This endless world

Chapter 538 Oracle Cell Transformation

Biomodification of cells.

This kind of exchange is actually not uncommon in the main god space. In essence, it is to integrate the cells of other creatures into one's own body for transformation. For example, the T-virus evolution mode, Spider-Man bloodline, and the bomb master actually belong to this. kind. In all the worlds, this way of becoming stronger is obviously more familiar to people. Hashirama cells in Naruto, Eblon cells in Ultraman, Dr. Lizard in American comics, and a series of transformations at the biological, genetic, and cellular levels... The rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation. An empty phrase.

"Actually, in my opinion, what you should exchange for now is the evolutionary power of photon power, Geta Line or Spiral Power, which can make you reborn."

Yang Yun looked at Luo Gan and said with some regret: "Unfortunately, there are no exchanges for these bloodlines in the Lord God, or this type of exchange does not appear as bloodlines. I don't know if it is because my captain has insufficient authority or something else. The we can only settle for the next best thing and try other aspects."

"Speaking of which, you don't have much resistance to this type of transformation, do you?"


Luo Gandao was first disappointed that he could not redeem these two bloodlines, but after thinking about the power of these exchanges in the animation to destroy the world, he also felt that. To the level where he can destroy a galaxy at every turn, or even blow up the entire multiverse, an A-level subplot in his hand is not even enough to fill his teeth.

So, he no longer struggled, but touched his head sheepishly, and joked: "As long as my whole body is not turned into a machine, there will be no problem... Brother Yang Yun, it suits me." What is the bloodline?”

"In the Lord God, there are actually quite a lot of bloodlines that meet your requirements. Don't worry, it's not the Transformers type that only makes you leak oil from the exhaust pipe, or the Terminator type of full-body transformation."

Yang Yun glanced at Luo Gandao. If he remembered correctly, after this young man paid for a B-level subplot to resurrect Cheng Xiao and returned to the Harry Potter world, he also had an A-level subplot and a D Level branch plot: "For more details, you can check it out for yourself."

The next moment, dozens of exchanges were shared with Luo Gandao through Zhan Lan's spiritual link.

——Demon Engine bloodline, from "Warhammer 40,000". It can be applied to mechas, allowing them to be possessed by the Chaos Demons in the subspace, turning them into half machines and half demons, possessing the "Demon Engine" of chaotic energy. The pilot needs to redeem the matching "Dimension Blacksmith", "Chaos Wizard" or "Spirit" Only those with the bloodline of "Able One" can control it... It requires an A-level branch plot and a reward of 8,000 points.

——The truth mechanic strengthens, gradually touches the mechanical truth, and obtains the "mechanical power" energy circulation system after redemption, which greatly improves the redeemer's affinity for machinery, and can optimize the mechanical structure according to the knowledge he has mastered, requiring pre-bloodline "Star Sea Mechanic"... requires an A-level branch plot, and the reward points are 8,000 points.

——Olympus Mecha bloodline, from "Moon World", mechanical life forms from other universes, gained divinity because they were worshiped as "gods" on Earth. After exchange, the body can become the "God of Machines" of Olympus, and nanomachines called "Ichor" or "Ambrosia" can be generated in the body.

You can randomly obtain the power and protection of one of the Twelve Olympus Gods. Zeus - nanomachines can release thunder and lightning, Hades - nanomachines can decompose matter, Ares - nanomachines can enhance body performance...requires A level There is a side plot, and the reward points are 8,000 points.

——Titan Guardian bloodline, from "World of Warcraft", the "Titans", the incarnation of the "order" force in the universe, created Titan Guardians from the metal and earth and stone of Azeroth, and assigned them the divine power of the Titans. After the mecha is redeemed, it will become a metal life form driven by "Order Force = Arcane Energy", and can be protected by the divine power of the most powerful divinity "Titan" in the World of Warcraft... An A-level branch plot is required, and reward points are required. Count ten thousand points.

——The Machina bloodline, from "Armed Mecha", has nano-mechanical cells called "Drexler Soil", which can share life with humans and make them "factors". After redemption, the mecha can become a "mechanical god" and the driver can become its "factor". If the pilot has other types of nanomachines redeemed, fewer bonus points are required.

Because it shares life with the body, the ability to consume life will be greatly improved. Increasing vitality can also greatly improve the performance of the body. It can greatly enhance the pilot's body and gain super recovery ability. As long as the core computer of the body sharing the life is not destroyed, it can be infinitely regenerated. However, if the core computer of the corresponding body is destroyed, it will also die together.

It allows the body to have the "subspace teleportation" function of the "Mechanical God", hiding the body in a small subspace. When needed, just shouting the name can make it jump to space, and even use the space transfer function for combat. ...An A-level branch plot is required, and the reward points are 10,000 points.

——Corole symbiosis bloodline enhancement, from "Armored Core", this energy creature will constantly proliferate and divide itself, can symbiotically exist with organic organisms, and can act as a conductor of energy and intelligence. When a large number of Corole gather together, they will develop self-awareness. . After strengthening, a large number of Korol will coexist with the host, strengthening the host's body and nerves. At the same time, Coral will form a close virtual personality based on the host's subconscious needs. When the mecha uses Coral energy and electronic intelligence devices based on Coral, the symbiote and avatar can control the mecha... An A-level branch plot is required, and the reward points are nine thousand points.

——Festrum factor bloodline enhancement, from "Fafnna of the Sky". In this world view, the power of ancient human evolution comes from a photon crystal "super-ancient star core" that descended from the universe. The super-ancient star core has the ability to assimilate , the ability to understand, learn, and absorb all materials and information. The fusion of star core with primitive human genes in the form of "Fistum Factor" enables humans to gain wisdom.

The mecha can be powered by fragments of the star core just like the body "Fafnna" in the work. Through the body's resonance with the Festem factor in human genes, the pilot can share the senses with the pilot, and can do it with just consciousness. Controlling the machine body... requires an A-level branch plot, with a reward of 9,000 points.

The dense A-level bloodline enhancement made Luo Gandao dizzy for a while, and no matter which redemption looked so tempting, he subconsciously looked at Yang Yun: "Brother Yang Yun, with so many redemptions, I... "

"Exchange this."

Before Yang Yun could speak, Chu Xuan took the first step and slapped an exchange directly on Luo Gandao's face: "Oracle Cell Transformation."

——Oracle cell modification, from "God Eater", constitutes the god and the god machine, unknown cells that "can think and eat other things". It has the ability to absorb the properties of any object and multiply them at the same time through the act of "predating" on any object. The operator who injects oracle cells into the body and synchronizes with the "divine machine" is the "God Eater".

——After redemption, the physical ability, recovery ability, and cell activity are greatly increased. It has super regeneration ability, can exert superhuman sports performance, and can evolve correspondingly with the evolution of the environment... An A-level branch plot is required. The reward points are 10,000 points.

"This exchange is most suitable for your temperament." Chu Xuan said in an unquestionable and firm tone.


"Why do I feel like I've heard of similar exchanges somewhere?"

Before Luo Gandao could speak, Zheng Zha suddenly asked a question. The man frowned and said, "Cell modifications that devour other objects or something like that. It always feels a bit similar to a certain game I've heard of..."

"If you are talking about the characteristics of phagocytosis, then many viruses or cells have similar effects." Chu Xuan replied calmly: "Phagocytosis and evolution are the nature of living things, even for cells."

"Black light virus?" Yang Yun, who knew more than Zheng Zha, reminded: "Or maybe food cells?"

"It's different. The essence of the black light virus is a new individual that is re-simulated after the virus swallowed up the host's thoughts and memories. It is an aggregate of a group of cells and viruses, not its original self. And the more it swallows, the more its own genes The more cluttered it is, the more blurred the understanding of the self will be.”

Chu Xuan calmly pointed out the difference between the two: "This is why the black light virus is initially only a B-level third-level redemption in the main god... If you redeem this bloodline, I am afraid you will never be able to awaken your own spiritual light in your lifetime. .”

"Gourmet cells are an extremely special type of evolutionary cells. The evolution of life is most directly related to eating delicious food."

"I see……"

After Yang Yun inquired about the exchange with the main god, he discovered that the Black Light Virus is a level B, a third-level bloodline from double B-level to A-level, while the oracle cell transformation is a third-level bloodline from double A-level to S-level. Bloodline, the gap between the two is obvious. According to Chu Xuan, the black light virus can quickly improve its own strength in its initial stage, but that is destined to be a road of no return.

Perhaps the monster wearing the golden mask that Zheng Zha and others encountered was the highest achievement that the black light virus host could achieve - a fourth level with major genetic defects, and Luo Gandao's potential was far more than that.

"...Isn't it true that you want to study this bloodline?"

What people didn't expect was that Zheng Zha spoke again. There were many people who thought this way, but he was the only one who dared to say what was in his heart directly. This man, who has become more outspoken since his resurrection, complained in front of everyone: "I think Chu Xuan, you are very selfish, whether it is the Overlord's armor just now, or the bloodline of Luo Gandao now... Could it be What’s the conspiracy?”

——In fact, you also need to add the glory of your dragon feast.

Silently complaining in his heart, Yang Yun looked at Chu Xuan, and followed Zheng Zha's words: "Can you tell me your reasons, Chu Xuan? And what Zheng Zha said makes sense. You already have enough research topics on your hands. ”

"There is no selfishness or conspiracy."

Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses and said frankly: "The reason why I suggested Luo Gandao redeem this bloodline is because I understand his character, his potential, and his desire to live that he doesn't want to die no matter what. ...The most obvious manifestation of this desire is 'evolution'."

"Evolution..." Luo Gandao pointed at himself blankly: "Me?"

"Yes, the Julia system will collect your emotional fluctuations and reflect them most intuitively in the form of data."

Chu Xuan flicked the microcomputer screen in his hand, and a curve that no one could understand suddenly appeared in the air, as well as a large amount of data: "In the Zhongzhou team, only Zheng Zha's desire to survive can rival yours, so To a certain extent, you are also the member of the Samsara Team who is most suitable to gain a foothold in this main god's space...and you also have some extremely repressed violence and darkness in your heart, so I judge that this is the bloodline that is most suitable for you."


When Chu Xuan mentioned it, Yang Yun suddenly remembered what happened after Luo Gandao was copied to the Devils. He unlocked the fourth-level gene lock all the way at an almost terrifying speed. At the end of the battle, he was even able to maintain himself in the state of inner demons, and only when the synchronization rate with EVA reached 400% Losing his own consciousness... and he even devoured Adam alive in a devouring way, which was enough to prove that Chu Xuan's words were not groundless.

"Evolution is the purpose of unlocking the genetic lock, and it is also the task that the Lord God wants us to accomplish."

Chu Xuan continued to explain his reasons. He stared at Luo Gandao and said: "The core manufacturing ideas of the Julia system are also phagocytosis and evolution, and the transformation of this bloodline by Oracle cells can bring you powerful recovery capabilities. You can regard the machine you are piloting as your 'divine machine', and merge with it into one mind and soul... This is the bloodline that is most suitable for you under the current circumstances."

The ability to recover, to evolve, and to connect as one human and machine. To be fair, this is indeed what Luo Gan Dao currently lacks the most. As the builder who single-handedly built the body that Luo Gan Dao is currently driving, Chu Xuan undoubtedly has a very deep understanding of this young man.

Luo Gandao seems to be almost convinced. The only problem now is——

"You don't need to hide the darkness and desires in your heart. You don't need to worry that after redeeming this bloodline, you will no longer be like your original self."

Yang Yun's words made Luo Gandao raise his head suddenly. The secret in the young man's heart was completely revealed at this moment: "The desire to survive is not a mistake. The mistake is that we did not let you integrate into the team. If the experience of fighting side by side cannot make you completely let go." If you have cultivated the values ​​​​in your heart since childhood, then we will use battle after battle to let you understand that there are always some things that are much more important than surviving alone."

"...Really?" Luo Gandao's voice was trembling, and even he himself didn't know why he was trembling: "I can live, even if I don't have to sacrifice other people's lives or do things I don't want to do, I can still live. Being able to survive here..."

"I can't promise you that."

Yang Yun's words made Luo Gandao's surging heart stop suddenly, but fortunately, what he heard the next moment shocked him again: "But we are working hard for this, at least until now, we have been walking towards the future ' on the way."

--that's enough. (End of chapter)

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