As the saying goes, it’s good, one can grow a wise after eating.

As a Legendary character who has been trapped for nearly five thousand years because of a seal that has seen a ghost, Xiao Yuyu is extremely vigilant towards such things.

If it hadn’t,

He wouldn’t have come up with a Life-Taking Sword.

"This array seems to be standing on the stars of Beyond Heavens, but in fact it stands in the sky. Although it is on the sky, it is just a representation. It is really impossible to find it in the virtual sea. Each of my swords is based on the characteristics of Ruyi Zhentie, and I have spawned and differentiated through Life-Taking Sword."

In other words:

"They equivalent to my stand-in."

Usually, Xiao Yuyu's spirit is closely connected with the Life-Taking Sword formation.

According to Xiao Yuyu's previous settings, once the connection between himself and the Life-Taking Sword array is cut for more than a quarter of an hour, the Life-Taking Sword array will immediately activate the emergency plan.

The plan is very simple:

moved towards the location where I lost contact with my god,

launch all bullets.

"After my advance setting, as long as the sword array is placed there, the swords in it will automatically differentiate. By now, there should be one thousand two hundred and 98 handles. And there is the array set before. Nail, and your help, I don’t have to worry that this will collapse the Southern Barbarian land."

"Try it."

Speaking of which, Xiao Yuyu Can't help looking towards Sujin with a frightened look, grinning: "Guess how many handles it takes to break the formation?"


In the next second, Su Jin saw the sky full of stars converge as a stream of silver, like the Gaochuan waterfall breaking waves and hitting the air, and a sword with a handle chased back and forth like this, crashing into the gold exhaustion. suffer untold hardships, even the formation of Fate Tribulation at the expense of their own lives.


"I have made a mistake."

In Floating Clouds Mountain, Yu Xianke watched The one after another star stream falls from the sky, and every time it falls, it will cause a violent turbulence in Southern Barbarian. The loud noise of one after another echoes in Southern Barbarian Heaven and Earth, and the closer it is to Myriad Insects Valley, Such loud noises and earthquakes will become more and more intense.

"I was forced to use an ultimate weapon."

"Damn it."

Xiao Yuyu's Life-Taking Sword array is a cyclist. One of the hole cards here, but compared with Xiao Yuyu himself, it is used up when it is used, there is nothing to say.

"You can only accept reality."

You Xianke quickly adjusted his emotions and continued to think in the heart:

"It's a pity that those swords are formidable It takes time for power to pour down, one handle after another, you have to control the strength, but fortunately, Floating Clouds Mountain can be used as a temporary substitute here to help stabilize the Southern Barbarian land. Only before that, Northern Plains I'm afraid there is no support there..."


"Old Lu, you can say you can do it."

You Xianke murmured while looking at the boundary river in the extreme north of Northern Plains, and at almost the same time, Lu Xingzhou finally retracted his sight.

"so that's how it is, Southern Barbarian is the bait."

Looking back at the moth, Lu Xingzhou couldn't help but pick the corner of his mouth: "The king of Savage-Wilderness Boundary, It seems that although you are a chess piece, you still have a heart to be a chess player."

"At least you have learned abandoned game piece."

"Isn't it?"


Faced with Lu Xingzhou's ridicule, Yan Zhu just calmed down: "Everyone wants to be a chess player, even you, Don’t you want to be a chess player who sits in Beyond Heavens, can manipulate a world to kill, watch my life and death, and laugh at the world? It’s just that the ability is not enough, that’s all."

"Sure. It makes sense."

Lu Xingzhou was refreshingly nodded: "I decided to kill you."

"hong long!"

tone barely fell, Lu Xingzhou shot again and set off a monstrous wave in Jiehanei, but under that mighty wave, there was a flash of light.


Northern Plains.

Wan Shou Immortal Sect At this time, the situation has become more and more declining, and the disadvantages of the high-level battle strength led by jacaranda have gradually radiated to the backbone level.

"Damn! Can't hold it anymore! Another group of Taoists died!"

"Senior Brother Chen was killed!"

"Elder Lu I was beaten to death!"

With the passage of time, a large number of casualties finally began to appear. Under such casualties, many Wanshou Immortal Sect dísciple's moods became more and more depressed. Under the influence of this low morale, many Wanshou Immortal Sect dísciples have begun to look towards only one alien in their own camp.

An Yueyao.

Especially with the passage of time, more and more Wanshou Immortal Sect dísciple began to be uncomfortable with An Yueyao, who has been meditating and pranayama since he came to Northern Plains:

"Damn it, that native....Just watch us fight and enjoy what we do for ourselves?"

"The natives are the natives, so they should be afraid of death."

"Okay Don’t say anything, don’t forget that Southern Barbarian and Western Territory are still in charge of others. Just be yourself."

"What do you mean? Helping out the indigenous people? Isn't it a fancy to others?"


"Okay, don't be nonsense, hurry up and spawn Dao soldiers! Focus on it!"

These chaos Chen Yisheng, who protects An Yueyao's law, can actually hear it more or less. It's just that he doesn't have a good attack on the road, so he can only endure silently. Although he intends to go to the front with a sword, considering An Yueyao's Safety is still suppressed.

And at this moment----


There was a soft call from behind, Chen Yisheng answered. Looking back, he saw that An Yueyao, who had been sitting still and adjusting his breath for nearly a day, finally opened his beautiful eyes.

Then Chen Yisheng saw him nod to himself lightly:

"many thanks Older Generation Chen for the support."

"But it is already possible."

After saying that, An Yueyao put on his long sleeves and stood up leisurely. Although he sat here for a day, An Yueyao's white clothed like snow was not stained with muddyness. At this moment, he got up, still like Fairy under the moon. Compared with usual, An Yueyao is even more extraordinary.

In fact, this is why Chen Yisheng protects the law.

"Congratulations to Elder An."

Chen Yisheng pressed his excitement, respectfully gave an salute to An Yueyao, and then said: "At this moment, I want to come out and see Human Immortal. Great."

I never thought that An Yueyao hearing this was first nodded with a smile, and then shook the head:

"Although it is a success, it is still a step away."

"One step...?"

"en. "An Yueyao laughed, and immediately moved his body gently and stretched his waist. Following her movement, Chen Yisheng suddenly moved his ears, as if he was in front of a ruptured dam, before his eyes was the flood bursting, and the deafening sound of the tide was coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth!

However, as opposed to the sound of the wave, as the sound approaches, what Chen Yisheng feels is not the coldness of the flood, but the scorching heat of the flame.

Blood is like a storm.

Qi is like Yang Yan.

At this time, the An Yueyao body in the two states reached a wonderful unity. The scorching hair scorched and Chen Yisheng couldn't help taking a few steps back. With his cultivation base, he didn't even dare to look at An Yueyao at this moment, as if there were two suns hidden in the depths of those beautiful eyes.

At the same time, An Yueyao's voice also came to his ears:

"There is a Life and Death Battle."

"Also please Older Generation Chen waits here, don’t move around."

"I will come as soon as I go."

When Chen Yisheng reacted, An Yueyao had already moved the lotus lightly. He stepped into the battlefield of Peak Martial Saint leisurely.

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