This endless world

Chapter 83 Overflowing with anger, building the foundation in a hundred days

"...That's the basic situation."

Three days later, in the basement of Zhang Jie's house.

At this time, Zheng Zha and Yang Yun had returned to the main god space from the training of the curse. After what happened that day, Zheng Zha had no intention of practicing in the remaining three days. It's okay, but I feel like there's something wrong with you." Yang Yun checked his status from beginning to end.

However, the only purpose of this examination is to prove that Zheng Zha's body not only has no problems, but is in better shape than ever before... No matter how you look at it, it is a sign that his muscles are being restructured and his skills are greatly improved.

After returning to the main god's space, Zheng Zha even applied to the main god for a full-body repair in order to ensure his absolute safety. But the Lord God's response was that not even a beam of light came down. Apparently, he felt that Zheng Zha's body did not need to be repaired at all... This also made Zheng Zha completely reassured, so he thought of himself again. Ideas started popping up.

——I’m not really a fucking martial arts wizard, am I?

Zheng Zha just thought about it casually at first. After all, everyone thinks that they might be a genius when they start practicing martial arts. But when he discovered that he might actually be a genius, Zheng Zha began to feel unreal in his heart, and he was quite worried about gains and losses.

So as soon as he came back, Zheng Zha couldn't wait to call everyone from the Zhongzhou team to the basement of Zhang Jie's house, and told them everything that happened during this period and the changes in his body. He also used his Arhat Fist, And the last punch was demonstrated exactly as it was, and I wanted to seek help from my teammates to see what was going on.

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zha turned his expectant eyes to Zhang Jie and Zhao Yingkong. These two people were experienced and well-informed, and they were also the people who recommended him to redeem Luohan Quan. They might have a lot of knowledge about the corresponding situation. Learn more; first, she was born in a family of assassins and has a long history of family education. And from what Zhao Yingkong said before, her family's collection of family books is also very rich, and maybe there are records in this regard.

Except for Yang Yun, who had known it for a long time, everyone who heard about Zheng Zha's experience for the first time felt like it was a book from heaven. Zhang Jie and Zhao Yingkong also had different reactions. Zhang Jie had a dumbfounded expression after hearing this. It didn't look like he was faking it. He obviously didn't expect that Zheng Zha had practiced Arhat Quan to such an extent in four months. . Although Zhao Yingkong still had a cold expression on his face as before, his eyes were also filled with shock.

After a long time, Zhao Yingkong asked: "Let me confirm first. You have redeemed C-level internal energy bloodline from the Lord God before. You have never been exposed to internal energy in reality before, right?"

Zheng Zha nodded and said: "Yes, in reality I am just an ordinary person."

"Can you describe the feeling of exchanging internal energy?" Zhao Yingkong asked again.

Zheng Zha thought for a while and said: "I can't remember the details of the feeling. I just remember that the Lord God shone a beam of light, and then a warm current was injected into my lower abdomen... Well, it should be called Dantian. , and then it automatically circulated in my body for a few more times, and that was it.”

After listening to Zheng Zha's answer, Zhao Yingkong asked a few more questions about internal energy and Zheng Zha's detailed feelings when practicing Luohan Fist, and then murmured to himself: "The Qi is overflowing, the internal force is separated from the body, and all the meridians are connected. , Qi accumulating point, this is a warrior, and he is also a warrior who has built a foundation in a hundred days and has achieved a small amount of Qi accumulating..."

Zheng Zha hurriedly asked: "A hundred days of foundation building? Is it the foundation building I thought of? The foundation building of a cultivator?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yingkong immediately rolled her eyes. Until then, she felt a bit like a girl, and said angrily: "How can it be the foundation of a cultivator? Please read less messy novels... I It’s about building the foundation when a warrior begins to practice martial arts, which is the so-called opening of meridians and opening up the sea of ​​qi, the first step in the path of martial arts practice.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Yingkong also added: "Of course, these are what I learned from ancient books. They were all things at least a thousand years ago. Legend has it that only the most famous sects at that time would use This method will allow talented disciples to embark on the path of cultivation, let alone now."

"Why?" Zhan Lan next to him asked curiously.

Looking at Zhao Yingkong's expression, it was obvious that he didn't want to answer this question, but in the end he answered: "The price-performance ratio is too low. First of all, if a warrior wants to succeed in cultivation, the resources consumed are essential. In order to allow the disciples to grow as quickly as possible, Sometimes it is also necessary to use medicinal baths, elixirs and other methods.”

"Secondly, warriors must be brought in to build the foundation. That is, the elders of the sect use their internal energy to warm up and open up the meridians. This is a long-term process, and it will also consume one's internal energy, effort and energy."

"There is a saying that the master leads you in, and this is the truth. If no one uses internal power to help you open up your meridians and warm them for a long time, you can only go in from the outside in like you and train your body to the limit. Only in this way can you be able to The internal force is generated and flows in the meridians, but the time it takes to do this step is more than ten years...that’s why I say the price/performance ratio is too low.”

"What about the inner strength and mental skills? Isn't it possible to automatically develop internal strength by practicing the internal skills and mental skills?" Zheng Zha asked strangely.

Zhao Yingkong finally sighed helplessly: "So that's just a rumor in the novel. How much internal power can be generated by internal skills and mental methods? Unless there is a genius who is born with all the meridians, the meridians of the human body will be congenitally blocked. More than 80% is normal.”

"Relying on the internal energy you have cultivated to open up all the meridians and allow the internal energy to operate normally in the body is equivalent to asking a person to dig a tunnel with only a shovel... Anyway, I have never seen such a person. In my opinion, practicing killing skills is much more cost-effective than spending such a long time cultivating internal strength."

The assassin girl added: "... Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are still people who cultivate internal power in the real world."

——It seems that Cheng Xiao is such a person.

After Yang Yun heard Zhao Yingkong's words, he immediately remembered the talkative young man who entered Alien 4 in the original work. The clone Chu Xuan once evaluated him in Biochemistry II. He is a character born with internal power. Different from the internal power strengthened by the main god space, Cheng Xiao's combat skills come entirely from internal power, and in terms of close combat, he is also At that time, he was the third person behind Zheng Zha and Zhao Yingkong.

Zhao Yingkong didn't know what Yang Yun was thinking. She continued: "In my opinion, you have strengthened your internal strength from the Lord God before. This process opened up most of the meridians in your body. In addition, you I am quite talented in martial arts, and I have developed my own internal strength from the outside in..."

"By chance, you completed the legendary hundred-day foundation building."

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