This endless world

Chapter 533 Thor’s Hammer Fifth Generation Powered Assault Armor

"I plan to split an A-level subplot into three B-level subplots..."

Zheng Zha, who had finished talking to Zhan Lan, looked over and said thoughtfully: "Isn't it a waste to break up the side plot? We can obviously get it right in one step."

——Have you not done anything to break up subplots before? Why do you say that you seem to be staying out of it...

After taking one look and completely forgetting his first horror movie, Yang Yun split a B-level subplot into three C-level subplots in exchange for the dual-blood Zheng Zha. Yang Yun secretly complained in his heart: "Rather than let Overlord The bloodline is in place in one step but he cannot fully display his strength. It is better to maximize his combat effectiveness. As I said just now, he does not rely on bloodline to survive, but on weapons and equipment."

"Judging from the background of the next world, redeeming a set of high-tech armor is a good choice."

Chu Xuan also nodded in agreement: "Excluding those black technologies, in the world of Red Alert 2, weapons are still based on magnetic energy technology, light prism technology and genetic technology. A set of double B-level armor can maximize the protection of the wearer. Safe and relieved of a series of worries.”

"Since you two say so..."

Seeing that Yang Yun and Chu Xuan had reached a consensus, Zheng Zha no longer insisted on his own point of view. However, he had a certain understanding of Chu Xuan and heard something different from what he just said: "But , why do I feel that you seem to be looking forward to it?"

"Your illusion." Chu Xuan said without changing his expression.

But Zheng Zha obviously didn't believe it. He always felt that Chu Xuan's tone was extremely familiar, as if he had just heard it. Just when Zheng Zha was looking at Chu Xuan with suspicion, Yang Yun had already found a suitable exchange for Overlord based on the Lord God's recommendation: "Iron Man MARK series of armors require two B-level branch plots... …Try this?"

The Overlord closed his eyes and asked the Lord God, but after a few seconds, he frowned and opened his eyes again: "Gold and red, this color scheme is a bit too fancy, right?"

"Uh..." Yang Yun never dreamed that Tony Stark's aesthetics would be criticized by others in another time and space. However, the gold and red color scheme is obviously more suitable for geniuses who want to stand out rather than fight on the battlefield. The veteran said: "The color scheme is not too important. There are also black and white ones that you can change. Why don't you try this war machine type?"

"Forget it." Overlord shook his head: "Most of these armors are lightweight and used for air combat and high-speed pursuit battles, right? It doesn't feel suitable for me. I prefer those with simple and effective designs. A powerful armor... This is what my comrades and I have become accustomed to."

"Then I'll look for it for you."

Thinking of Overlord's nationality and his experience, Yang Yun gave up persuading him to exchange for the exoskeleton armor in the Iron Man series, and instead changed the method of inquiry. After adding new keywords, the Lord God once again gave dozens of answers.

When Yang Yun shared the query results with everyone in the Zhongzhou team through the spiritual link, Zheng Zha took a fancy to a suit of armor at a glance: "What about this? Terminator power armor, which is also two B-level branch plots, with The short-distance teleportation device can enter the battlefield immediately to launch an attack."

"This thing is used for close combat and surprise attacks, right?" When the Overlord saw clearly the instructions about the Terminator Powered Armor from the main god, he immediately looked at Zheng Zha with a strange look: "Why do you You think I, a fireman, would need this function...and isn't this armor a bit too ugly?"

"Didn't you say it should be simple and direct? Isn't this thing simple and direct enough?" Zheng Zha immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Having said that..." Overlord scratched his head.

"How about Overlord, try this Archon armor?" Lingdian offered a different opinion: "This thing seems to have a special attack on demons."

"He is handsome, but..."

"Chu Xuan, what do you think?"

While other members of the Zhongzhou team were also buzzing about the armor that Overlord would choose, Yang Yun asked Chu Xuan who was standing aside. The Lord God gave so many choices at once. With Yang Yun's knowledge before entering the Lord God's space, it was impossible to judge the specific quality of these armors. At this time, he should leave the question to those who really know the industry. .

"This is the fifth generation of Quake powered assault armor."

Chu Xuan gave his own answer without hesitation: "For now, it should be the most suitable exoskeleton armor for Overlord."

Upon hearing this, Yang Yun looked at the suit of armor that Chu Xuan pointed out and read the description of the main god: "MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Mark V, from the "HALO" series."

"It comes with an energy shield system that can withstand kinetic energy and energy strikes, as well as any other attack methods that pose a threat. It has extremely high resistance to conventional bullets and explosions. It can completely withstand the impact of low-yield nuclear bombs and defend against direct hits from plasma weapons. , and can automatically absorb energy from the surrounding environment to replenish the shield durability."

"It comes with a battlefield AI system that can be directly connected to the user's nervous system through the armor's neural interface, thereby realizing various functions including auxiliary calculations, battlefield perception, tactical advice and even auxiliary body control."

"Comes with a magnetic weapon holder that allows users to adsorb on metal surfaces in a zero-gravity environment; comes with a biofoam automatic injection device that can automatically inject corresponding medicines for treatment when the user is injured; comes with a strength enhancement circuit, a neural induction circuit, and a straight line Accelerator automatic camouflage generator, holographic image camouflage device..."

"...It's too much."

With Yang Yun's thinking ability, he was a little dizzy looking at the dense pile of "included XXX", and subconsciously complained: "What kind of thoughts did the person who made this armor have so many additional functions? "

"It should be to deal with all kinds of extremely bad situations."

Chu Xuan was not surprised. He said thoughtfully: "The designer must have considered all aspects to deliberately set up so many additional functions... and when exchanging this set of exoskeleton armor, the own armor and The AI ​​onboard can actually be exchanged separately.”

"It seems to be true." Yang Yun looked at the exchange price displayed on the main god for this set of armor. It turns out that the armor itself and the AI ​​each need a B-level branch plot: "But what does this mean?"

"It means that both the armor itself and the AI ​​it carries can be continuously modified and upgraded with the advancement of technology. So many additional functions are like a universal card slot, which only needs to be inserted Corresponding plug-ins can be upgraded and iterated again..."

Looking at the exchange in front of him, a light flashed on Chu Xuan's glasses.

"I can not wait any more."

Black Flag, Black Tower, Dark Sword, Assassin’s Creed was written in Harry Potter, and Black Tower was written here, all that was missing was a Dark Sword. (End of chapter)

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