This endless world

Chapter 767 Chu Xuan’s black technology transformation

"God's Mercy", Remiel.

Although its output cannot be compared with that of the Fifth Apostle in the EVA world, whose accelerated particle cannon penetrated all human defenses, after being fused with the "Angel's Spine", Ellenster's attack power is also extremely amazing. . In his opinion, this blow is absolutely guaranteed to kill three members of the Zhongzhou team...

...and then he missed it.

In Allenster's shocked eyes, the overlord at the front did not dodge or evade. While protecting Zero Point and Luo Gandao behind his huge body, he charged straight up against the attack of the blood-colored light stream!

Until the bloody light turned into energy and dissipated, a cross of light stood up from the ground and then disappeared. The leader of the Overlord was like a swordfish swimming upstream, cutting the water flow in half without even slowing down the speed. !

"How can this be……"

Seeing this scene, even Alanster, who had always looked down on people, couldn't help but begin to doubt his life.

Because this is an unbelievable thing. You must know that no matter how much Alanster's strength declines, this is still a blow from a fourth-level powerhouse. And a forced breakthrough with such powerful firepower can only occur when there is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides...

Looking at Liara next to them, the two members of the Celestial Team saw a surprised expression in each other's eyes. Combined with the inseparable situation between Linanya and Zhan Lan, a terrifying idea suddenly arose in their hearts——

Could it be said that even the middle-level combat power of the Zhongzhou team is at the level of the fourth level?

——Of course, there is no such thing.

"Tsk! This guy's firepower is really strong!"

Glancing at the damage left in the energy flow on the Thor's Hammer armor, as well as the blazing temperature that could be vaguely felt through the protection of the armor, Overlord couldn't help but bared his teeth and said to Zero Point and Luo Gan behind him. She sighed with emotion: "If Chu Xuan hadn't modified my power armor before leaving and installed a brand new black technology weapon, this one blow alone would have vaporized the three of us thousands of times. Got it!"

The next second, a blue-white vortex rose up, erasing all the bloody traces left by the "Thunder of God", and the entire armor became as smooth as new, as if it had just left the factory; and another black wave Light also suddenly emerged, turning into a dark dark force field, once again holding up a reliable protective shield.

A small Iron Curtain force field generator, and an individual soldier-type hypertime engine that allows one's own equipment to go back to a few seconds, or even tens of seconds ago. These two devices mounted on the Quake armor, even in the world of Red Alert 2, are extremely black "black technology weapons".

During the time he returned to the Red Alert world, Chu Xuan had been planning to transplant those top technological weapons into the soul armor of the Central Continent team members. But firstly, there was too little time, and secondly, Chu Xuan had too many research projects at hand... In addition, due to the material limitations of the demon-level soul armor, for various reasons, in the end, only the Overlord's was the only one Chu Xuan completed. Quake armor.

It was precisely by relying on the power of the two-way black technology of the Allies and the Soviet Army that Overlord was able to block Allenster's attack while also protecting Zero Point and Luo Gandao behind him, successfully resisting the fourth-level attack with a second-level body. attack.

"It shouldn't take too much time for the other party to accumulate energy again."

Compared with Overlord's emotion, Ling Dian was not so optimistic. He frowned and said, "With your energy reserves, we can defend against this attack twice at most."

"Can't we use the time teleportation device?" Overlord asked.

"No, this battlefield is too chaotic."

Ling Dian shook his head without hesitation, and countless twists and folds seemed to flash through his eyes: "Qi Tengyi is fighting with the reincarnations of other teams on the space mystery lock, and the aftermath caused by the battle between the fourth-level strong men will also cause The instability of time and space... I have confirmed this through the distortion of the magic eye. Using the time and space teleportation device here is no different from seeking death."

The so-called "magic eye" in the moon world refers to turning the eyeball, which was originally just a receiver of external information, into an intelligence output device that interferes with the outside world. Therefore, it will have different effects depending on the information the host possesses. For example, depending on the understanding of "death", the same "Death Eye" will also have different performance.

All this time, Ling Dian has been concentrating on practicing the "Encyclopedia of Space Mystery Locks". Although the countless exercises and complicated formulas have made him lose a lot of hair, the sweat will surely yield results, and the efforts will be rewarded... Whether it is computing power or understanding of time and space, Zero Point is the fourth person in the Zhongzhou team after Chu Xuan, Yang Yun, and Qi Tengyi.

After strengthening his A-level bloodline, Zero Point's twisted magic eye has evolved further. Now, he can even easily observe phenomena like space distortion, gravitational fluctuations, and dimensional barriers, and he can easily observe phenomena like space distortion, gravitational fluctuations, and dimensional barriers. There is a fundamental difference in seeing things from different angles.

"Tch, damn..."

Listening to the answer given by Ling Dian, the mercenary Overlord gritted his teeth: "If not, I will attack directly. Even if I am partially suppressed, I should be able to treat that guy to a good drink. At least I can't be passively beaten all the time... "

——Chu Xuan's version of technology is trustworthy, and his transformation will naturally not be that simple.

In addition to the two black technologies that blocked the attack just now, the Overlord's armor is also equipped with devices similar to super magnetic storm coils, force field shields, telepathic observers, etc., but in the Legend of Sword and Fairy In the world, these "not so black" black technologies are generally suppressed to a certain extent... This is why Overlord is extremely unhappy.

"Don't expose your cards too early and waste hard-won opportunities."

As a Samsara who is also a long-range attack type, Zero Point knows how passive it is to continue to let the opponent launch attacks, but he still rejected the Overlord's proposal: "Now that guy's body is protected by that kind of power called 'A.T. Force Field' However, conventional attacks cannot penetrate his defense... Attacking hastily will only frighten the enemy."

"A.T force field?"

Hearing this term, Overlord was stunned.

Since Yang Yun knew Adam's identity in advance, all members of the Zhongzhou team had played "EVA" and its derivative works before entering this horror movie.

Even Overlord, a strong man who has never been interested in animation, is already familiar with what the "AT force field" represents: "Shouldn't that thing appear on Adam... No, if the guy opposite has this ability , wouldn’t it mean that even you can’t break through the opponent’s defense, so we can only be passively beaten?”

"No problem, we have a strategy to break the situation." Ling Dian's voice was still calm. Compared to the opponent, Alanster, who began to be shaken because his attack failed, he is the real ruthless killer on the battlefield: "Don't forget, Chu Xuan didn't just modify your equipment."

As he said that, Ling Dian turned his head slightly and looked at Luo Gan beside him and said -

"Although there is nothing we can do...but it seems that you have to appear early."

"Come on," Luo Gan said.

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