This endless world

Chapter 554 Understanding people’s hearts

"During this time, have you been studying here how to open a space passage to the Pioneer Planet?"

Yang Yun saw Qi Tengyi's figure on the vast waters of the Pacific Rim where he had witnessed Yang Yun's battle. The orthodox cultivator of the Central Continent team sunk his body into the sofa and immersed himself in his research. It seemed that nothing around him could disturb his concentration.

Yang Yun knew very well that even though Qi Tengyi had made remarkable achievements in the field of space research, the "rift" used by the pioneers to invade the earth had actually existed in this area for several years. Reopening this destroyed channel remains an arduous task.

The effort and sacrifice behind this are clearly reflected - the two deep dark circles under his eyes are like marks of exhaustion, engraved on Qi Tengyi's face, and his hairline, which has just returned to life in the main god space, is also Once again, I unfortunately experienced a retreat, like the waves beneath my feet.

"You're here, Yang Yun."

Noticing Yang Yun's arrival, Qi Tengyi also put down his research and stood up with a smile: "Yes, after so long hard work, it finally paid off. When I got the results of my research, the first I will notify you directly."

"Thank you for your hard work, Qi Tengyi."

Yang Yun's figure flashed, and he was in front of Qi Tengyi in an instant. He held his shoulders and passed a life energy through it. It not only cured his fatigue, but also prevented him from becoming exhausted in this short period of time. In a few months, he has become half-bald as before: "You are already a foundation-builder after all. Your body can automatically generate true energy. There is no need to make yourself look like a cultivator... Although cultivators are doing research, Is it considered a kind of cultivation in itself?"

“When I encounter a topic that interests me, I suddenly lose track of time.”

Qi Teng was immediately amused by Yang Yun's joke. He smiled and touched his hairline, not taking this matter to heart at all: "After all, this is also a kind of practice for me."

"I can see it." Yang Yun glanced at Qi Tengyi's experimental equipment, as well as the sofas, tables and chairs on the sea: "Just like I went to plant trees around the world to practice my abilities, your practice is also very effective. .”

——Yang Yun’s words came from his thoughts, because the props used by Qi Tengyi to do experiments, including tables, chairs and benches, were actually made of condensed sea water, crystal clear and shimmering.

Material reorganization is one of the abilities of the Mother Box. Since it can turn ashes back into a piece of wood, it is just a piece of cake to shape the seawater under you into a sofa and the tables and chairs in front of you. But just by looking at the waves rolling on the sea, and the seawater creations created by Qi Tengyi not swaying at all, you can know that this young man has made great progress in controlling his abilities and using the Mother Box. A new level.

"Practice while walking, sitting or lying down. This is what Zhan Lan said to me, and it still makes some sense."

Qi Teng smiled heartily. Since receiving the life energy, his spirit has obviously improved a lot. Obviously, this more than a month of "cultivating immortality" life has still had an impact on him: "So Yang Yun, the specific situation I’ve heard Chu Xuan say, do you plan to go there now?”

"Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you, Qi Tengyi." Yang Yun nodded and looked at the deep sea at his feet: "I remember that the 'crack' was in the trench. Last time, I directly exploded the sea surface and rushed in. Do you need me to do it again?"

"No, no, no, no need to be so violent... I can open the sonic blast channel directly on the sea level."

Hearing Yang Yun's words, Qi Teng shivered suddenly, waved his hand quickly, took out the mother box from his arms and placed it in the air. Without seeing any movement from him, the mother box began to rotate on its own and began to outline countless lines.

"Okay, it's relatively smooth. It will take about five or six minutes to complete."

After closing his eyes for a few seconds, Qi Teng opened his eyes and nodded with satisfaction: "Fortunately, your previous battle with Zheng Zha only destroyed the entrance to the 'rift' from the other side. This exit on the earth still exists. Well, it can be said that it was a mistake...otherwise, it would not be that simple."

"It looks different from the way you demonstrated it to us in the main god space." Yang Yun carefully looked at the slowly rotating mother box in mid-air, and said thoughtfully: "It's because this time, you actually Did you use the sonic blast channel to reconnect the previous space channel?"

"That's right, you can actually see through the key at a glance. I didn't expect Yang Yun that you also have a good understanding of space."

Qi Tengyi said with some surprise: "You only destroyed the 'entrance', so theoretically it lasted for several years. The space passage connecting the two planes is not so easily destroyed, just like the tunnel collapse that buried the entrance." It’s all up. All I have to do is use the sonic tunnel to open a new exit on the side. This saves me at least 95% of my work... If Chu Xuan hadn’t spent a long time communicating with me every day , and pointed this out after a lot of research, then I don’t know how much useless work I have to do.”

"Hey, it would be great if Zero Point was like you, Yang Yun. After his resurrection, his understanding of "The Encyclopedia of Space Mystery Lock Algorithms" seemed to have gone astray. Most of the time, he relied on his first feeling. Drawing conclusions rather than through practical calculations made me spend a lot of time solving his doubts..."

Not to mention Qi Tengyi's complaints about zero-point homework, Yang Yun was attracted by a certain piece of information revealed in Qi Tengyi's words, and couldn't help but think of what he had heard from Chu Xuan before, a completely different kind of thing. statement--

"Just when I informed you before, Qi Tengyi came with good news. Through the power of the Mother Box, he single-handedly re-opened the way to the Pioneer Planet..."

"Okay, Yang Yun, the blast channel can last about two or three hours. This time should be enough for a round trip."

When the blast channel screamed like a whistle, Qi Tengyi nodded with satisfaction, but when he looked at Yang Yun beside him, he found that the current captain of the Zhongzhou Team actually showed a kind of comfort. Smiling: "Why do you have such an expression?"

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about that guy Chu Xuan, although he still doesn't understand what 'emotion' is..."

Yang Yun stepped into the sonic tunnel with a smile, leaving only one sentence that left Qi Tengyi a little confused——

"But he is finally willing to take the initiative to understand people's hearts, and he has become able to take care of other people's feelings." (End of Chapter)

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