This endless world

Chapter 561 The New World

After Yang Yun went to the other side of the wormhole, brought back the will of the world from that plane, and informed the rest of the Zhongzhou team, everyone showed great interest in it. After all, it is not often that you have the opportunity to witness the will of a world with your own eyes... But after seeing the tiny ball of light that was not as bright as a flashlight and unable to feel its power at all, everyone including Zheng Zha They all lost most of their interest in it.

For the members of the Central Continent team, although witnessing the existence of the world's will is indeed a rare experience, they have just experienced a wave of major strengthening, and they understand more clearly that the future and survival of the team are the most important. When facing life-and-death challenges like team battles, improving personal strength is undoubtedly the highest priority. Whether it is improving combat skills through training or developing new equipment and technologies through research, everyone is doing their best to prepare for the upcoming battle. Get ready.

Even Chu Xuan, who has the strongest thirst for knowledge among the team, after conducting necessary observations and data collection on the world's will, set up an observation point to continue collecting data for possible future research, and then he will The focus shifted back to their own research... until the one hundred days were over and the Zhongzhou team returned to the main god space.

"Is this what you redeemed and wanted to use to change the world?"

Even the 100-day return time in the Pacific Rim world only lasted a short second in the main god space.

When all the members of the Zhongzhou Team returned to the main god's space, Yang Yun closed his eyes and contacted the main god. As the side plot and reward points were deducted, he immediately pulled all the members of the Zhongzhou Team back to the Pacific Rim world without stopping. ...And when everyone reappeared at the small offshore research institute built by Qi Tengyi through the mother box ability, they discovered that Yang Yun was holding a handful of extremely inconspicuous yellow mud in his hand.

Zheng Zha was the first to discover what Yang Yun had in his hands. He also knew that Yang Yun went to the Pioneer Planet and obtained an A-level subplot. This made Zheng Zha, who was still helping Overlord research the "Blood Bad" skill at that time, He shouted that it was a pity... But if you miss it, you will miss it. Zheng Zha is not the kind of mother-in-law kind of person, so he quickly put it behind him: "It doesn't look impressive at all. What is so expensive?"

"Xi Ran." Yang Yun didn't show off, and said it directly: "The one in myths and legends."

"...Can this thing be exchanged for an A-level plot?"

"You're overthinking it. The powerful one is called Jiutian Xirang, and it requires an S-level branch plot to redeem it." Yang Yun explained helplessly: "Just like Qi Tengyi's mother box, this is also a low-end version."

——Soil, contains powerful vitality, can grow and expand on its own, has purification and healing properties, and has endless magical uses... An A-level branch plot is required, and the reward points are 10,000 points.

When Yang Yun faced the choice of exchange, the Lord God gave a variety of recommended options, and Xirang was one of them. Now that he has enough resources, he will naturally consider those items that he could not choose before due to limited resources...such as the soil that can not only strengthen his own combat power, but also solve the current problem.

"What did you do with this thing?" Zheng Zha asked strangely: "Is it possible that you want to be Nuwa for once and make some kind of creation? But I remember that you haven't used the opportunity to create humans in the main god space. …”

"...You should probably think of something better."

This guy Zheng Zha may be because he has survived the dead end of Resident Evil 2, or because he has relieved his burden and no longer has to carry the team on his shoulders as the captain; perhaps because he no longer has to look for teammates in the team. The secret behind it... In short, Zheng Zha's IQ is now showing a significant downward trend.

Yang Yun looked at Zheng Zha helplessly. Maybe the brain would really degrade if it was not used for a long time: "For example, the most fundamental function of soil is to plant trees, not to satisfy your desire to pinch people."

"...Planting trees? Use this?"

"Yes, if you want to plant trees, you must first cultivate the soil and fertilize it. Otherwise, do you really think I can achieve soilless cultivation?"

Yang Yun's spirit fell on the spiritual light that he called "Jianmu". The amount of soil he originally exchanged was three times what Zheng Zha saw now, and the remaining two-thirds were used silently. On the building wood. As an exchange item for Grade A, the effect of Xi soil is unexpectedly good. Even for an existence like Jianmu that transcends reality, it can provide sufficient nutrients, allowing Jianmu to grow rapidly.

Now, the building in Yang Yun's inner world has become taller and more majestic, its branches and leaves are more lush, and its trunk is thicker, like a mountain standing deep in the soul, giving Yang Yun endless strength and tranquility. Every time he immerses himself in the inner world and quietly feels the growth of Jianmu, he can feel the enhancement of his spiritual power and the purification of his soul.

"You seem to be planning to use the breath soil to revitalize the will of the world."

Unlike Zheng Zha, Chu Xuan saw Yang Yun's intention: "Is it okay?"

"No problem." Yang Yun understood what Chu Xuan meant. He was not just talking about whether this behavior would work, but had other considerations: "After all, our Zhongzhou team can be regarded as the savior of the world. This freedom There are still some.”

Breathing steadily, powerful wind force is generated, pulling the air in the surrounding area into the body, the extremely powerful heart beats, and life energy quietly surges. Immediately, the pure power of the source of life filled the whole body, and the power of the fourth-level gene lock operated naturally. The subtle power used energy as the medium. Yang Yun combined the light spot on his left hand with the breath on his right hand.

The next moment, countless memories exploded in his mind.

From the first germination of life under water to the explosion of species, even after experiencing several mass extinctions, the life on this planet remains indomitable, always finding their way out and becoming stronger; then he saw the ancestors of mankind. The people went from eating raw materials and drinking blood to slashing and burning, then building the first city and the first country, and then uniting to fight against alien invaders.

This is life, hundreds of millions of years of perseverance and hard work, gaining a glimmer of vitality in the eternity, adding warmth to the cold universe, and making the ruthless time full of life.

——The most magnificent story in the universe, stretching from the past to the future.

An extremely subtle fluctuation came, like the light of the sun, and it seemed like the fetal movement of life. The next moment, under everyone's shocked gaze, Yang Yun's hand suddenly burst out with dazzling light, as bright as the rising sun. As the light shone, the soil and the light spots merged, and countless illusory images began to appear around his hands. They were like the phantoms of countless lives, each carrying their own stories and memories.

These phantoms, with the light in Yang Yun's hand as the core, gradually gathered and took shape, and finally condensed into a giant tree, standing on the sea of ​​the Pacific Rim world. This is not an ordinary tree, but a mysterious tree that contains endless stories. Every leaf, every branch, and even every inch of bark seems to be engraved with traces of life and record the imprint of history.

"Maybe a plane was destroyed."

Yang Yun looked at the giant tree in front of him, watching as the heavily polluted seawater under his feet began to be gradually purified, and the environment began to return to life. The green light rippled on the giant tree, exuding a soothing atmosphere.

And that breath was exactly the same as the life energy in Yang Yun's body.

"But this world will eventually be reborn."

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