This endless world

Chapter 569 Nan Yan and Bei Bing

Nanyanzhou team, Nios's team.

Although he claims to be Chu Xuan's old enemy, he is extremely confident in his abilities, even to the point of being arrogant. However, this pride did not bring Nios the expected victory. Instead, he suffered a heavy blow in the contest with Chu Xuan.

In the battle of wits in the world of Starship Troopers, it can be said that Neos lost completely. He became "Zhou Yu" in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and was angered to death by Chu Xuan. This ending undoubtedly added a touch of joy to him and his team. A strong sense of tragedy. As for the Nanyanzhou team, which has competed against the Zhongzhou team, they have obviously not been able to keep up with the rapid iterations of other Samsara teams on the road to growth and development.

After experiencing the defeat of the Starship Troopers and the reconstruction and transformation of several horror movies, the Nanyanzhou team can still only play a side role in the five-team battle of the Lord of the Rings. Only the Central Continent team follows suit - it was once the first-level gene lock. Richard, the strongest person who created his own skill "Berserker" and could even temporarily suppress Zheng Zha in the "explosion" state, seemed to have overdrawn too much potential. He stopped there at the second stage of the gene lock and could only reluctantly Fighting against a Nazgul; another main battle member, Hofer, who was strengthened by double B-level thunder fruits, performed even worse. He was instantly killed by the Nazgul in a single encounter.

At the end of the battle, the Nanyanzhou team was not even qualified to enter. The Devils just randomly sent two members and wiped out the Nanyanzhou team, including Neos who had exchanged the blood of the Three-Eyed Clan. ...The only thing they did was to leave the final death information of the "Human Completion Plan" to Chu Xuan, that's all.

——Maybe the Nanyanzhou team will become stronger, but their potential is always limited. By taking the lead and taking advantage of the situation in advance, Nios may cause some little trouble for us today.

——However, it is just a "minor trouble".

Yang Yun quickly filtered the information about Nios and the Nanyanzhou team, but did not pay too much attention to it, but quickly put it aside. In his opinion, unless the Nanyanzhou team recruits a top talent with unlimited potential comparable to Zheng Zha under the influence of the butterfly effect, it will be difficult for this team to produce strong players who can break through to the fourth-level gene lock. Or... Zheng Zha's words at the end of the battle, "The strength of the Nanyanzhou team doesn't seem to have grown much," has completely sealed the past of this team.

As for the Arctic team...

To be honest, Yang Yun's impression of this team is even shallower. He only knows that they also appeared in the five-team battle in The Lord of the Rings. Captain Gunnir is an A-level frost fruit enhancer, unlocking The second-level gene lock can explode to a quasi-fourth-level combat effectiveness when the energy is sufficient... In addition, this team's role is not even as good as that of the Nanyanzhou team. Not only did it become the lowest level in the final battle, It is a kind of breeding team, and among the Lord of the Rings, the Arctic team is the one that is most likely to make up the numbers.

——But the problem is that this time they take the place of Team Morishima in the original world line, and Team Morishima is a breeding team.

"Chu Xuan."

After knowing the opponent of this team battle, Yang Yun, who had had many exchanges with Chu Xuan before entering the world of this mission, called out the names of people around him: "Do you think the Arctic Team is a breeding team?" What are the odds?"

As a supporting character who has spent a lot of words to describe and even appeared three times, Nyos certainly has his own luck. Yang Yun thinks that now that there is no intersection between the Zhongzhou team and the Nanyanzhou team, It won't affect his growth trajectory. However, the Arctic Team, which is similar to a walk-on team and has never been taken seriously, but has replaced the original Senzhou Team, has a good reason to become a breeding team.

Not taking it seriously and having no drama also means that it is highly malleable. In the case that Zhang Heng has not been resurrected, and the positive side does not have the channels to directly observe the current situation of the Zhongzhou team, no one can know what the negative side will do... And if he molds the Arctic continent team into a breeding team, as a test for Zhongzhou team As a chess piece of the team's current situation, Yang Yun would not be surprised at all.

"The possibility is more than 60%."

Chu Xuan replied calmly, and just by looking at the speed of his reply, one could tell that this young man had already thought about it in advance, and was able to give the answer in a very short moment: "From our position, and the Lord God's mission this time It seems that the Yuri camp, which is the strongest among the three camps and wants to use mind control technology to rule the world, is undoubtedly our enemy. If the Arctic team belongs to the Yuri camp, then as a breeding team The probability is more than 80%."

Chu Xuan's words are not difficult to understand. As a villain, the Yuri camp that uses biochemical technology and mind control technology is obviously much more evil than the Allies and the Soviet army, and the breeding team is inherently "evil" exist. It is quite normal to concentrate most resources on a few people, and the breeding team with a very low score from the main god is given the strongest "power".

breeding team.

On the other side, when he heard these three words, Zheng Zha showed a little murderous intent. Having had some interactions with the clones, he naturally knew what kind of team the Demons were before the rise of that demonic man.

He has not forgotten Loli's hatred. Although it is not his own Loli, it does not prevent Zheng Zha from empathizing with the tragic experience of his own clone.

These hints of murderous intent naturally attracted the attention of several people. Luo Gandao reacted the most and almost jumped up like a rabbit. Fortunately, Cheng Xiao next to him held down his body, preventing this young man who had almost formed a conditioned reflex from really to expand the combat status. In the spiritual link, Zhan Lan, who was the first to notice something was wrong with Zheng Zha, also cast a concerned look at the same time.

"Zheng Zha, you..."

"...I'm fine. Just like I once said to 'him', I will not let my anger and murderous intention consume my body and mind, and I will never become like him."

Facing Zhan Lan's concern, Zheng Zha took a breath and replied firmly in the spiritual link: "I know what I am doing, and I also know what I should do in this team battle."

"Well said, Zheng Zha, it seems that during this period of training, you are one step closer to the fourth level intermediate level."

Yang Yun smiled approvingly when he noticed that Zheng Zha's murderous intent had subsided, and that both his aura and energy fluctuations had stabilized, showing no signs of being affected. Immediately, he turned his gaze and looked at the six men and women who had woken up on the ground. These people were looking at them in disbelief because they found themselves in a different place when they woke up: "But before that, we have to let them go." Understand the current situation.”

"Zhan Lan, please excuse me." (End of chapter)

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