This endless world

Chapter 536 Material Reorganization, Sound Explosion Channel

——The Mother Box, a supercomputer created by Apokolips scientists, has extremely powerful computing power. It requires an A-level branch plot and rewards 10,000 points.

The Lord God’s introduction to the Mother Box was very brief, but as for this powerful technological prop produced by the New Protoss of New Apokolips in the DC world, anyone who knows something about American comics has heard of its name... Overall, very strong.

“I redeemed it mainly to enhance my computing power.”

Qi Teng looked at the small red box in his hand, with indescribable emotion in his tone: "Although higher-level mother boxes require an S-level branch plot to redeem them, the powerful computing power of the A-level mother boxes can also be redeemed. It should be enough for me, a newbie who has just entered the foundation building stage."

"...Is this thing really redeemable for an A-level plot?"

Even after checking through the Lord God, Yang Yun still stared at the exchange item in Qi Teng's hand with a puzzled look. For American comics, which are prone to multiple reboots and a terrifying world view of cosmic crises, any item with a name is priceless... not to mention that it originally came from the Teen Titans and became a The superhero Cyborg is one of the seven elders of the Justice League. His origin story is closely related to the Mother Box.

So, Yang Yun had this question: "If I remember correctly, this little box can do everything you want to do, including but not limited to telepathy, gravity control, damage reduction, machine Control, teleportation, material reorganization, and direct connection to the database of Apokolips are one of the most advanced technologies of the New Gods in the DC Universe..."

"It doesn't have that many functions. The mother box I exchanged is probably just a second-rate product from the movie. If you want to exchange it for the kind of mother box in the comics, you may need an S-level branch plot or even higher."

Qi Teng quickly interrupted Yang Yun: "It doesn't actually store existing data inside, and it can't complete as many things as you just said. However, the A-level mother box still retains some of the most practical functions. functional……"

What are the most practical functions retained?

This is what every member of the Zhongzhou team wants to know, but Qi Tengyi did not finish his words and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, a two-foot square piece of wood appeared in his right hand. And as a rune on his arm lit up, the block of wood immediately burned, turning into a handful of black ash in less than half a second.

"Burn a block of wood, but the elementary particles inside it remain."

Qi Teng raised the black ash in his hand and motioned for everyone to see clearly. This was something he would never do before. Perhaps even he didn't realize that he was very different from before. His whole body was filled with a sense of excitement. A feeling of confidence: "Anyone can easily do the work of 'destroying' and burn the wood to ashes——"

As the mother box lit up slightly, the dust floating in the air gathered again, condensed, reorganized, and finally turned into a piece of wood, just like going back in time, the same as the one Qi Tengyi held before.

"—but few of them could restore the ashes to a block of wood."

"Material Reorganization."

Yang Yun stared at the piece of wood in Qi Teng's hand without blinking. With his eyesight that unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, he could naturally understand what kind of work the Mother Box had just completed and what it represented. What does it mean: "To re-knead and restore matter from an extremely small level...and since it can be restored, of course it can also be destroyed, and it is much easier."

"That's right." Qi Teng exhaled and nodded with a smile: "This is a very important skill to me, and that's why I redeemed it. It can save a lot of useless work in scientific research work... …If it were before, I wouldn’t have the confidence to redeem the mother box and use this ability, but now I am confident that I can control this power.”

"Rather than saying that the A-level mother box is a weapon, it is better to say that it is an auxiliary prop. The amount of power it can exert is directly proportional to the strength of its user."

Chu Xuan also stared at the wooden block restored to its original shape in Qi Teng's hand, but unlike Yang Yun, he stepped forward and gently twisted it, and immediately pinched a layer of sawdust from the surface of the wooden block. Looking at the sawdust on his fingertips, Chu Xuan shook his head: "There is no way to completely achieve 100% recovery, only about 80% at most. If this is the case, then this ability will not be used to the limit in experiments. As expected."

After saying this, Chu Xuan did not continue speaking. He just stared at Qi Tengyi with his eyes hidden behind his spectacles, as if waiting for something. Seeing Chu Xuan's move, Zheng Zha on the other side also realized something, and quickly asked: "Improving computing power and reorganizing matter, shouldn't these be all the functions of the mother box? I remember in the comics, this mother box seems to There is another most important function...what is it?"

"Boom channel."

A smile appeared at the corner of Qi Tengyi's mouth, and he said with a smile: "During this period of cultivation and research, especially the research on Lingdian's "Complete Collection of Space Mystery Lock Algorithms", I understood that I was in space. There is still a little bit of talent in this aspect——"

"You finally realized this aspect... But it's not just a little bit of talent." Lingdian reluctantly interjected: "You have learned much better than me. If you say that I am 'knowing how' to use it, If so, then you are a researcher who 'knows why'."

"If you don't understand the principle behind it, I can't help you."

Qi Teng said something like a joke, and then looked at Yang Yundo seriously: "This is one aspect, and the other aspect is the team battle in Resident Evil 2, which made me understand the importance of mobility and space transfer." Importance. In the battle between reincarnation teams, not only mental power, but also spatial ability is an extremely important part, so——"

The surrounding space began to vibrate.

It was a noise that could almost tear the eardrums. This sound was like a sharp sword, cutting open the entire space in front of the Zhongzhou team, turning it into a hole composed of blue and white electric lights. Along with it, there are extremely violent energy fluctuations.

“That’s the second function that the mother box retains.”

In the roaring sound like the whistle of a giant ship, Qi Tengyi's voice was still clearly visible. The young man was panting heavily and still excited, introducing to the Zhongzhou team this game that was destined to be used in the next team battle. Features that shine——

"Boom Channel." (End of Chapter)

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