This endless world

Chapter 9 Stay

The consequences of Matthew Addison shutting down the central main computer soon became apparent. Zombies infected by the T-virus began to appear from all directions.

Some of these zombies have mostly rotted away, some have twisted ankles but are still walking on the ground, and some even have only half of their heads left. From a distance, you can still see the rotting brains inside... This is a disgusting scene. Yang Yun and others couldn't help but start to feel some physical discomfort again. Li Xiaoyi, who had the worst endurance, turned pale and clear, as if he would vomit in the next second.

Fortunately, these swaying corpses look very scary, but in fact they move very slowly. As long as they are not attacked or surrounded, the danger is not that high. Everyone moved forward while fighting, and soon arrived at the door of the research room. When several mercenaries were about to open the door, Yang Yun's voice came from behind:

"Don't open the door! There are zombies inside!"

This shout made several mercenaries stunned. Those who reacted quickly reached out and left the door. J-D, who reacted slowly, saw dozens of zombies pouring out from the crack of the door. He stretched out his arms to drag him into the door.


It was the gunshot of the Desert Eagle. The Sand Eagle in Zhang Jie's hand fired instantly. With two explosions, the two zombie heads at the front exploded into rotten watermelons at the same time.

Zheng Zha also rushed over quickly at this time, his reaction speed was a minute faster than Zhang Jie's firing. Zheng Zha grabbed the almost-dead J-D's arm and swung it backwards, allowing him to avoid the zombie attack. Then he fired continuously with the pistol in his right hand, and all of them were shot in the head. The Desert Eagle in Zhang Jie's hand kept connecting, and its huge power immediately wiped out all the zombies that appeared from the door, successfully covering Zheng Zha and protecting J-D as he retreated into the main force.

This scene was so exciting that before Zheng Zha could take a breath, Li Xiaoyi, who was watching with stars in his eyes, shouted excitedly: "Brother Zheng Zha is so handsome, just like those men in the movie." The same as the protagonist, you must have used guns a lot before, right? That's awesome, how many reward points are these?"

"Bonus points?"

Matthew Addison suddenly turned around and asked. This question immediately made Li Xiaoyi's face change from excited to livid. Yang Yun knew that he heard the warning from the main god, and then deducted his reward points... This guy was really unlucky. He didn't get any rewards, but instead became a negative number.

Matthew Addison looked at a few people strangely for a few seconds, but he did not take this episode to heart, but continued to direct other mercenaries to find other exits. Zhang Jie also put away his gun at this moment, glanced at Li Xiaoyi, and sneered: "I'll give you a lesson, so that you know the cruelty of this world... It's okay, there will be a fixed reward when everything is over, you still have it." It won’t explode into fireworks.”

Not to mention the crying Li Xiaoyi, Yang Yun glanced at Matthew Addison, who was loudly directing the mercenaries to return to the central computer room, and then looked at Zheng Zha. Zheng Zha naturally understood the meaning, and he also made an OK gesture to indicate that he had been rewarded by the Lord God.

——I didn’t get the reward this time.

——Is it because Zhang Jie and Zheng Zha contributed to it? Or is it because I robbed Zheng Zha of his reward, and the positive ones are specifically trying to make up for it this time?

"very nice."

And as everyone returned to the central computer room again, and when the heavy door isolated them from the zombies outside, Zhang Jie also inserted the Desert Eagle back into his waist, and he said half-sneered and half-seriously.

With that said, Zhang Jie glanced at the mercenaries who were checking the corpses of their companions in the laser channel, and whispered: "In fact, the most dangerous thing for newcomers is the first horror movie. Mentality is the key. First of all, you have to understand your situation. I have seen many newcomers think that this is all a trick played by the TV station, so they die the fastest. But the few of you who are still alive have not only adjusted your mentality, but also been able to overcome your fear quickly. This is you The embodiment of quality.”

"Secondly, overcoming fear is not enough to survive. In the first horror movie, you were actually ordinary people. If you are lucky, you have seen the corresponding movie and you can know some plots, but even so, the possibility of death is very high. .Although it is impossible for the Lord God to issue a mission that requires death, so even you newcomers will have a way to survive."

"Actually, when newcomers face the first horror movie, it is a process of elimination through luck. As long as you can survive the first horror movie, you can get redemption items and strengthen your own qualities, such as this infinite bullet Desert Eagle. , or it’s my physical enhancement, do you understand?”

After Zhang Jie said these words, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, handed one to Zheng Zha and said: "Congratulations, rookies, how does it feel to survive? Do you feel very happy? This stimulation ,Hahaha……"

After laughing, Zhang Jie glanced at Yang Yun, hesitated, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and said to Yang Yun: "Do you want to smoke?"

Yang Yun pushed back the cigarette and said: "If you don't smoke, it will kill my brain cells, especially when I am thinking about problems now."

Zhang Jie took back the cigarette with some annoyance, but he was not such a stingy person. Compared to Zheng Zha, who also performed well, Yang Yun, who also survived the laser tunnel, was thinking about what he cared about more.

"Oh? Yang Yun, do you have any ideas?" Zheng Zha immediately became energetic.

Watching Alice go to restart the Flame Queen, Yang Yun said: "Before I express my thoughts, Zhang Jie, I have a question for you. How do we return to the Lord God? Is it a light falling from the sky? Or do we gradually Disappear, or is a space passage suddenly appearing for us to pass through?"

Zhang Jie thought for a while and said: "I don't know how to go back. Anyway, every time, either the task is completed or the time is over. The next second, I will appear directly in the main hall of the main god, so you don't have to worry about what will happen then." You can’t go back due to various circumstances, as long as you can survive.”

"Even if you are infected with the T virus or something else, as long as you still maintain your consciousness when you return to the Lord God, then the virus and everything else in your body will disappear. Similarly, if you lose your consciousness in a horror movie If the limb is damaged, it can be repaired by spending ten bonus points."

"Is that so..." Although he already knew these things, Yang Yun still nodded pretendingly and said, "Then there is a 60% chance that we can return to the main god space safely."

"Sixty percent?"

Unlike Yang Yun, Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie were really surprised. In the movie, there were not only zombies but also crawler attacks on the way out of the hive. It was basically impossible for everyone to return to the main god space safely.

Especially Yang Yun was injured...wait, injured?

Zheng Zha's heart moved: "You mean, let us stay here and not leave, right?"

"That's right." Yang Yun nodded and said, "According to what Zhang Jie just said, the Lord God will not issue missions that require death, so now that the distance limit has disappeared, if we continue to stay here and the mercenaries leave from the sewers, The Lord God will no longer issue tasks that require us to stay a hundred meters away from a plot character, causing us to be directly obliterated."

"So rather than walking on a dangerous road with the protagonists, I would rather stay here and wait for three hours to pass. After all, it is very safe here... Zhan Lan, you think so too, right?"

Yang Yun said the last sentence to the smiling Zhan Lan.

"Ah, I do think so, but I'm not as thorough as you think." Although Zhan Lan was a little surprised that the two of them thought of it together, he still touched his forehead and said.

"Okay, then it's decided! Stay here!" Zhang Jie said immediately.

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