This endless world

Chapter 66 A rich harvest

"Lord God, please repair our whole body and the reward points will be deducted from me!"

Following Zheng Zha's shout, the Lord God's Repair Light Pillar arrived as promised. When Yang Yun completed the repair and fell back to the ground from mid-air, he was pleased to find that Zhan Lan, Zhao Yingkong, and Qi Tengyi had all successfully returned to the main god space, and there were no other accidents.

As soon as Yang Yung landed, Zheng Zha, who had just finished repairing it, rushed forward and punched Yang Yun hard in the chest. The man said loudly: "Oh no, Yang Yun, what are those things that you kid took out?" ?Gaya Coco actually rushed over like a wild dog. First, he was shot hard by Zero Point with a spiritual bullet, and then he fell from the air and fell into our encirclement... This is worth a B The enemy in the sub-plot, if we hadn’t taken advantage of being the first to seriously injure Kayako, we wouldn’t have won so easily!”

Saying that, Zheng Zha laughed and punched Yang Yun twice more, and then said solemnly: "Although I know you have already planned and would not do something like dying alone, I still want to say... I am very happy. See you back safe and sound, brother.”

"Next time, please don't do such dangerous things alone."

Yang Yun rubbed his chest, and after listening to Zheng Zha's words, he temporarily stopped thinking about those miscellaneous things, and smiled: "...Well, I'm back, brother."

Zheng Zha finally punched Yang Yun, and then talked about how they killed Gay Coco. Since Yang Yun told Zheng Zha all the seven attacks of Kayako, the Zhongzhou team could say that it was much easier to kill Kayako this time, and they did not end up almost wiped out like in the original work.

"Having said that, there are still dangers. The first is that Kayako's husband, Takeo Saeki, actually hid in secret and attacked Zhan Lan, who seemed to be the weakest. Fortunately, the jade pendant blocked the attack. If I hadn't exploded on the spot, After unlocking the second-level genetic lock, Zhan Lan might be able to..."

"Heroes save beauties."

Hearing what Zheng Zha said, Yang Yun also looked at Zhan Lan. Sure enough, this little woman was looking at Zheng Zha at the moment. When she saw Yang Yun looking over, she quickly turned her head away. However, the slight blush on her face revealed what she was thinking in her heart, which was really trying to hide it.

Since Zheng Zha had his back to Zhan Lan, he didn't see her expression, but he first glanced at Luo Li who was peeping at the door of the room, and then said with an upright face: "What kind of hero saves the beauty? This is just between partners. It’s just about helping each other, shouldn’t the point be that I unlocked the second-level gene lock?”

"As for heroes saving beauties, it's completely nonsense. I already have Loli and I love her very much..."

"Okay, okay, what about second place?" Seeing Zheng Zha's reaction, Yang Yun quickly interrupted him. I don’t know whether it’s because the two of them didn’t have the artificial respiration in Alien, or for some other reason, but Zheng Zha seems to be a little unkind to Zhan Lan... Or is he worried about Luo Li’s feelings?

"The second is that Zhao Yingkong is gone."

Zheng Zha did not continue speaking, but pointed in the direction of Zhao Yingkong, who was contacting the main god with his eyes closed at the moment: "As an assassin, she is arrogant, or she wants to prove herself... In short, although we can deal with Kayako , but she seems to be unable to accept that she played no role in this battle."

"Originally, Lingdian and I were about to eliminate Kayako, but at the last moment, Zhao Yingkong rushed into Kayako's body alone."

Zheng Zha clicked his tongue and said: "How cruel. Because ordinary weapons cannot hurt Kayako, Zhao Yingkong took out the gunpowder from the spirit bullets and used the warheads to make two finger gloves. There was no turning back. She jumped into Kayako's body. Although she did destroy Kayako's core, she was so weak that she almost couldn't come back. In the end, I was able to save her by covering her whole body with vampire energy..."

"Thanks to her, we both suffered serious injuries. It's a pity that my reward points and the protective jade pendant..." At the end of the sentence, Zheng Zha couldn't help but start to feel distressed.

As the captain elected by everyone, Zheng Zha believes that he must have the responsibilities of a captain. For example, paying for the whole body repair points of the team after returning to the main god space is the basic responsibility of being a captain in his opinion. But this time Zheng Zha was so angry that he killed a newcomer who had stolen Buddhist scriptures. He was already deducted a thousand reward points by the Lord God. Zhao Yingkong's behavior made his already poor wallet even worse.

After all, mosquito legs are also meat, so these reward points are unnecessary expenses and can be saved. Not to mention the protective jade pendant... Originally, Zheng Zha only took two D-class side plots in Alien. One D-class was used to return to the real world, but Chu Xuan tricked him; the other D-class changed to a jade pendant. , but it was wasted.

The cost of repairing the main god, the cost of returning to the real world, and the reward points deducted for killing newcomers... Zheng Zha's gains in Alien were not much, and now they are all in vain.

"It turns out that it was a hero saving the beauty twice..."

"Can you say something serious?"

Seeing the veins popping up on Zheng Zha's forehead, Yang Yun smiled and asked knowingly: "Is she that powerful? Kayako is a spirit body. No matter how weak she is, she can't be destroyed with spirit bullets in a pistol, right? Could it be that Zhao Yingkong unlocked the first-level gene lock?"

Zheng Zha nodded and said: "Indeed, and like Chu Xuan, it was unlocked before entering the main god space, so it can basically be used skillfully...Chu Xuan, alas."

Speaking of Chu Xuan, the two of them were silent for a while. They couldn't help but think of the words this man said and the scenes of getting along with everyone.

After a long time, Zheng Zha, who had obviously lost interest in the conversation, waved to Luo Li, who couldn't help but walk out of the room, and then said to the others: "Except for those few rooms around, everyone can choose by themselves, and then about Create humans..."

After briefly introducing the basic functions of the Lord God Space to the two newcomers Qi Tengyi and Zhao Yingkong, Zheng Zha hugged Luo Li into his arms and said to everyone: "The basic situation is like this. During these seven days in the Grudge, Everyone must be on tenterhooks and haven't had a good night's sleep... Let's have a night's rest, and we'll gather in the square tomorrow to discuss our respective enhancements and exchanges."

No one had any objections. In just a few seconds, everyone left. Only Yang Yun, who was speechless, and Qi Tengyi, who was thinking about what kind of beauty he wanted to create, were left in the square.

——I always feel like this happens every time I return to the main god space.

Yang Yun shook his head speechlessly. Although he also knew that applauding was often the most effective way to release stress after experiencing fierce battles, this did not prevent him from giving a middle finger to his teammates in his heart to express greetings... every time It's all like this, but it seems that Yang Yun is the one who doesn't fit in with the Zhongzhou team.

After taking a look at Qi Tengyi who was obsessed with pinching people with his eyes closed, Yang Yun stopped caring about him and directly contacted the Lord God to inquire about his reward points and side plots.

The harvest this time is very rich, not to mention the fixed reward of 1,000 points for each horror movie, the reward for destroying the House of Grudge and killing Toshio Saeki at the shrine for the first time, just for destroying the main body of the curse and destroying the curse. The source of resentment brought Yang Yun two B-level side plots and a huge income of 11,000 reward points.

In short, after the statistics were completed, Yang Yun couldn't help but wave his fist... Two B-level side plots, one C-level side plot and 14,000 reward points, it can be said to be a wave of fat. The harvest from this curse is almost equal to the income from the original Zheng Zha Legend of Gods and Ghosts team battle!

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