receptive, a sense of weakness was inexplicably born!

Immediately afterwards,

Boundary River separated, only to see a white clothed silhouette stepping out of the waves, just to stop there, it seemed to become the center of the world, the magnificent sky sound Thoroughly:


"You lost!"

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