This endless world

Chapter 72 Spiritual Link

"Psychic link can connect one's own consciousness with the consciousness of others, and directly transmit the situation seen by the mental scan to the minds of others. The maximum link range is the mental scan range, and the minimum standard is that seven people can be linked at the same time, including mental scans. The controller himself, the number of people connected can increase with the improvement of mental power... It requires a B-level branch plot and 5,000 reward points."

This is the exchange instructions for spiritual links from the Main God. After reading this instructions, all the people in the Central Continent Team thought of four words...

What a good thing!

Anyone with some tactical literacy can understand the importance of communication. Electronic warfare in modern warfare is essentially to block the opponent's communication channels. It can be said that in war, nothing is more important than stable communication, not to mention that this psychic link can directly transmit the situation seen by the mental scan to in other people's minds.

According to the main god's description, when Zhan Lan grows up in the future, he will even be able to connect to the brains of everyone in the Zhongzhou team at the same time. Coupled with mental power scanning, he will be able to control everything on the battlefield.

And for the Zhongzhou team, the spiritual link is particularly useful. You must know that the captain Zheng Zha is often the one at the front, so naturally he has poor control over the overall battle situation. Now that there is a spiritual link, everyone can act according to Zheng Zha's instructions. In this way, there is no problem of being unable to command the battle on the front line. And precisely because Zheng Zha is fighting at the front, he can better respond to the enemy's instructions. Combat strength to adjust the team's strategy.

"In short, mental scanning and psychic linking are two skills that I think every qualified mental controller should strengthen."

Yang Yun explained: "Of course, in addition to spiritual link, there are also many skill exchanges with the same price at the Lord God. The core of these skills is still to link mental power to transmit information, but the focus is different, some focus on 'scanning', and some Some focus on 'control', and some focus on mental power itself...such as psychic chains, psychic beacons, etc."

After hearing this, everyone started searching at the main god again. Just as Yang Yun said, the skill description of the psychic chain is that it can link four people at the same time, including myself, and it can limit the control of those with weak mental power, but if When the opponent's mental power is too strong, he may fall into a mental backlash."

The mental beacon turns the mental controller himself into a beacon to link all team members. The coverage is the largest, but it also has the limitation that it cannot link to those who are much stronger than the person.

However, the redemption price of these skills all requires a B-level branch plot and 5,000 reward points. It can be said that each has its own merits.

In Yang Yun's view, the energy of mental power itself has the functions of hypnosis and mental manipulation. With Zhan Lan's current mental power, if she just hypnotizes ordinary people, she can definitely do it. Therefore, Yang Yun felt that there was no need to specifically exchange skills such as psychic chains for output, but it would be better to focus on information transmission... After all, today's Zhongzhou team is terribly poor.

"I think this mind link skill is the most suitable for us. On the one hand, our team currently has seven people. After redemption, we can guarantee that all members will be covered; on the other hand, I think that if the mind controller wants to control the mind, If you are interested in psychic abilities, you can exchange them for corresponding skills in the future, such as psychic phantom, psychic storm, psychic blade, psychic teleportation, etc. There is no need to hang on this B-level skill."

"It's just that the mental skills are ridiculously expensive, and the cheapest ones basically start at B level, so I suggest you exchange them for defensive items or an exoskeleton armor to ensure your survivability."

"Of course, we don't have enough side plots and reward points now, so we can only make do with jade pendants, but in the next world, especially in team battles, you will be the most important presence in our team... How about it, Zhan Lan, do you want to redeem this spiritual link?"

Following Yang Yun's summary and final question, Zhan Lan opened his eyes first, glanced at Zheng Zha with an obscure expression, then nodded and said: "No problem, just this skill, I believe everyone will protect mine."

Zheng Zha's heart skipped a beat when he saw this look. He was also a company executive before entering the main god space. After Luo Li died, he went to many bars and nightclubs. He still didn't understand Zhan Lan's look. Meaning, it was obvious that she had developed feelings for him.

But Zheng Zha could only pretend not to understand at this time, and let go of the arm holding Zhan Lan without any trace, and said with a silly smile: "Haha, Zhan Lan is right, don't worry too much about these messy things... ...As long as we are all alive, you will definitely be the most important person in the entire team."

Yang Yun watched the interaction between the two, and without saying any nonsense, he directly exchanged the spiritual link for Zhan Lan. This exchange was not as big as the previous one. After the main god's light pillar faded, Zhan Lan still stood in the same position as before, while everyone present was stunned——

In their consciousness, everything in the entire Main God Square came into view. Through the effect of the spiritual link, Zhan Lan connected his consciousness and mental power scanning situation with everyone. If Zhan Lan had this skill in Alien, then the Alien would no longer be able to make sneak attacks. Where are the enemies, what is the terrain of the spacecraft, where are the control room and weapons room... It would be like having a full map in the game, everything There will be no escape.


Zheng Zha clenched his fist fiercely and said happily: "This is the most important skill that our team should have!"

Yang Yun smiled and observed everyone's reactions. Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan were not mentioned for the time being. Qi Teng closed his eyes in surprise, probably feeling the field of vision brought by the mental scan; Ling Dian, a face that has been paralyzed for many years, rarely showed up. With a smile on his face, he may have begun to imagine that with the help of this mental scanning, his sniper skills can reach a new level; Zhao Yingkong was surprised and unhappy, maybe he remembered the records in the family collection, and understood this Why is the skill called Assassin’s Bane?

Finally, Zhang Jie...

Yang Yun observed Zhang Jie's expression. This man, who is currently the strongest mental controller in the main god space, did not show any flaws at this time and was still laughing and having fun.

But the more he behaved like this, the more Yang Yun became more vigilant. Helping Zhan Lan become a mental controller greatly increased the possibility of Zhang Jie being exposed. Because as long as Zhan Lan grows up, he will definitely realize Zhang Jie’s mental abnormalities and discover his true face...

But Yang Yun had to do it, because in the team battle with the Indian team without a mental controller, it was equivalent to fighting people blindly. It is no exaggeration to say that people are like swordsmen. Rather than expecting Zhang Jie to be influenced by Zheng Zha and punished by the Lord God to erase the consciousness of the opponent's mental controller, it is better to control his destiny in his own hands.

after all--

Destiny is woven, but luck can be made.

The weak accept their fate, while the strong resist it.

The capable man earns his life, the wise man rebels against his fate.


Main God Exchange version 1.07 update log:

There were two different prices in Soul Chain Infinite Horror. The first time Zhan Lan watched it, it was two B-level side plots and 8,000 reward points, but the second time he redeemed it, it became a B-level side plot and 5,000 reward points. Bonus points, going with the latter here.

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