This endless world

Chapter 571 Breaking the Darkness with Thunder

Black clouds were overwhelming, spreading across the sky like a giant beast. The sky was covered with a thick layer of shadow, making the world appear dim and depressing. The temperature dropped suddenly, and the cold wind swept across the land like a knife, bringing a dead silence before the strong wind. However, this chilling tranquility did not last long, and was soon broken by the coming storm.

The wind howls, kicking up dust and debris, tumbling in this natural carnival. The rain also began to pour, not ordinary raindrops, but heavy rain like arrows. They gathered into lines in the air and hit the ground violently, making a sound like drumming, forming a curtain of water.

And against this dim background, dazzling bolts of lightning pierced the sky, like the wrath of the gods, tearing the night sky into countless bright cracks. This electric light shuttled freely through the clouds, like countless sharp swords dancing in the sea of ​​clouds, and every flash seemed to tear the sky apart.

Thunder followed, like rolling thunder drums, shaking the earth, echoing and circling in the air. Every loud sound was like the roar of the gods, shocking the hearts of the people. Let every soul feel the original power. Purple, white, and blue electric lights are intertwined together, like a web of light, constantly unfolding in the sky. Every flash of electric light was accompanied by a powerful electromagnetic wave, causing the pressure in the air to rise suddenly, making it seem difficult to even breathe.

This lightning storm, which seems to be the end of the world, is actually proof that human technological power has reached its peak. The super weapon developed by the Allied Forces - Weather Controller, has the power to change the world. This machine can precisely control the weather, manipulate the most powerful elements of nature, turn the sky into a battlefield, and turn thunder and lightning into weapons.

When the weather controller is activated, it can stimulate electrical charges in a designated area, directing the airflow to form a strong storm system. The water vapor in the clouds is quickly gathered and generates huge energy under the action of the electromagnetic field, releasing lightning like the wrath of a god.

Every thunder and lightning carries enough power to shake mountains and rivers. They are no longer accidental products of nature, but are accurately guided to become messengers of destruction... But now, it does not even take more than three minutes for the main god's protective shield to be lifted, and the lightning The next moment, the storm will fall completely on top of the Zhongzhou team, completely destroying everything within a radius of dozens of kilometers!

Where have the six newcomers who have just entered the main god space seen this scene? Facing the scene that seemed to be the end of the world, their faces turned pale instantly, and their eyes were filled with unconcealable fear and panic. Some of them even took a few steps back involuntarily, and stepped into the sea water with their feet. They uttered mutterings that were difficult to formulate into words, and the sense of terror they had never experienced made them almost lose the strength to stand——

"How is that possible? I clearly deployed my mental shield immediately!"

As a mental power controller, Zhan Lan, after a brief shock, once again expanded the mental power shielding area to fully double the area. She tried her best to maintain a calm tone, but the words she spoke through the mental link inevitably contained a hint of anger: "I didn't feel any fluctuations in the mental scan, nor did I feel any sense of being monitored... What on earth did the enemy do?" Target us?"

Zhan Lan has unlocked the third-level gene lock, and with the A-level transmitter bloodline that she just redeemed after playing, her mental power is by no means ordinary, and she can be regarded as the best even in the entire main god space. But because of this, she was extremely angry and shocked that the enemy could lock the position of the Zhongzhou team so quickly.

"Perhaps it is some kind of special means, such as a prophecy spell; or maybe it is a special type of prop that can predict our arrival location in advance. After all, there are so many exchanges in the Lord God's space, and there are one or two methods that we don't know about. Not surprising..."

Yang Yun's thinking was extremely quick. Faced with this sudden change, he analyzed dozens of possible situations almost instantly: "But we'll wait until the current problem is solved before we talk... Zheng Zha, leave it to you!" "


At the center of the storm, lightning was like a crazy snake and scorpion, twisting its body, thunder flashing, and the air was filled with the stench of burning and ionization. Electric arcs continued to erupt in the air, emitting dazzling light that made people afraid to look directly. Every thunder made people's hearts beat faster. It seems that in the next second, this Thor's hammer falling from the sky will chop everything in existence into dust.

Facing the violent energy gathering in the sky, Zheng Zha was not afraid. His laughter was particularly loud in the tense atmosphere, with a pride that challenged nature. The fourth-level gene lock was opened instantly, and with a soft sound of the sole of his foot hitting the ground, Zheng Zha's figure shot high into the sky like an arrow from a string, blocking the Central Continent team and the terrifying clouds!


Seemingly irritated by Zheng Zha's arrogant attitude, the clouds in the sky seemed to feel Zheng Zha's challenge. The thunder became louder and the lightning became brighter. Countless thunders fell from the sky, trying to blow away that tiny figure. All members of the Zhongzhou team on the ground were annihilated!

However, facing the oncoming thunder, Zheng Zha just raised his right hand.

"A powerful technological product that changes the sky and triggers thunder. This lightning storm alone can effortlessly destroy an entire fleet and completely destroy a city."

Following Zheng Zha's movements, his outstretched right hand seemed to become the most powerful magnet in the world, attracting the violent power of nature. The originally chaotic and chaotic electric energy pouring down crazily seemed to have found its home at this moment, rushing in his direction, guiding the raging thunder to his palm one by one.

Zheng Zha is like a god who controls thunder and lightning, harnessing the most violent power of nature for his own use. A dazzling light shone on his right hand, and thunder and lightning spun and jumped in his palm, converging into a ball of light, in which lightning continued to swim, making an earth-shattering roar.

"But what use can such chaotic power be?"

The electric light exploded, the thunder light leaped, and the huge energy continued to explode in Zheng Zha's palm, but it was blocked by the "Glory of Dragon Feast" and could not hurt his body at all. With the precise control of the fourth-level gene lock, the huge energy attracted seemed to be given new life, and began to rapidly condense, compress, and shape under his control——

And in the next moment, a thundering sword that was much more solid and sharp suddenly blasted forward under the subtle control of the fourth-level gene lock, cutting a corner of the black clouds in the night sky! (End of chapter)

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