This endless world

Chapter 552 Path

"...You are right. For now, we are far from strong enough to sit back and relax."

Yang Yun exhaled and understood what Chu Xuan meant: "Originally, I wanted to slowly accumulate and explore, and then further develop the light of the soul after shaping my perfect body. But when you mentioned it, this is what I am doing Unknowingly, the pace of progress has slowed down.”

——Zheng Zha and I have completely different ways of getting stronger. Zheng Zha is still studying what kind of body can withstand it, and further strengthens the explosive power of 'destruction', trying to make it a normal thing like 'explosion' Skill. Although he has thought about the path of the light of the soul, he is not in a hurry. As long as he has a perfect body, the light of the soul that belongs to him may be achieved overnight... But I am different.

——From the moment I climbed to the top of "Jianmu", my path was basically and energy.

Seeing Yang Yun's reaction, Chu Xuan nodded in agreement: "The order of the light of the soul and the perfect body does not conflict. Just like in the past, various methods were used to balance and synchronize various abilities. It is said that they complement each other and can go hand in hand, and even use the development of spiritual light to feed back the physical body."

"Having said that..."

As the words came to an end, Yang Yun nodded slightly in agreement, but when he caught the enthusiastic look flashing in Chu Xuan's eyes and the gaze that looked like he was examining an experimental object, he couldn't help but tremble all over, feeling an ominous premonition. He thought: "Chu Xuan, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't put you in the same situation as Luo Gandao. After all, with the biochemical technology I currently have, I can't create a biochemical weapon that is enough to make you feel threatened. And the progress you are pursuing now will not be possible." It is no longer a breakthrough on the edge of life and death, but in terms of soul, it requires a complete awakening of the depths of one's own heart."

Chu Xuan waved his hand and continued to nibble on the apple in his hand, as if to tell Yang Yun not to be impatient: "I just want to do a simple psychoanalysis on you and deduce the nature of the light of your soul from your past thoughts."

"Well, as long as it's not psychological counseling..."

Despite Chu Xuan's assurance, Yang Yun still whispered. After all, Zheng Zha said it well in the original plot. If Chu Xuan received some psychological counseling, even if he did not become crazy, he would probably be brainwashed, and at worst, he would become schizophrenic... Who knows that even though he has improved, he will still be brainwashed. What weird "violent theories" would a wise man who is still unable to empathize with most of the time say?

"Let's start from the beginning. When you were redeeming your bloodline, why did you choose the Heart of Life bloodline?"

Chu Xuan naturally ignored Yang Yun's slander and asked directly: "Do you think this is related to the light of your soul and the thoughts deep in your heart?"

——Why do you ask this?

——The reason why I exchanged the Heart of Life was of course to make myself more important in the Zhongzhou team and to obtain the most basic luck... After all, at that time, I could only think of this way to survive. .

Even so, Yang Yun couldn't say it directly. He thought about it several times in his mind, and finally decided to express his thoughts in another way: "I chose Heart of Life because I saw the Zhongzhou team in the medical field. In this crisis-ridden world, you must know the importance of treatment better than I do... Perhaps at that time, I longed to be the person who could save the lives of my companions at critical moments."

"But even if Zheng Zha's way in the original world line is to protect his companions, the light of his soul is also a force that makes his body bear more weight, and can solve all hidden dragon changes in the battle first. After all, the best defense and protection is Attack, you who have returned from the final battle should know this."

Chu Xuan shook his head. Unsatisfied with Yang Yun's answer, he easily rebutted: "The light of the soul is the embodiment of a person's most essential beliefs. Everyone has his own unique light of the soul, and the object of its effect is often himself. , is an extremely self-centered power... And now that you have seen through your inner demons, do you really think that what you desire most in your heart is to be a role that simply heals and assists others?"


Yang Yun felt a wave of emotion in his heart. He didn't expect that Chu Xuan's answer was actually more impeccable than the excuse he originally looked for. So he shook his head firmly, followed Chu Xuan's train of thought without hesitation, and said frankly: "When I was fighting against the inner demon before, I rejected this idea. I am not anyone's foil, without me , the Central Continent Team would never have achieved today’s results; and without me, the Central Continent Team would not have had the possibility to change its destiny.”

"At first I probably just wanted to play the role of a healer, but after going through so many battles, my way is by no means just to heal others. The real idea in my heart is to change the destiny of everyone in the Central Continent team and lead everyone together. A more perfect victory.”

"The reason why you chose to become a healer is not because you love it so much, but just because you feel that the Central Continent team is lacking in this aspect. In fact, when the Central Continent team lacks wise men, you will also act as a wise man; When the team's strength is insufficient, you will work hard to improve your own strength."

Chu Xuan continued: "Actually, although you say that you are no better than Zheng Zha and me, you have long been accustomed to treating yourself as the key to the Zhongzhou team. You believe that only you who know the future are the most likely to change your destiny. The man who changed the future of the Central-Continent team.”

"Having said that, why do I feel so uncomfortable listening to it?" Yang Yun subconsciously wanted to refute Chu Xuan's statement, but he couldn't think of a reason to refute it, so he could only say angrily: "What you said is as if I He's like an arrogant guy..."

...Although to a certain extent, Chu Xuan was right at all. Yang Yun did have this idea at the beginning. As a time traveler who knows the plot development and background settings, he naturally has a sense of superiority in controlling everything. Every time he changes the original plot through his own efforts, even if he doesn't say it on the surface, he will definitely feel secretly happy in his heart.

"I didn't mean to criticize you so much. On the contrary, this is your unique ability."

Seeing the expression on Yang Yun's face, Chu Xuan took another bite of the apple and continued to explain: "You are not a person like Zheng Zha who relies on his own strength to protect everything, nor are you a person like me who uses all his resources to the extreme. You are the leader of the team. As a person who connects everyone, guides your partners, and moves towards victory with your partners...your approach itself is a unique path that does not lose to others."

"Even in my opinion, although there is no difference between you and Zheng Zha, who pursues to protect all his companions alone, you are more suitable to be the leader of the Zhongzhou Team."

Chu Xuan's words were resounding: "And this is what I did during the last captain certification, and it is also the reason why the Lord God chose you to be the captain." (End of Chapter)

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