This endless world

Chapter 68 Missing Eyes

Yang Yun's words were extremely cruel, but extremely true.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the Central Continent team's main space suddenly became depressing... Although the team battle had not really come yet, everyone present felt the pressure coming towards them.

——Especially Qi Tengyi and Zhan Lan, one is a newcomer who has just joined, and the other is a veteran who joined during Resident Evil, but they are ranked last in the team in terms of physical fitness and combat literacy.

In Yang Yun's words, they will definitely become the enemy team's number one hunting target.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Zheng Zha quickly laughed and said: "You don't have to be like this. What is mentioned on the stone tablet is that the team will only engage in team battles with other teams after three people who have unlocked the gene lock appear, right? There are some in our team. Me, Yang Yun, and Zhao Yingkong have opened the first-level gene lock, and I have also opened the second-level gene lock. If Chu Xuan had not died in the Grudge, then four of our Zhongzhou team would have opened the gene lock. a member of……"

"Looking at it this way, our team is not a weak team by any means. Everyone knows how difficult it is to activate the gene lock. It is a narrow escape...if we include the members who have activated the gene lock but have not survived the backlash. , then other teams may only have three or even fewer people who unlock the gene lock, and maybe our team will be the strongest among all teams..."

"Haha, don't worry too much about this. Let's discuss our next strengthening direction first."

Yang Yun sighed slightly in his heart. Although Zheng Zha's words contained elements of lively atmosphere, they also contained his true thoughts. After all, Zheng Zha only opened the second-level gene lock after three horror movies. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius... But Zheng Zha doesn't understand that the evaluation of Zhongzhou Team has already been raised to an unknown level by Zhang Jie!

If the opponent is really the Indian team, then regardless of the captain Little Monk and the jackal doctor Arot, the Indian team member Lamb and their mental controller will work together to use mental lock and flying needle to go far. Range assassination can directly wipe out the Zhongzhou team without a mental controller... No matter how long the sniper distance of Zero Point is, can it still be longer than the mental controller whose straight-line scanning distance starts at ten kilometers?

——There is no other way, we cannot place all our hopes on Zhang Jie.

Instead of hoping that Zhang Jie's blood is not cold and he is moved by the brotherhood of the Zhongzhou team and sacrifices himself, it is better to prepare in advance.

After making up his mind, Yang Yun said to Zheng Zha: "Wait a moment, Zheng Zha, before everyone starts to exchange, don't you think our team is missing a pair of eyes?"

"Missing a pair of eyes?" Zheng Zha repeated doubtfully.

"That's right, we are missing a mental controller in our team!"

Yang Yun emphasized the words "mental power controller", and to the confused eyes, he went on to explain: "Chu Xuan once told me that in the real world, there is a group of people similar to superpowers. People, they're called mind controllers."

This time, Yang Yun borrowed Chu Xuan's name and used tiger skin as a banner to strengthen the persuasiveness of his words.

——Anyway, with his relationship with Chu Xuan, he will not be held accountable afterwards.

"Mental controllers are similar to human radar. They can detect the surrounding environment and creatures within a certain range, through rocks, through steel layers, and even deep into the ground... They can see everything within the range of their mental power. Except In addition, mental controllers may also have the ability to control the behavior of ordinary people. Unless the subject self-hypnotizes or enters a state of unlocking the genetic lock, it will be impossible to break away from this mental control."

"Did Chu Xuan tell you this? Why have I never heard of it?" Zheng Zha asked doubtfully.

"Not only you, I didn't hear this information before Chu Xuan told me."

"But you must also admit that there are many secrets in the real world, such as... the assassin family."

Yang Yun looked at Zhao Yingkong. Apart from other things, isn't this assassin who has unlocked the first level of gene lock a ready example?

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Zhao Yingkong. The little girl frowned her beautiful eyebrows slightly and said: "Yes, there are many secrets in the real world, and I don't deny that the assassin family is one of them... In fact, I am in the family I have indeed read records of similar abilities in the collection of books. This ability is the nemesis of our assassins, but I have never seen it with my own eyes."

Yang Yundao: "Just because you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that this kind of person does not exist in reality. Chu Xuan is the person in charge of Longyin Base and has the rank of senior colonel. He naturally knows a lot of things that we don't know, including the name 'Gene Lock'... … Standing at his height, the resources he has acquired and the information he knows are unimaginable to us, so I believe what he said is not false.”

"That makes sense..."

Zheng Zha's scalp felt numb when he thought of what he had encountered when he returned to the real world. The country can dispatch such a powerful force to hunt down, just to catch one person, just because this person has the locator left by Chu Xuan... Although he looks like an ordinary person on the outside, he has a special temperament at best. Young man, but the weight of this person Chu Xuan can be seen clearly.

Seeing that Zheng Zha accepted his statement, Yang Yun continued: "Because our country has suffered from mental power controllers several times, the country has since then begun to pay attention to the training of mental power, thinking, and consciousness, and has We have developed the most stringent military training and spiritual training program to fight against mental controllers and ensure that national secrets are not stolen, and the person in charge of this program is Chu Xuan."

"As the general person in charge of the plan, Chu Xuan naturally has a deep understanding of mental power controllers. After entering the main god space, he felt that there was a lack of such a position in our team. And Chu Xuan had already anticipated our enemy. Not only will there be monsters in the movie, but there will also be members of the reincarnation team like us. In the past, it was enough to deal with biological weapons such as crawlers and aliens, but now we are about to have a team battle. If there is a mental controller in the opponent's team, But if we don’t have one, then we can only be passively beaten everywhere and be at a huge disadvantage.”

"Is that so, it turns out that Chu Xuan thought so far... Could it be that the light particles you used to lure Kayako over in the last scene are also things that our country has researched in the real world?" mentioned At this point, Zheng Zha remembered what happened before: "Is this also related to mental power?"

"Yes, the country not only conducts research on spiritual power, but also on the soul."

Yang Yun continued to lie without blinking an eye: "Chu Xuan said that among the top leaders of various governments, the existence of human souls is actually no secret. In the 1980s, when the US military launched the space war plan, they discovered The existence of the soul was discovered, and our country quickly began research on the soul after that... The bait that was born to lure the soul body was one of the results, and Chu Xuan played an important role in it."

"It turns out that our country is so powerful, with human body modification genetic engineering, mental power controllers, and even soul aspects..."

Zheng Zha couldn't help but think of Chu Xuan. Although this cold man was dead, the words he left behind were still helping the team move forward: "Did Chu Xuan ever say how to become a mental power controller? "

It's indeed a bit confusing, but some things must be explained clearly... In addition, I also need to save some manuscripts for the shelves. The above

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