This endless world

Chapter 59 Are you worthy?

The Fallen...

There are two ways for the soul obsession system to reach the Demon King level, which is the fourth level of the gene lock level. One is the purification and sublimation of the soul, that is, constantly condensing, purifying, and sublimating the obsessions in one's soul. In this process, not only can the essence of the soul be improved, but this process also exercises one's inner standards in the soul. The degree of mastery of energy.

When the purification produces a qualitative change, the soul can be called a holy soul. The soul is indestructible, and a single strike can be ten times more powerful than before. This is the signature ability of all fourth-level powerhouses... down to the smallest detail!

As for the other way, it relies on swallowing sins, completely transforming sins into a dark part of one's own soul, and then exerting amazing power. Just as a soul that is pure to the extreme is a holy soul, a soul that is polluted by sin to a certain extent is a demon soul. Of course, this path is much more difficult than the previous one. After all, the demon soul has to deal with negative emotions all the time, and it may be contaminated by sin if you are not careful. Swallowed and infected, they lost themselves and turned into ghosts and ghosts.

In fact, as long as they are not the kind of characters with cruel nature and twisted personalities, those who have some pursuit will choose the path of the Holy Soul. But no matter what, this is a feasible way to go. There is not much difference between the two when they reach the Demon King level, but...

Whether it is a holy soul or a demon soul, it is the orthodox path of the soul obsession system, and the path of the soul obsession system has long disappeared into the dust of history with the destruction of the Three-Eyed Clan... But now, in front of Yang Yun A demon-level cultivator of the soul obsession system appears?

This is fucking outrageous, okay?

"Demon level? Soul obsession system? Fallen?"

Hearing this, the young man repeated Yang Yun's words and smiled gently. However, although the smile looked perfect at first glance, if you look closely, you can find the cruelty and ruthlessness hidden in it: "It seems You know a is necessary to save your life now, so be grateful."

"Save me a life?"

Yang Yun also sneered. In fact, he had known for a long time that there was a mastermind behind Kayako, but this information could be traced back to his experience before entering the main god space.

As I said before, the author of the book Infinite Horror is not a contented person. In addition to absorbing some readers’ ideas, such as the Sunflower Book and the Eighteen Gates of Dunjia, he also likes to turn things into regular second designs. Many places spoil some settings, such as the development of the plot, and the hidden subplots in the world.

For example, in The Grudge, Kayako is not the final BOSS. There is a mastermind behind him who is slightly stronger than Kayako, but the Zhongzhou team at that time can completely defeat him. As long as the House of Grudge is destroyed, he will be forced to do so. Showing up... This is one of those spoilers.

However, the reason why spoilers are called spoilers is because they are just a few words, and many times they are unclear. Who would have thought that this small subplot could actually be related to the soul obsession system in The Beginning of Death?

After hearing Yang Yun's merciless response, the young man smiled brighter and crueler. He first attacked Kayako, who was seriously injured and his lower body was completely blown away. After feeling it for a while, he said: "I see. , it seems that you and your companions were the ones who broke into this place seven days ago... You should go find a place to devour the soul first. The soul body is so damaged that it may take a thousand souls to make up for it."

After saying this, the young man waved his right hand, as if releasing a dove, and released Kayako, who had shrunk to only two or three meters tall. And Kayako didn't hesitate, he just decided on a direction and flew away, as if there was something very attractive to him in that direction.

Yang Yun did not stop him, but watched Kayako fly away, and suddenly said: "You haven't experienced many battles, have you?"

"Oh? How can you see it?" The young man made another move with his right hand, and three white light spots flew out from his cuffs and surrounded him, turning into three ferocious white evil spirits. Obviously, he supported more than just souls. One coconut.

——The enemy should be a transcendent person like a summoner, who fights by manipulating his own summons.

Yang Yun judged the opponent's fighting style in an instant. It was no wonder that he could tell from his dress that the opponent should be an Onmyoji. Most of the time, the Onmyoji profession is not good at close combat. They mostly control their own shikigami to fight.

His feet moved slowly, gradually approaching the Onmyoji in front of him. Yang Yun maintained a posture ready to attack at any time, but pretended to be careless and said: "In this situation, when facing the enemy, you should use all your trump cards. Yes. Kayako is your biggest shikigami, right, and you actually let her heal like this?"

"Is it possible that it's because I don't need all my strength to deal with you? And when did you feel that I didn't attack you?"

The corners of the young man's mouth suddenly tilted upward, and he suddenly took out his left hand hidden in his wide sleeves. There were three talismans between his fingers, and he shouted: "Curse! Disaster! Disaster!"

The talisman instantly glowed and turned into several dark ropes that wrapped around Yang Yun's body. While being tied up by the rope, Yang Yun only felt dizzy. At the same time, his body became much heavier and his hands and feet could not produce any strength.

——Weakening spells.

The young man's offensive didn't stop there. When Yang Yun was tied up with a black rope, a man covered in blood suddenly appeared behind him. He picked up the kitchen knife in his hand and slashed at Yang Yun.

And Yang Yun's reaction was also extremely fast. Even though he was trapped by the black rope, he still didn't panic. The moment the man appeared, he did a roundhouse kick, but the sure-shot kick completely passed through the man's body. Instead, it was a kitchen knife. It struck Yang Yun's armor with a loud bang, bringing out a stream of sparks...

"Oh? Saeki Takeo's ability is nothing compared to your armor, but even if you are protected by this armor, you are still a mortal body after different from those dead people lying on the ground!"

When the young man saw that although Yang Yun kicked the bloody man, he failed to free himself from the black rope and was instead hit by a kitchen knife, his smile suddenly became brighter. He muttered words and pointed with both hands: "Go!"

In an instant, Yang Yun felt like something was moving inside his body. His face turned green, he knelt on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood, which seemed to be mixed with some foreign matter...

"The attack coming from within the body is unstoppable, right?"

Seeing that Yang Yun was restrained by black ropes and spit out blood containing fragments of internal organs from his mouth, and that he had almost lost his combat effectiveness, the young man immediately lost interest in him: "I say he is powerful, but his actual strength is just that... But I can’t blame you. Who makes my soul cultivation so much higher than your body cultivation? We are not a species in the same world at all."

As he said that, the young man walked slowly towards Yang Yun, and when he got there, he carefully looked at the super electromagnetic soul armor on him: "Well, we can't damage this armor, just empty out your internal organs. After you die and turn into a soul, I will torture you again... Then you will know that death is just the beginning!"


"What's wrong? You actually have the heart to laugh?" The young man heard Yang Yun's disdainful laughter and showed displeasure: "Originally I wanted to see you struggling in pain, but now I have decided to look at your soul. The wailing scene is better…go to hell!”

After saying that, the young man shook his left hand suddenly. In his expectation, this grip would definitely cause the ghosts in Yang Yun's body to attack and turn his internal organs into a lump of flesh. Then the person will bleed to death, letting out the most miserable and sweetest scream before death...

In his life as a young man, he had done a lot of this kind of thing, but every time he heard this familiar and tireless howl, he would tremble with excitement and couldn't help himself...compared to when he was alive, and with those The purest beautiful girl applauds ten times or even nine times more happily!

But before the young man could hear the miserable howl, he received a heavy punch on the nose, which made his obsession fly everywhere. His nose was crooked to one side, but it seemed like he had opened a soy sauce shop, with salty, sour and spicy food. Every shot came out... Although there were no vital points or bleeding in the soul body, this punch containing life energy still sent the young man into a shock of obsession.

Before the young man screamed and flew backwards, the other hand grabbed his neck. In his blurred vision, his whole body was surrounded by green light, and Yang Yun stood up from the ground with a blank look in his eyes. , smiled ferociously as if a god descended from heaven and said: "You idiot, how dare you just say to me, 'Death is just the beginning'?"

"Only you are worthy?"

One more chapter has been updated, I hope you will read more, above.

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