This endless world

Chapter 93 Knight Bus


The business of the Knight Bus was not good. Apart from the Central Continent Team, there were no other passengers on the bus. Although the Central Continent team does not have a common currency in the wizarding world, after Yang Yun threw out half a gold brick as a ticket for the Knight Bus, the conductor Lee Thornburg still put away the gold bricks and did not ask everyone to buy tickets-gold In most worlds, it is hard currency. Even if it cannot be used directly as wizard currency, there are still many ways to exchange gold for galleons on the black market.

After all, compared to the ticket price of eleven silver coins per person, the price of half a gold brick is obviously much higher... Of course, it may also be because Zheng Zha broke the half gold brick directly in front of the conductor. .

Although he was initially shocked by Zheng Zha's brute force, after chatting, he found that Zheng Zha's attitude was not bad, and because of his generous spending, Li Sangbok gradually became bolder. In order to get more gold bricks from Zheng Zha, he told almost everything, and soon everyone had a general understanding of the current situation in the British magic world.

——But the first news they got from Li Sanbok surprised everyone.

"You said that the Potter family all died? Died with the mysterious man on that day?"

"Yes, this is something that every wizard knows... Oh, you may be from abroad, so I don't know very well."

Li Sanbok first looked at a few people with doubts, and after seeing their faces clearly, he suddenly realized: "Seven years ago, it was when the power of the mysterious man was at its peak, but he failed in Godric's Hollow. ...No one knows what happened on that day, they only know that from that day on, peace was restored in the British wizarding world."

"Later, the Ministry of Magic issued an announcement and held a grand commemoration ceremony for the Potters, awarding the three members of their family the First Class Merlin Medal at the same time. Only then did we know that the Potters had sacrificed themselves and perished with the mysterious man. ”

"The mysterious man has never appeared in front of everyone since then?" Yang Yun stared into Li Sanbok's eyes and asked, "Not once?"

Lee Sanbock grinned: "Yes, the mysterious man has not appeared in front of everyone since that day, and his followers have also fallen apart. Until today, we all live a peaceful life. ...Well, we were all on tenterhooks on the bus during that time, and it's all thanks to the Potters, it's all their fault."

As he spoke, Li Sanbok made a gesture as if to express his gratitude. It can be seen that this middle-aged man who has experienced that dark period is truly grateful from the bottom of his heart, rather than just showing off.

After that, Yang Yun asked a few more questions, and then handed the remaining half of the gold brick to Li Sanbok. He and his teammates found a bed to lie down on, and began to discuss in the spiritual link.

"So, the reason for the change in the plot is already clear. The savior Harry Potter did not survive Voldemort's Avada Kedavra, but died in that battle with his parents." Yang Yun Yiyi said: "And now Voldemort is about to make a comeback, and has even summoned his subordinates to form an army again."

——This situation is somewhat similar to the Transformers experienced by the Zhongzhou team in the original work.

However, in Transformers, it was the Decepticons who seized the source of fire, leading to the end of mankind; in the current Harry Potter world, only the protagonist dies, not the moment when everything is irreversible and almost desperate.

Yang Yun secretly compared the difference between the Harry Potter world and Transformers, and continued: "The relationship between Voldemort and Harry Potter can be traced back to the prophecy Trelawney made for them both. , but now judging from the information we have received, Voldemort has obviously broken this prophecy."

"After Voldemort killed Harry Potter, because of the Horcrux, Dumbledore, who had the Elder Wand, could only defeat him but could not kill him completely... But on the contrary, Voldemort could sneak attack Or set a trap to threaten Dumbledore's life."

"Based on the analysis of this Lord God's mission, it is very likely that Voldemort was resurrected through some unknown method, thus posing a fatal threat to Dumbledore. After all, our mission is to protect Dumbledore within thirty days. Immortal... Of course, it does not rule out that Voldemort has not yet been resurrected, but has just set a trap to lure Dumbledore into taking the bait."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Yang Yun's analysis. Only Zhang Heng, who had just entered, was still confused: "But why can Voldemort successfully kill Harry Potter? Logically speaking, the protagonist should not die. Yes."

Zheng Zha said helplessly: "There is no law about the immortality of the protagonist... In the previous world, we experienced the world of Alien 1. The Lord God also changed the plot, which resulted in the protagonist Ripley not escaping. Here we are. In the end, the main character in the movie, along with all the plot characters on the ship, became the seedbed for the aliens to hatch.”

Zhang Heng shuddered when he heard this, as if he was imagining what a hellish scene it would be.

"Let's take a step first and wait until we see Dumbledore." Zheng Zha said: "Yang Yun, have you figured out how to enter Hogwarts? After arriving at Hogsmeade, we can't make a big splash. Knock on the door of the castle and say that you have confidential information to report to Dumbledore. After all, there are many people and our appearance is so conspicuous. In order to deal with the Indian team, we still try to hide everyone in the dark and only let It is better if Dumbledore alone knows."

"Besides, if Lupine is really branded with the Dark Mark, then other plot characters..."

Zheng Zha didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was obvious. The changed plot developed a new world line. With Lu Ping's affairs at the forefront, no one could guarantee that the positive characters in the original plot would still stand in their original positions.

"So we found Aberforth Dumbledore and entered Hogwarts through the secret passage of the Hog's Head Bar."

Yang Yun didn't show off and directly told him how to enter the castle. As Dumbledore's younger brother and a veteran of the Order of the Phoenix, Aberforth's credibility and loyalty were undoubtedly among the highest. And his true identity was not revealed until the end. If he can't be trusted, then probably no one can be trusted either.

"Good idea...fuck!"

As soon as Zheng Zha finished speaking, the Knight Bus suddenly jumped, and the huge inertia threw everyone backward. The two newcomers plus Qi Teng were thrown to the ground. Although the others were fine, they were caught off guard and were still a little staggered.

"This damn bus... Lee, how long until we get to Hogsmeade?"

Zheng Zha touched his head and shouted loudly to the conductor in front. The blow just now caused his head to hit the brass pillar on the bed. Fortunately, his hard-practiced Arhat Boxing worked. His head was fine, but the brass pillar was knocked a little crooked.

"There are still eight hours left, and we will arrive at our final destination, Hogsmeade, at six in the morning!"

Lee Sanbock's voice came from far in front of the car, accompanied by his voice complaining about whether the driver could drive more steadily. When Yang Yun looked out of the window, he found that the Knight Bus was not driving along the road at all. It sometimes rolled onto the sidewalk, and sometimes hit the trees on the side of the road, but it couldn't hit anything. Because whether it is a house, a tree, a lamppost or a mailbox, it will automatically avoid the knight bus, and when it passes, it will return to its original position.

"So, this is magic."

Yang Yun sighed, looked at the unscientific scene outside the window, and murmured to himself: "But I doubt if there is such a thing as a driver's license in the magic world. After all, judging from this driver's driving skills, the road killer is praising him. …”

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