This endless world

Chapter 769 It’s time to fight

"...How is that possible? Is that a mecha?"

At the moment when Luo Gandao's machine body was formed, Allenster could no longer hold back his surprise, and he blurted out shocked words: "Those guys from the Central Continent Team actually still hide this trick?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Alanst realized his gaffe. He took a deep breath and raised his right arm again: "It's just a mecha. Let me use my maximum power to completely blow you up! "


The next moment, the blood-colored cross beam reappeared, even better than the blood-colored stream of light before, with thunder, blasting out in an instant!

——However, it was useless.

Under the gaze of the two members of the Celestial Team, a strange scene slowly unfolded. Wisps of dark mist spread rapidly from the heavy body of the Aragami Dragon. The mist was mixed with angry resentment and rose up like invisible ghosts, covering the surrounding area.

And when the blood-colored cross beams approached the huge mecha, their progress suddenly became sluggish. The beams that originally carried ferocious power and destructive energy now seemed to be restrained by some invisible force, and were completely different from before. The power of...

And the next moment, the black machine pulled out the black magic sword that was integrated on its back and slashed!

It is different from the sword of light seen countless times in storybooks and movies that dispels darkness. This time, it was the dark giant sword that cut through the blood-colored thunder stream... Although the speed of the magic sword-the Araghen Dragon Robot also slowed down slightly after cutting off Allenster's attack, and the surrounding black mist also dissipated a lot, but It really used its non-fourth level body to cut off fourth-level attacks head-on!

——Damn it, even though my level of subtlety is a bit low, I am still a fourth-level person anyway. How come everything can ride on my head?

Two consecutive attacks failed to work, and the cracking method was such a violent one, which made Alanster, who had always had a high self-esteem, feel a little embarrassed, and this was the most real thought in his heart.

It’s just that Allenster won’t show it on the surface. After cursing secretly, he immediately said: “Damn it, it’s probably the mecha strengthening in terms of negative energy. Watch me use the gold refining technique to change the spirit grid and re-endow it. The concept of attacking the light attribute..."

"Don't be impulsive, Alanst. Every time you give a concept, you need to spend a lot of energy. Nowadays, you no longer have that level of spare energy."

Liala, who took the elixir on the spot and worked hard to adjust his breathing and regain his energy, was also unable to sit still. He glanced at the extremely chaotic battlefield around him, shook his head and said: "That is not an ordinary mecha, I can feel it. With the overwhelming resentment and karma entangled in it, simple long-range attacks will not have much effect."

"You mean, that mecha is enough to block my attack?" Alanster said in a bad tone, and the lightning flashed on his arm, as if it would explode in the next second: "I don't believe it. Just one mecha can close the gap between the Central Continent team and us..."

"No, they can. Only when driving a mecha can a mecha pilot exert his power...even enough for them to gain combat power that rivals ours."

Liara's voice was calm and deep, but also contained an irresistible persuasiveness: "The most fundamental difference between humans and beasts is that humans know how to use tools to fight. They use wisdom to cross steep mountains and calm down turbulent mountains. The sea, hunting huge beasts, capturing raptors with amazing speed..."

"...And those beasts that lack wisdom will eventually be unable to adapt to the changing times and will be ruthlessly eliminated."

Although Liala was covered in blood at the moment and no longer had the same aura as before, his words were still full of immersive persuasiveness, and every word seemed so firm, as if he was recounting his past experiences.

Under this steady and resolute voice, Allenster couldn't help but have the illusion that in Liala's blood-stained figure, the outline of Adam's back could be vaguely seen——


He shook his head and threw the hallucination of that moment out of his mind, but Allenster did not refute Liara's words, but spat bitterly: "Then what do you think we should do now?"

"Resentment and karma are a double-edged sword. This mecha should be a specialized equipment that is highly bound to the holder. At least its body cannot accommodate other pilots..."

Liara stood up slowly and looked at the mecha that was attacking at high speed: "So Ellenster, your enemy is the other two members of the Central Continent team who are hiding behind the mecha and using it as a cover to move forward."

"Presumably with your current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to kill them completely."

"No problem, no problem. I don't believe that the other side can use the defensive method just now indefinitely. All we need to do is get rid of that mecha first..."

"Let me create opportunities for you." Liala said fiercely.

——Li Ala, why are you unwilling to continue to take over as the tribe leader?

——Elder, the world is different now, and the ancient tribe is destined to have no future...

The elder's words when he left the tribe in the past seemed to still be echoing in his ears. Liala's eyes closed slightly, and then opened suddenly the next second: "And now..."

"It's time to fight hard."

"Okay, just rush over in one breath!"

Seeing Luo Gandao slashing away the bloody stream of light that came twice with one sword, Overlord couldn't help but clenched his fist fiercely: "Sure enough, more is beauty, bigger is better, caliber is justice, turret is truth... I miss the world of Pacific Rim a little bit. It’s the ‘Storm Saber’ I once piloted. After this team battle is over, I’m going to get addicted to mechas!”

"You are thinking too far." Ling Dian complained speechlessly: "The current situation is far from being able to sit back and relax. After discovering that long-range attacks are of little use, the enemy will definitely launch a corresponding counterattack."

"...That's right."

Just as Overlord was about to answer, Luo Gandao's answer came from the communication system.

Luo Gandao, who was in the cockpit, looked solemnly at the huge and expanding shadow in the distance. He saw a huge black dragon becoming more and more clear in his field of vision. The scales on its body seemed to have strange power and could swallow the surrounding light... and its size even dwarfed Luo Gandao's mecha.

The conscientious Julia system immediately marked the rising energy index around the dragon on the display screen of Rogan Road, which made his tone extremely solemn——


"It's time to fight hard."

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