This endless world

Chapter 95 Wandering Sea, Thought Magic and Thought Disk Imagination (Part 1)

Dumbledore's office is a spacious and beautiful circular room, surrounded by all kinds of strange silverware with unspecified names and uses. The walls around it are hung with portraits of many previous principals. These portraits are not only to commemorate these famous wizards and witches of that era, but also to express their opinions and provide advice to the current principal.

——This is Hogwarts, a school that has inherited its heritage for thousands of years.

"Thank you very much, Aberforth, for your message."

When Aberforth led the three members of the Central Continent team up the spiral staircase and entered the principal's office, Dumbledore had already been sitting behind the table waiting for a long time. The old man with a long beard stood up with a smile and greeted his guests.

But in response to Dumbledore's kind attitude, Aberforth just snorted without making any response, turned around and left the principal's office, seemingly not wanting to say another word to his brother.

And Dumbledore seemed to have been used to it for a long time. He just shook his head gently, then looked at Yang Yun with his light blue eyes and said: "First time meeting, friends, welcome to my office. ...Looking at your appearance, are you from the East?"

With that said, Dumbledore waved his wand, and three more chairs and three exquisite teacups suddenly appeared in front of him: "Please sit down, everyone, let's sit down and chat."

--first meet?

The moment he heard these four words, Yang Yun's heart rang with alarm bells.

Even so, Yang Yun still maintained his expression forcefully. Because Dumbledore not only lived for more than a hundred years, but was undoubtedly a master of Legilimency... In front of him, even the slightest flaw would be suspected.

Since Dumbledore asked everyone if they were from the East, combined with what Lupine said at that time, it means that there is a high probability that the Lord God just assigned a relatively vague identity to everyone, without limiting their origins or corresponding identities. prove.

After all, except for the wizards, the world of Harry Potter is roughly the same as the normal world in other aspects. Going abroad is naturally not casual, and there are still a series of procedures such as customs and passport checks.

——My previous guess was wrong.

Dumbledore is too old, and no one knows how much he knows about the Eastern magical world. If he asks us some questions, such as asking who the Minister of Magic is in our country, then the identity of the Lord God is hidden. Can't live.

The identity provided by the main god is not reliable, and the plot characters are by no means fools.

The Zhongzhou team has already suffered this loss once in Resident Evil.

Therefore, Yang Yun just showed a polite smile and said: "No, we are not from the East, but from the Wandering Sea of ​​Northern Europe."

As he spoke, Yang Yun made a triangle with ten fingers of his hands, which looked a bit like a tent: "Yang Yun, the seventeenth generation monarch of Wandering Sea Science and Technology, met the principal of Hogwarts here."

"Northern Europe...the seventeenth generation king of Sike who wanders around the sea?"

Not only Dumbledore, but also Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan were stunned by Yang Yun's words. Zheng Zha immediately said hurriedly in the spiritual link: "Wait a minute, Yang Yun, why did you say that? This It’s different from what we discussed before…”

"Be quiet, Zheng Zha! Dumbledore said that this is the first time we have met, which proves that the Lord God has not arranged an absolutely reliable identity for us. Think about what happened in Resident Evil!"

Yang Yun used the shortest time to speak quickly in the spiritual link.

In the previous discussion, everyone was unanimously optimistic that the identity arranged by the Lord God for the Central Continent team this time was a wizard from the Order of the Phoenix. After all, everyone received the task of delivering information to Lupine as soon as they entered. From a general point of view, Dumbledore would not leave such important things to others easily.

Now that Voldemort has killed the Potter family, the speculation that Lupine, one of the four robbers, would rebel or even be marked with the Dark Mark is relatively low.

But now, Dumbledore said that it was the first time he met everyone, which was enough to overturn most of the previously expected rhetoric... because no mature leader would hand over the important task of passing on information to someone he met for the first time and did not know the details. stranger!

——I had no choice but to tell a big lie.

"Wandering sea?"

Not to mention the conversations between several people in the mind link, Dumbledore was stunned for a moment. The name sounded like a magic research group, but he had never heard of it.

Dumbledore has lived for more than a hundred years and is considered well-informed. He knows not only all the secrets of the magical world, but at least most of them. If there really is an organization in Northern Europe that has been passed down for seventeen generations, then he will not have heard any news, nor will he have no impression at all.

However, whether the Wandering Sea organization exists or not is actually not important to Dumbledore.

If you live long enough and stand at a high enough angle, many things will become weights in Dumbledore's eyes to weigh the pros and cons. Regardless of whether the three people in front of them are enemies or friends, at least they are on the front side. Even if a few of them are really undercover, there will be no trouble in Hogwarts.

Hogwarts College is Dumbledore's base camp. Even when Voldemort was at his strongest and craziest, he never thought of attacking Hogwarts head-on. If they really come with good intentions, then one more person means more effort.

At this moment, every active force that actively joins is extremely valuable, and Dumbledore has no way to ask for too much.

"Yes, as the name suggests, we are a clan that immigrated from the East many years ago and wandered on the sea. This time we took the initiative to go to land because we were guided by the Third Eye and destiny." Yang Yun knew what Dumbledore was thinking. What, so he quickly added the background: "We can talk about these later, let's deal with the most important things first."

With that said, Zheng Zha took a step forward, took out the small crystal bottle that Lu Ping had given him before, and handed it to Dumbledore intact.

Regarding the crystal bottle that Yang Yun handed over directly, Dumbledore took it with a slightly surprised expression and looked at the sun for a few seconds. After making sure that there was no trace of being opened, he turned around. , poured the memory in the crystal bottle into a stone basin on the bookshelf.

The liquid on the surface of the stone basin rippled and seemed to reflect some images. From the perspective of the three members of the Central Continent team, the specific situation could not be seen, but Dumbledore looked at it very carefully and watched it for several minutes.

——But these few minutes became a perfect opportunity for Yang Yunyuan to tell his lies.

In these few minutes, Yang Yun used up almost every brain cell in his mind to think. And when Dumbledore put the stone basin aside again and turned around, Yang Yun had already made up a set of lies and smiled at him.

Dumbledore did not understand the meaning of this smile. He said seriously: "Thank you for the information you brought... As you can see, the British wizarding world is currently in a moment of undercurrent, and darkness is ready to move. At this time, every strength that can be used to fight against it is extremely valuable."

"...And I heard that you are here for the prophecy?"

——Sure enough, Dumbledore couldn't help it anymore.

Yang Yun knew that in the world of Harry Potter, the great and famous wizards often believed more in things related to prophecies.

Voldemort started a twenty-year feud with the Potter family for the prophecy. Dumbledore used his life as a bargaining chip for the prophecy. Grindelwald himself is a master of prophecy - precisely because he has personally experienced the power of prophecy. , these people will be more convinced of the prophecy.

——Perhaps this is also a joke played by fate?

"The man with the power to conquer the Dark Lord approaches, born at the end of the seventh month into a family that has defeated the Dark Lord three times. The Dark Lord marks him as his archenemy, but he possesses all the Dark Lord's Unknown energy...

"How about it, do you still need me to continue to prove it?"

Looking at Dumbledore's surprised face, Yang Yun felt that it was enough to say this: "The visions of prophets are sometimes the same, but the difference is that some people are the narrators of fate, and some people are the executors of fate. Some people are destiny changers.”

"...So what you want to say is that you and the Hesitant Sea behind you are the so-called changers?"

Dumbledore stared closely into Yang Yun's eyes. The person in front of him clearly described the prophecy of that year. Although it was only half of it, only Snape and Voldemort who were eavesdropping in the Pig's Head Bar at the time knew the half. And based on Dumbledore's understanding of Voldemort, it was impossible for him to tell others such important things.

Therefore, whether this person is really a prophet or has received corresponding information from certain channels, it is enough for Dumbledore to attach great importance to him.

Moreover, there is also the organization behind them...

The British magical world, which originally had only two forces, the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters, suddenly had a new force. Even though nothing about this organization called "Wandering Sea" was unknown, the people who claimed to be the Wandering Sea Thinking Department were in front of them. The seventeenth generation monarch is a prophet, which shows that this organization cannot be underestimated.

The rapid development of Grindelwald's saints back then was partly due to his own charisma and strength, but also partly because of the so-called "prophet's third eye". The more powerful the wizard is, the more he understands the greatness of fate and prophecy, because that is a power that they cannot control and cannot understand for the time being.

——So, Dumbledore used a little trick.

"Yang Yun, the mental shield I covered on you has been touched... Dumbledore seems to have used his own mental power to capture the emotional information that unconsciously spilled out of you."

Zhan Lan immediately reminded him in the spiritual link. Although Dumbledore's actions were very covert, Zhan Lan, who had already withdrawn the mental scan and placed a layer of mental shield on the three of them to prevent information leakage, was able to detect it immediately despite deliberate calculations or unintentional calculations. To Dumbledore's "little tricks."

In addition, it was thanks to this mental shield that Dumbledore could not capture Yang Yun's thoughts and emotions when he was thinking wildly, otherwise he would have been betrayed long ago.

Compared with Demort directly using Legilimency spells on other people and roughly opening their heads, Dumbledore's method was more clever and harder to detect.

After all, Dumbledore is a master of Legilimency. He often does not need to recite spells at all, but he can accurately grasp people's hearts and thoughts, because any subtle fluctuations in expressions and any unconscious emotions may be leaked. Important information... This is not only the application of magic and spiritual power, but also the accumulated result of a hundred years of life experience.

Think about it, even if the nickname "White Devil" is just nonsense, how can a great mage who has lived for more than a hundred years and made a blood pact with Grindelwald when he was young and determined to change the entire magical world become a A simple white lotus-like figure?

However, it is not a wise move to directly point out Dumbledore's little actions.

“Whether we are ‘changers’ or not, actually depends not only on ourselves, but also on whether those at the center of the prophecy have the will to ‘actively change’.”

It seemed that everything had been said, and it seemed that nothing had been said. Yang Yun just changed the topic again intentionally or unintentionally: "Professor Dumbledore, as a great mage who has been exposed to magic since the last century, you must have seen a lot. Wide knowledge... So, have you ever heard of thought magic?"

Dumbledore frowned at Yang Yun's sudden question.

The previous test did not collect any emotions from the three of them, so it could be said that it was in vain. Now, the other party came up with the new term "thought magic" that they had never heard before... It was a counterattack to their own test. ? Or are you just asking for advice?

However, Dumbledore has lived for more than a hundred years, and what he lacks most is the ability to resolve embarrassment. The old man smiled and said: "Is this the new magic you have developed in the sea? Although I have dabbled in all kinds of magic, But I have never heard of this kind of magic classification, and I would like to hear more about it."

"You're welcome, Professor Dumbledore, these are just some of our conjectures and humble opinions, and we need to ask you to correct them."

Only then did Yang Yun sit down with a smile, and motioned for Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan to sit down at the same time: "As you can see from the small crystal bottle we handed you before, modern mainstream magic also has corresponding functions in terms of memory. Research, so it saves me a lot of time in pre-explanation.”

"Have you ever thought that everyone's memory and spirit are actually like a book? Taking out or copying your memory and giving it to others is like turning a page for others to read. ?”

"There is indeed such a theory... but compared to the description in the book, the human heart is a complex and multi-layered thing. It is not as simple as you say."

Dumbledore nodded first, and then asked curiously, as if he was really an old man who was interested in a new magic theory: "Is the thought magic you call an extension of this theory?"

"Yes and no, because what I am going to say next is the key point." Yang Yun continued: "Since everyone's memory and spirit are a book, then why can't we create a library and store these books in in……"

"——Even, can the borrowing and exchange of books be realized?"

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