This endless world

Chapter 545 Bloodline Power and Blood Power

The Zhongzhou team's discussion on the name "Zhang Heng" has come to an end for the time being.

Just like Yang Yun said, even Chu Xuan believes that it is too early to explore the secret behind the name. Moreover, he has more topics to study at the moment...such as cultivation, such as runes, such as Zheng Zha's The Glory of Dragon Feast, and the Overlord’s Quake fifth-generation powered assault armor, as well as the modification and upgrade of Luo Gandao’s body.

As the current captain of the Zhongzhou team, Yang Yun found two exercises from the cultivation method database obtained from Liuli and gave them to Bawang and Luo Gandao, who had not yet practiced the exercises.

Among them, Overlord practices a technique called "Beast Blood Demonic Body". This secret book is very consistent with his bloodline. It can not only be classified as physical cultivation, but also more inclined to demon cultivation than human cultivation. That type...the main thing is to tap into the blood power in the body and strengthen one's physical fitness.

In fact, for a straightforward man like Bawang, those orthodox cultivation techniques that are as complex as heavenly books for ordinary people are too profound. What he is more suitable for is this kind of simple and direct method that does not require too much thinking. Physical training exercises. He does not need to consider complicated formulas or perform complex calculations. He only needs to tap into and use the bloodline power blessed by the Lord God to continuously make himself stronger.

And the effect of this cultivation method is extremely significant. Time seemed to flow faster during Overlord's training. After just over a month, his size had grown a lot again, as if he were a moving mountain, and every step he took contained astonishing power.

This man who was originally as strong as a bear has now taken solid steps on the road of physical training. Every muscle in his body is full of explosive power. This increase in power not only made him more ferocious in battle, but also shocked everyone who saw his changes.

"I feel very good." Bawang told his teammates: "This set of exercises suits me very well. I feel huge power surging in my body. Even in my sleep, I can hear a huge sound. The roar of the bear resounds in the veins..."

"...It's okay if you think it's good."

Zheng Zha secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead. The strong man in front of him not only had muscles and muscles, but also exceeded the astonishing limit of two and a half meters in height. The hair on his body seemed to have become rougher and thicker. Dense, and more like a giant bear: "But Overlord, since you returned to Pacific Rim World for training, have you been focusing on practicing this technique? I originally thought you would spend time to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of Thor's Hammer Armor. It’s the right function and effect.”

His words contained doubts about Overlord's choice. After all, in Zheng Zha's view, the Thor's Hammer armor was also the key to enhancing Overlord's strength.

"Oh, Chu Xuan said that he needs to study it for two months first, and help me transform and upgrade it by the way. He asked me to practice the exercises to strengthen my physical fitness first."

Overlord smiled unconcernedly and said: "Only with better physique can the power of armor be unleashed. After all, the software has kept up, and my hardware has to keep up too."


Zheng Zha is not sure what it will look like two months from now, because based on his understanding of Chu Xuan, the Overlord's armor should have become a pile of parts, not even put together...

However, it is difficult to clarify this kind of thing directly. Zheng Zha changed the topic and said: "What, Overlord, you can practice, but you still have to pay a little attention. The second level gene lock is mainly for the control of one's own body. , the more muscles, the better. Your current situation is a bit like an enemy I encountered in the Harry Potter world. That guy had amazing strength but poor control. He even increased the number of times he unlocked the first The difficulty of the second-level gene lock... simply piling up the power of the body is not the right way."

"Is that so?" Overlord scratched his head, and with his size and muscles, he looked more like a giant bear. Of course, he looked more like a giant bear because of his poor brain: "Well, since Zheng Zha, you said so, then I will pay more attention to this aspect in the future. I have always used the energy in my body to strengthen my body, but I have never experimented like you said."

"Perhaps I can borrow this technique called "Beast Blood Demonic Body" to develop the orc race's racial skill 'Blood Evil' in advance... Speaking of which, since I am not from your country, Zheng Zha, can you Can you give me some advice in this regard? Since this skill is related to blood, it is probably more appropriate to start with blood manipulation. You should be very good at it, right?"

"...Who told you that manipulating blood and discovering the power of blood are the same?"

"Ah? Aren't you redeeming the mutant vampire blood? Logically speaking, the vampire should have an innate advantage in this aspect."

After the two of them stared at each other for about five seconds, Zheng Zha realized that the Overlord had a lot of confusion about the "power of blood" and "the power to control blood", as well as the innate skill of "blood evil". The deviation, he had to explain in detail to this furry bear who did not know much about Eastern culture: "...In short, although the two are similar, they are still different. To be precise, the power of blood is microscopic. Things are related to genes; and the power to control blood is external power, such as blood magic, red flames, or skills like turning into a bat."

"That's it."

After Zheng Zha's explanation for a long time, Overlord finally understood the difference between the two. He said sheepishly: "I have a problem with my understanding. I'm sorry, Zheng Zha."

Zheng Zha, who had been explaining for a long time, waved his hands and was about to say "nothing", but heard the strong man in front of him say again: "I have found the wrong person. After all, Zheng Zha, although you exchanged for mutant blood, it seems that besides Apart from Hongyan, I don’t know any corresponding magic. In this case, I’d better ask Yang Yun or Chu Xuan, maybe Qi Tengyi and Lingdian can also..."

"...just wait for me!"

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention. If it was normal time, it would be fine. The problem is that Zheng Zha has never been able to learn the vampire's magic of dividing into bats. Now that the old story is brought up again by the Overlord, he can't help but feel angry: "Isn't it that 'blood bad'? ! Anyway, it’s just a technique that allows the user to push the body beyond its limits in a short period of time. I’ll help you study it!”

"How can I say that I am also the one who has unlocked the fourth-level gene lock? I can freely control the genes in my body. Isn't it a piece of cake to develop this?"

——Zheng Zha, who was angry and wanted to prove himself, did not see the "planned" smile on the Overlord's face. (End of chapter)

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